2010 final Flashcards
X-rays showed “apple core”, what is the diagnosis?
Colon Cancer
Which of the following have low intensity in contraction?
- Lower rectum
- Upper rectum
- Ascending colon
- Lower rectum
A young female had CT scan that showed well defined, hyper-echoic lesion (pic of a CT). What is the diagnosis?
- Hemeangioma
- Liver adenoma
- Hemeangioma
Patient with fever, rigors. ALP & AST were both increased, but the ALP was increased 8 times than the AST (was increased 3 times). What is the cause of her symptoms?
- Gall stones
- Viral hepatitis
- Gall stones
Histology of liver showed Ground glass appearance?
Serotonin antagonist used with chemotherapy?
Patient who travelled and ingested fresh fruit, his serum showed non B and non E virus. What is the causative agent?
Experiment was done on a fasting dog with electrodes on its ilium that showed strong contractions every 90 mins. What does this experiment prove?
Migratory myenteric (motor) complex
Patient with increased levels of transglutaminase, what is the best method of treatment?
Gluten free diet
After meals, the patient’s serum is alkaline (↑ HCO3). Why?
Postprandial alkalosis
Blockage of which artery affects the supply to the sigmoid colon?
Inferior mesenteric
What artery supplies the hepatic flexure?
- Right colic artery
- Middle colic
- Right colic artery
Squamous cells, epithelial cells, & mucus secretions in salivary gland?
Small cells with cysts containing eosinophilic hyaline scanty cytoplasm?
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
What is the mechanism behind directing light to treat neonatal jaundice?
Increase polarity of bilirubin
What is cause of prion disease?
Misfolded protein
Patient with a history of gall stones presented with tenderness, abdominal rigidity, & high serum amylase. What do you suspect?
Acute pancreatitis
What forms the superficial inguinal ring?
External oblique aponeurosis
What structure extends from lateral aspect of deep inguinal ring to the umbilicus?
Lateral umbilical ligament
A 60 years old male with chronic hepatitis disease presented with dilated veins radiating from the umbilicus (caput medusa). Blood back flow in which vessel leads to this presentation?
Paraumbilical vien
What is the main energy storage?
- Muscle glucagon? Or muscle glycogen
- Lipids
- Muscle glucagon? Or muscle glycogen
Starvation for 3 days in comparison to 3 hrs, what would increase?
Blood amino acids
What increases blood glucagon?
Liver glycogen
A patient with colon cancer without family history, no history of polyps. What is most likely to be mutated?
- P53
- P53
The small intestine epithelium is derived from?
A patient with TB, which spread to the superomedial aspect of the thigh. This spread is made through which muscle? **
- Psoas major
- Internal oblique
- Psoas major
What is the carriage of C. difficle in children & new born?
A patient with diarrhea, acid fast stain was +ve, with cysts?
- Entamoebae
- Toxiplasmosis
Male from North east Asia came with bloody diarrhea, flask shaped ulcer cyst in the liver with brown … .What is the causative agent?
Entamoeba histolytica
A 50 years old male with renal failure on dialysis presented with liver cirrhosis, biopsy showed kupffer cells with intracytoplasmic brown granular stained +ve with pearl stain. What element is overloaded?
Antiemetic H2 receptor antagonist and used for motion sickness?
What increases blood supply to the salivary glands?
- VIP & bradykinin
- VIP & Ach
- VIP & bradykinin
In supine position, where do fluids accumulate?
Hepato-renal recess
What causes injury in autoimmune hepatitis?
Cytotoxic T cells
What best fits peroxynitrite?
What will happen if only VIP was released, and Ach was inhibited?
Relaxation of the LES
The area around which structure is more susceptible to ischemia?
Central vein
What transfers the nutrients from the hepatocytes to the blood?
What promotes gastric emptying?
Distention of the stomach
Biopsy of patient w/ stomach cancer yielded lymphocytes and plasma cells, that is most common cause?
EBM: Which site is used to view complete lists of systemic reviews & studies?
- PubMed
- Or Up-to-date
EBM: If pre-test probability is 50%, sensitivity 97%, specificity 67%?
PPV low, NPV very high