2024 Set 46 Flashcards
To rummage
To search through something, often in a hurried or disorderly way; ‘He rummaged through the drawer looking for his keys.’; Revirar (procurar algo)
A crate
A large container, often made of wood, used for storage or transport; ‘The apples were packed in a wooden crate.’; Uma caixa (geralmente de madeira)
To saunter
To walk in a slow, relaxed manner; ‘He sauntered through the park, enjoying the sunshine.’; Caminhar vagarosamente
To overrun
To spread over or occupy completely; ‘The weeds overran the garden in just a few weeks.’; Invadir ou tomar completamente
To roil
To make someone annoyed or irritated; ‘Her comments roiled the entire team.’; Irritar ou agitar
A garb
Clothing or attire, especially of a distinctive or special kind; ‘He wore traditional garb for the ceremony.’; Vestimenta
Harshly critical or severe; ‘Her scathing review of the movie left no doubt about her opinion.’; Mordaz, crítico
An independent-minded person; ‘He was a maverick in the industry, refusing to follow the standard practices.’; Pessoa independente
To shunt
To move or push something to a different position, often to avoid something; ‘The train was shunted onto a different track.’; Desviar
A sickle
A tool with a curved blade, used for cutting crops; ‘The farmer used a sickle to harvest the wheat.’; Foice
To scowl
To frown in an angry or bad-tempered way; ‘She scowled at him for being late.’; Franzir a testa de forma zangada
Courage or determination; ‘The soldiers showed their mettle in the face of adversity.’; Coragem, determinação
Unwanted material or goods thrown overboard from a ship; ‘The beach was littered with jetsam from passing ships.’; Restos jogados ao mar
A truss
A framework of beams supporting a structure; ‘The roof was held up by a series of trusses.’; Estrutura de suporte (treliça)
A rim
The outer edge of an object, often circular; ‘The rim of the glass was chipped.’; Borda, aro