2016AGA2 Flashcards
I am Isobel Cambell.
‘S mise Iseabail Chaimbeul.
Hello Norman, how are you?
Halò a Thormoid, ciamar a tha thu?
Fine thanks.
Tha gu math, tapadh leat.
How are you yourself?
Ciamar a tha thu fhèin?
I am reasonably well, thank you.
Tha mi meadhanach math, tapadh leibh.
He is not cold and wet.
Chan eil e fuar agus fliuch.
We are pleased.
Tha sinn toilichte.
Are you warm?
A bheil thu blàth?
Mary is beautiful.
Tha Màiri bòidheach.
Are they not coming?
Nach eil iad a’ tighinn?
We are not busy and tired.
Chan eil sinn trang agus sgìth.
I am Allister Campbell from Lewis.
‘S mise Alasdair Caimbeul à Leòdhas.
It is beautiful today.
Tha i brèagha an-diugh.
I am from Edinburgh.
Tha mi à Dùn Èideann.
Is that right?
Tha sin ceart?
She is lazy.
Tha i leisg.
I am cold and I am not happy.
Tha mi fuar agus chan eil mi toilichte.
They are not small and they are tired.
Chan eil iad beag agus tha iad sgìth.