2016AGA19 Flashcards
I would be going to the school tomorrow.
Bhithinn a’ dol dhan sgoil a-màireach.
It would be nice and warm at the fire.
Bhiodh e snog agus blàth aig an teine.
They wouldn’t be going to the town at all.
Cha bhiodh iad a’ dol dhan bhaile idir.
We would certainly be returning to the hotel.
Bhiomaid gu cinnteach a’ tilleadh dhan taigh-òsta.
Bhiodh sinn gu cinnteach a’ tilleadh dhan taigh-òsta.
I would not be comfortable in that chair.
Cha bhithinn cofhartail anns a’ chathair sin.
Wouldn’t they be happy playing on the shore?
Nach biodh iad sona a’ cluich air a’ chladach?
They wouldn’t want big jars of coffee.
Cha bhiodh iad ag iarraidh crogain mhòra cofaidh.
There would be butter on the table and cheese in the cupboard.
Bhiodh ìm ann air a’ bhòrd agus càise anns a’ phreas.
I would be cold outside without a coat.
Bhithinn fuar a-muigh gun chòta.
Would they be singing in the hall tonight?
Am biodh iad a’ seinn anns an talla a-nochd?
It would be dry and warm in the morning.
Bhiodh e tioram agus blàth anns a’ mhadainn.
Would you be working on the boat?
Am biodh tu ag obair air a’ bhata?
I would be warm in the room.
Bhithinn blàth anns an t-seòmar.
Would you not be pleased with them?
Nach biodh tu toilichte leotha?
We would be working in the school.
Bhiomaid ag obair anns an sgoil.
Bhiodh sinn ag obair anns an sgoil.
There would be a dozen eggs on the table.
Bhiodh dusan ugh ann air a’ bhòrd.
I wouldn’t be terribly pleased.
Cha bhithinn uabhasach toilichte.
There would be a fire and a light in the room.
Bhiodh teine agus solas ann anns an t-seòmar.
Bhiodh teine agus solas ann san t-seòmar.
He wouldn’t be long running up the street.
Cha bhiodh e fada a’ ruith suas an t-sràid.
Would there not be a room empty in the hotel?
Nach biodh rùm ann falamh anns an taigh-òsta?
We would be cold and wet.
Bhiomaid fuar agus fliuch.
Bhiodh sinn fuar agus fliuch.
Would the big school be good?
Am biodh an sgoil mòr math?
Would your cat always be at the window?
Am biodh an cat agad daonnan ris an uinneig?
Wouldn’t you be cold outside without a coat?
Nach biodh tu fuar a-muigh gun chòta?
Would you be pleased with a new car?
Am biodh tu toilichte le càr ùr?
Wouldn’t you be comfortable in the chair near the fire?
Nach biodh tu cofhartail anns a’ chathair faisg air an teine?
Wouldn’t you be pleased walking on the shore?
Nach biodh tu toilichte a’ coiseachd air a’ chladach?
Would you be working on the boat this year.
Am biodh tu ag obair air a’ bhàta am-bliadhna?
Would your bread and cheese be in the cupboard?
Am biodh aran agus càise agad anns a’ phreas?
Would you be going to the school every day?
Am biodh tu a’ dol dhan sgoil a h-uile là?
Would you be wanting cheese?
Am biodh tu ag iarraidh càise?
Would you be going to (the) town at all in the morning?
Am biodh tu a’ dol dhan bhaile idir anns a’ mhadainn?
Was your holiday good this year?
An robh saor-là math agad am bliadhna?
Is the pain bad in the head just now?
A bheil pian dona ort anns a’ cheann an-dràsta?
I would be going to the ceilidh tomorrow.
Bhithinn a’ dol dhan chèilidh a-màireach.
The cat would always be at the fire.
Bhiodh an cat daonnan aig an teine.
Would he be working on the boat? Yes.
Am bhiodh e ag obair air a’ bhàta? Bhiodh.
The cattle would be on the moor at that time.
Bhiodh an crodh air a’ mhonadh aig an àm sin.
There would be coal on the fire and light in the room.
Bhiodh gual ann air a teine agus solas anns an rùm.
It would be good and warm at the fire.
Bhiodh e math agus blàth aig an teine.
Wouldn’t they be singing in the hall tonight? No.
Nach biodh iad a’ seinn anns an talla a-nochd? Cha bhiodh.
We would certainly be returning to the hotel.
Bhiodh sinn gu cinnteach a’ tilleadh dhan taigh-òsta.
Bhiomaid gu cinnteach a’ tilleadh dhan taigh-òsta.
every (before noun)
a h-uile
gu cinnteach
occasion, a time (m)
wall (m)
old man (m)
cat (m)
cheese (m)
cattle (m)
coat (m)
coal (m)
cupboard, press (m)
light (m)
chair (f)