2024 Set 41 Flashcards
A ware
An item or goods for sale or trade; Example: The merchant displayed his wares at the market. Translation: Mercadoria
to burnish
To polish or shine something; Example: She burnished the silverware until it gleamed. Translation: Polir
A reddish-brown color, typically used for hair; Example: Her auburn hair shone in the sunlight. Translation: Castanho-avermelhado
To rekindle
To relight or revive something, especially feelings; Example: They tried to rekindle their friendship. Translation: Reacender
With one leg on each side of something; Example: He sat astride the horse confidently. Translation: Montado
A V-shaped weaving pattern; Example: The jacket had a classic herringbone design. Translation: Espinha de peixe
Loyal, reliable, and hardworking; Example: He was a stalwart supporter of the team. Translation: Fiel
A person skilled in drawing or designing; Example: The draughtsman prepared detailed blueprints. Translation: Desenhista
The state of being married; Example: The child was born out of wedlock. Translation: Matrimônio
Polite, refined, or respectable; Example: Her genteel manners impressed everyone at the dinner. Translation: Gentil
To lurk
To remain hidden to ambush; Example: The cat lurked behind the sofa. Translation: Espreitar
The quality of being harmless; Example: The innocuousness of his joke made everyone laugh. Translation: Inocuidade
A small mallet used by a judge; Example: The judge struck the gavel to silence the court. Translation: Martelo de juiz
To haggle
To argue over the price of something; Example: She haggled with the vendor for a better price. Translation: Pechinchar
A jolt
A sudden shock or impact; Example: The train started with a jolt. Translation: Solavanco