2024 Set 46 Flashcards
Feeling or expressing distress or irritation. Example: The baby became fretful and started crying. Translation: Irritado.
The action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation. Example: He sued the newspaper for slander. Translation: Calúnia.
Resembling ribbons, long and narrow. Example: The sky was streaked with ribbony clouds. Translation: Em forma de fita.
Having a tough, hard texture like leather. Example: His skin was leathery from years of working outdoors. Translation: Couro.
A feeling of being sleepy and lethargic. Example: The medicine caused drowsiness. Translation: Sonolência.
An ornament fastened to clothing with a hinged pin. Example: She wore a beautiful brooch on her dress. Translation: Broche.
A device for stabilizing or slowing something, like a parachute. Example: The aircraft deployed its drogue parachute. Translation: Dispositivo de arrasto.
To make or become still; calm or quiet. Example: The stilling of the storm brought relief. Translation: Acalmar.
With an attitude or look of suspicion or disapproval. Example: The teacher looked askance at the student’s excuse. Translation: De soslaio.
The larval stage of a frog or toad. Example: We saw tadpoles swimming in the pond. Translation: Girino.
To shove
Push roughly. Example: He had to shove the door to get it open. Translation: Empurrar.
A lake or a sea inlet in Ireland. Example: They sailed across the lough. Translation: Lago.
The part of the human leg between the hip and the knee. Example: He injured his thigh during the game. Translation: Coxa.
A Scottish term for mole, a small burrowing animal. Example: The garden was full of moud hills. Translation: Toupeira.
The student with the highest academic rank in a class who delivers the valedictory. Example: She was honored as the valedictorian of her class. Translation: Orador(a) da turma.