2018 ITE Flashcards
Treatment for patient with idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss?
referral to otolaryngologist & start prednisone 1mg/kg/day x10-14 days.
Pt w/iron deficiency anemia just started on PO iron replacement. What should you check and when to assess patients response to PO iron?
Recticulocyte count in 1-2 weeks. Take 4 days to notices change and peaks at 7-10 days
*iron stores take 6 months to replete
Does a person whos allergic to shellfish need pretreatment before getting imaging with contrast?
nope =)
Which 2 shoulder muscles deal with ABduction of the shoulder?
supraspinatus & deltoid
Which 2 shoulder muscles deal with external rotation of the shoulder?
Infraspinatus and Teres minor
Which shoulder muscles deal with internal rotation of the shoulder?
Individuals with sickle cell disease age 2-16 yoa require a yearly ——.
Transcranial doppler ultrasound to r/o stroke due to increased risk.
Which occupations would u associate with Silicosis?
stone cutting, sand blasting, miners, quarrying
which occupations would you associate with berylliosis?
IT, electronic fabricator
Which antidepressant is prefered in old ppl?
Who needs to be screened for COPD?
screened with spirometry in all individuals with smoking history and SYMPTOMS
What is the only thing that decreases mortality in pulmonary hypertension related to COPD?
Supplemental O2! *start when PaO2 <60 mmHg
Why does Spironolactone decrease severity of sleep apnea?
- improves BP which can help sleep apnea in general
- most ppl w/sleep apnea have resistant HTN w/hyperaldosteronism - Spironolactone is anti-aldo & the diuretic effects also help decrease pharyngeal edema
What is Little League Shoulder?
stress fracture of the proximal humerous physis. occurs in kids with overhead throwing injuries, pain occurs gradually over the sports season. TX = rest from throwing for about 3 months w/gradual return to play as tolerated.
Internal Tibial Torsion in kids should resolve by age —-. After what age do they need surgery?
5, surgery by 8.
Gadolinium contrast is C/I w/GFR
Which inhaled rx has been shown to reduce COPD exacerbations and exacerbation-related hospitalizations?
Tiotropium/Spiriva - long acting anti-M
What is the female athlete triad?
Amenorrhea, eating disorder & osteoporosis = make sure u get a dexa on these kids
Tx for Melasma?
Topical hydroquinone, tretinoin & steroids = can be used alone or together
Treatment of Henoch-Schonlein Purpura?
supportive only! no need for steroids.
Who gets ROUTINE steroids? Croup or bronchioloitis/RSV?
Which is better for fertility in women with PCOS? Letrozole vs clomiphene
Letrozole > Clomiphene
What is the Leser-Trelat Sign?
abrupt onset of multiple Seborrheic keratosis inducating underlying malignancy – usually adenocarcinoma of the stomach.
Surviving sepsis campaign recommends IVF @—- over —- for severe sepsis.
30 ml/kg over 3 hours
What test would you use to confirm cushion syndrome?
Urinary free cortisol
When should you recommend a patient for bariatric surgery?
BMI 40+ w/o comorbidities or BMI 35+ with co-morbidities
When do you refer an intermittently cross eye’d baby to ophthalmology?
4-6 months of age
A Cobb angle of —- requires referral to specialist.
Which drug would be best for an old fart who has trouble falling asleep and staying asleep? Escopiclone vs Zaleplon?
Escopiclone bc it peaks w/in 1hr and has a 6hr half life. Zaleplon has a 1hr 1/2 life.
Tx for osteopenia is recommended when 10 year risk of fracture reaches…
How much vitamin D is recommended for breastfeeding infants? when to start?
400IU daily, start within first 2 months of life.
T/F Valproic Acid has a risk of isolated hyperammonemia?
Pt on triple anticoagulation s/p MI & hx afib can be taken off — after..
ASA, 1-3 months
Which test is more accurate to detect ACL tear? Anterior draw test or Lachmans?
Lachmen! = 68% sensitive, 96% specific