2024 Set 43 Flashcards
A sudden fit of anger, especially in a child. Example: The child threw a tantrum in the store. Translation: Birra.
Making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible. Example: A quiet room is conducive to studying. Translation: Conducente.
A rounded pile of something. Example: He made a mound of sand at the beach. Translation: Monte.
To hark back to
To recall or refer to something in the past. Example: The design harks back to the 1920s. Translation: Remeter a.
To hark
To listen attentively. Example: He harked to the distant sounds of the forest. Translation: Ouvir.
To foreground
To make something the most prominent or important. Example: The report foregrounded the need for change. Translation: Destacar.
Lacking excitement; boring. Example: The daily routine became humdrum. Translation: Monótono.
Curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement. Example: His droll sense of humor made everyone smile. Translation: Engraçado.
Sharp and forthright, especially in speech or writing. Example: Her acerbic comments cut through the chatter. Translation: Mordaz.
to allay
To diminish or put at rest. Example: The explanation allayed their fears. Translation: Acalmar.
Extremely distressing or agonizing. Example: It was a harrowing experience for everyone. Translation: Angustiante.
A bluster
Loud, aggressive, or boastful talk without action. Example: His bluster didn’t scare anyone. Translation: Gabar-se.
to wring
To twist and squeeze. Example: She wrung out the wet towel. Translation: Torcer.
Not wild; domesticated. Example: The lion was surprisingly tame. Translation: Manso.
To yoke to
To attach or join together. Example: The two oxen were yoked to the plow. Translation: Unir a.