2016AGA2 Flashcards
I am Isobel Cambell.
‘S mise Iseabail Chaimbeul.
Hello Norman, how are you?
Halò a Thormoid, ciamar a tha thu?
Fine thanks.
Tha gu math, tapadh leat.
How are you yourself?
Ciamar a tha thu fhèin?
I am reasonably well, thank you.
Tha mi meadhanach math, tapadh leibh.
He is not cold and wet.
Chan eil e fuar agus fliuch.
We are pleased.
Tha sinn toilichte.
Are you warm?
A bheil thu blàth?
Mary is beautiful.
Tha Màiri bòidheach.
Are they not coming?
Nach eil iad a’ tighinn?
We are not busy and tired.
Chan eil sinn trang agus sgìth.
I am Allister Campbell from Lewis.
‘S mise Alasdair Caimbeul à Leòdhas.
It is beautiful today.
Tha i brèagha an-diugh.
I am from Edinburgh.
Tha mi à Dùn Èideann.
Is that right?
Tha sin ceart?
She is lazy.
Tha i leisg.
I am cold and I am not happy.
Tha mi fuar agus chan eil mi toilichte.
They are not small and they are tired.
Chan eil iad beag agus tha iad sgìth.
Aren’t they lazy?
Nach eil iad leisg?
Are you dry and warm?
A bheil thu tioram agus blàth?
Where are you from?
Cò às a tha sibh?
I am Margaret MacRae.
‘S mise Mairead NicRath.
Are you tired?
A bheil thu sgìth?
I am tired
Tha mi sgìth.
They are busy.
Tha iad trang.
She is cold.
Tha i fuar.
They are warm
Tha iad blàth.
We are lazy
Tha sinn leisg.
You (all) are dry.
Tha sibh tioram.
We are cold
Tha sinn fuar.
You are small.
Tha thu beag.
They are big.
Tha iad mòr.
I am lazy.
Tha mi leisg.
He is busy.
Tha e trang.
She is tired.
Tha i sgìth.
Isn’t she wet?
Nach eil i fliuch?
They aren’t busy.
Chan eil iad trang.
We aren’t cold.
Chan eil sinn fuar.
Are you (all) cold?
A bheil sibh fuar?
I am not cold.
Chan eil mi fuar.
Are you warm.
A bheil thu blàth?
Are you not warm?
Nach eil thu blàth?
Is she tired?
A bheil i sgìth?
Are they pleased?
A bheil iad toilichte?
Isn’t she nice?
Nach eil i snog?
He isn’t dry.
Chan eil e tioram.
We aren’t lazy.
Chan eil sinn leisg.