2024 Set 44 Flashcards
Feeling dizzy or lightheaded, often due to excitement. Example: ‘She felt giddy with excitement at the news.’ Translation: ‘Tonta/o’
To dribble
To let liquid flow in drops or a thin stream. Example: ‘He dribbled water down his chin.’ Translation: ‘Pingar’
To rouse
To wake someone up or stir them to action. Example: ‘He was roused from sleep by the alarm.’ Translation: ‘Acordar’
Decorative flags or streamers, typically for celebrations. Example: ‘The street was lined with colorful bunting.’ Translation: ‘Bandeirolas’
Having irregular or uneven surface or texture. Example: ‘The mattress was old and lumpy.’ Translation: ‘Irregular’
The lowest point of something. Example: ‘The relationship reached its nadir when they stopped talking.’ Translation: ‘Ponto mais baixo’
To tarnish
To lose or cause to lose luster or reputation. Example: ‘Silver tarnishes if not polished.’ Translation: ‘Manchar’
Contaminated or morally compromised. Example: ‘The scandal tainted his reputation.’ Translation: ‘Contaminado’
To endear
To cause to be loved or liked. Example: ‘Her kindness endeared her to everyone.’ Translation: ‘Aproximar’
A blunder
A careless mistake. Example: ‘He made a blunder during the interview.’ Translation: ‘Erro grosseiro’
To trample
To step heavily and carelessly, damaging or crushing. Example: ‘He trampled the flowers in the garden.’ Translation: ‘Pisar forte’
Traditional knowledge or stories passed through generations. Example: ‘The lore of the tribe was shared orally.’ Translation: ‘Tradição’
A fight or intense competition. Example: ‘He joined the political fray eagerly.’ Translation: ‘Batalha’
To placate
To calm or pacify someone who is upset. Example: ‘She tried to placate him with kind words.’ Translation: ‘Acalmar’
Irritable or quarrelsome. Example: ‘The fractious child was difficult to manage.’ Translation: ‘Irritável’