2016AGA3 Flashcards
Where are you yourself from?
Cò às a tha thu fhèin?
I am from Harris.
Tha mi às na Hearadh.
It is terribly cold.
Tha e uabhasach fuar.
You are so nice.
Tha thu cho snog.
The day was very wet.
Tha an là glè fhliuch.
They were very pleased.
Bha iad glè thoilichte.
Wasn’t they man lazy?
Nach robh am fear leisg?
Were they tired?
An robh iad sgìth?
He was too tall.
Bha e ro àrd.
She wasn’t busy.
Cha robh i trang.
Was he not very wet?
Nach robh e glè fhliuch?
Were you dry?
An robh thu tioram?
He was big and he was too tall.
Bha e mòr agus bha e ro àrd.
The day wasn’t so warm.
Cha robh an là cho blàth.
Weren’t they too warm?
Nach robh iad ro bhlàth?
We were very pleased.
Bha sinn glè thoilichte.
She wasn’t too nice.
Cha robh i ro shnog.
Weren’t they nice and tall?
Nach robh iad snog agus àrd?
I was cold but I was happy.
Bha mi fuar ach bha mi toilichte.
Were you awfully tired?
An robh thu uabhasach sgìth?
He was too small.
Bha e ro bheag.
That was awful!
Bha sin uabhasach.
It’s nice today.
Tha i brèagha an-diugh.
Yes, indeed.
Tha gu dearbh.
This is Isabel MacLeod.
Seo Iseabail NicLeòid.
I am from Skye.
Tha mi às an Eilean Sgitheanach.
What is the day like?
Dè seòrsa latha a th’ ann?
The man is very busy.
Tha am fear glè thrang.
The day is very wet.
Tha an là glè fhliuch.
Isn’t the man tall?
Nach eil am fear àrd?
Is she too cold?
A bheil i ro fhuar?
Are you terribly tired?
A bheil thu uabhasach sgìth?
I am cold and wet.
Tha mi fuar agus fliuch.
I am so cold.
Tha mi cho fuar.
The man is very lazy.
Tha am fear glè leisg.
Isn’t she awful?
Nach eil i uabhasach?
We are too tired.
Tha sinn ro sgìth.
They’re not very wet.
Chan eil iad glè fhliuch.
He isn’t so pleased.
Chan eil e cho toilichte.
She isn’t wet but she is cold.
Chan eil i fliuch ach tha i fuar.
They’re not so nice.
Chan eil iad cho snog.
They were very pleased.
Bha iad glè thoilichte.
She wasn’t too nice.
Cha robh i ro shnog.
Were they tired? Yes!
An robh iad sgìth? Cha robh.
Wasn’t the man lazy?
Nach robh am fear leisg?
They were busy and content.
Bha iad trang agus toilichte.
The day was wet but warm.
Bha an là fliuch ach blàth.
Were you warm? Yes.
An robh thu blàth? Bha.
Aren’t they nice? No.
Nach eil iad snog? Chan eil.
The man wasn’t tired.
Cha robh am fear sgìth.
Aren’t you warm? No.
Nach eil thu blàth? Chan eil.
Wasn’t she very wet? Yes.
Nach robh i glè fhliuch? Bha.
Am I not nice? Yes.
Nach eil mi snog? Tha.
She wasn’t busy, she is lazy.
Cha robh i trang, tha i leisg.
He was too tall.
Bha e ro àrd.
We were very pleased.
Bha sinn glè thoilichte.
The day wasn’t so warm.
Cha robh an là cho blàth.
They weren’t terribly pleased, were they? No.
Cha robh iad uabhasach toilichte, an robh? Cha robh.