2009 Flashcards


Unit 1 is operating at 100% power with the following conditions:
􀁸 RCP 1A Upper Thrust Bearing temperature is 190°F and stable.
􀁸 RCP 1A seal #2 inlet pressure is 1270 psig and stable.
􀁸 RCP 1A Seal Bleed Off flow is 2.6 gpm and stable.
􀁸 RCS pressure is 2170 psia and stable.
􀁸 Reactor Drain tank level is 55% and slowly increasing
􀁸 Pressurizer level is 54% and slowly increasing.
􀁸 Letdown flow is 74 gpm and slowly increasing.
􀁸 Nuclear Cooling water flow from the Letdown heat exchanger (NCN-FI-208) is slowly increasing.
The Crew should take actions per ….
A. 40AO-9ZZ04, RCP Emergencies due to abnormal RCP seal parameters.
B. 40AO-9ZZ04, RCP Emergencies due to abnormal RCP bearing parameters.
C. 40AO-9ZZ02, Excessive RCS Leakrate due to a small Pressurizer steam space
D. 40AO-9ZZ02, Excessive RCS Leakrate due to a small RCS to Nuclear Cooling
water leak.


A and B are Wrong - Examinee will have to determine normal Seal and Bearing
parameters for the 1A RCP. In addition 2.6 gpm is a normal SBO flow rate to the RDT
C is Correct - Increasing pressurizer level above program band is a classic PZR steam
space leak. RCS pressure may drop slightly but will remain essentially constant for a small
RCS leak.
D is Wrong - Letdown increasing in response to PZR level increase will cause NCW flow to
increase but examinee may believe that a leak to NCW will increase temperature requiring
more NCW flow to provide cooling.

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 2 was manually tripped per 40AO-9ZZ02, Excessive RCS Leakrate.
􀁸 The CRS has implemented 40EP-9EO03, Loss of Coolant Accident.
􀁸 Containment pressure peaked at 4.2 and is currently 3.8 psig.
􀁸 All the required automatic ESFAS actuations have properly initiated.
What is the expected status and required actions (if any) to recover the Containment Normal ACUs?
A. The Containment Normal ACUs are running and Normal Chill Water (WC) is
B. The Containment Normal ACUs are tripped, go to start twice to restart. Normal
Chill Water (WC) is available.
C. The Containment Normal ACUs are running but Normal Chill Water (WC) is
isolated and the valves must be over-ridden to open.
D. The Containment Normal ACUs are tripped, go to stop then start to restart.
Normal Chill Water (WC) is isolated and the valves must be over-ridden to open.


A is Wrong - ACUs are tripped and WC is isolated.
B is Wrong - Go to start twice is the required action to recover a CS pump following an
inadvertant CSAS concurrent with a SIAS. WC is isolated.
C is Wrong - ACUs have tripped.
D is Correct - ACUs are tripped, WC is isolated both are recovered by going to override.

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Which one on the following correctly identifies the purpose or Design Criteria of the Safety Injection
system as it relates to a Large Break LOCA event?
A. Peak cladding temperature shall not exceed 2200°F.
Local power density shall be maintained less than 21KW/ft.
Maximum cladding oxidation shall nowhere exceed 17% times the cladding
B. Peak cladding temperature shall not exceed 2200°F.
Local power density shall be maintained less than 21KW/ft.
Calculated changes in core geometry shall be such that the core remains amenable
to cooling.
C. Local power density shall be maintained less than 21KW/ft.
Maximum cladding oxidation shall nowhere exceed 17% times the cladding
Calculated changes in core geometry shall be such that the core remains amenable
to cooling.
D. Peak cladding temperature shall not exceed 2200°F.
Maximum cladding oxidation shall nowhere exceed 17% times the cladding
Calculated changes in core geometry shall be such that the core remains amenable
to cooling.


A, B and C all include 21 KW/ft this is in the design of CPC and is the old PVNGS
safety function not a function of the ECCS system
D is Correct - all design functions of the ECCS system during a LOCA

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
􀁸 2A RCP Upper Thrust Bearing temperature is observed to be in alarm at 230 degrees and increasing.
In accordance with 40AO-9ZZ04 (RCP Emergencies) which one of the following actions can be
performed to slow the rate of temperature rise?
A. Start the 2A hydraulic oil lift pump PO2C.
B. Start the standby Nuclear Cooling Water pump.
C. Increase the output of CHN-FIC-243, Seal Injection Flow Controller.
D. Stop all but one Normal Chiller, ensure that only one Nuclear Cooling Water
outlet valve is open.


A is Correct - procedurally directed for high temperature
B is Wrong - directed in the case of high temperature and loss of cooling water
C is Wrong - These are reverse acting controllers, increasing ouput would cause a
reduction in flow and increase temperature.
D is Wrong - directed in the case of high temperature and a loss of cooling water

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
􀁸 CHN-UV-240, Charging Line to RC Loop 2A valve, has failed closed.
Which one of the following would be the effect on the Chemical and Volume Control system?
A. Auxiliary Spray flow is not available.
B. Seal Injection flow to the RCPs is lost.
C. Regen HX outlet valve CHB-UV-515 will close on high temperature, isolating
Letdown flow.
D. Differential pressure between Charging and the RCS increases, charging flow to
the loop is unchanged.


A is Wrong - CHN-HV-240 going closed maintains adequate pressure to the aux. spray
B is Wrong - Seal Injection flow is isolated by either CHN-UV-231 or 255
C is Wrong - CHB-UV-515 closes on high temp out of the Regen HX, this will not occur
since charging flow is maintained.
D is Correct -

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is in Mode 6
􀁸 LPSI pump “A” is in service providing Shutdown Cooling flow at 4200 gpm
Subsequently: The 4160 vac class bus (PBA-S03) de-energizes when a fault occurs on the ESF
transformer NBN-X03.
1 minute after the fault, Shutdown Cooling (SDC) flow is …
A. 0 gpm, LPSI pump “A” breaker is anti-pumped.
B. 0 gpm, LPSI pump “A” is available but did not receive a start signal.
C. 4200 gpm after the “A” DG started and sequenced the LPSI pump on.
D. 4200 gpm, after the Operator throttles the SDC injection valves back to their
original position.


A is Wrong - examinee may confuse this condition sith similar events such as charging
pumps which become anti-pumped following a LOP
B is Correct - DG output breaker will close and energize the bus but there is no ESFAS
signal present to close the A LPSI pump breaker.
C is Wrong - The LPSI pump would sequence on with a SIAS present but ESFAS signals
are jumperd out during an outage but RCS pressure is < the SIAS setpoint.
D is Wrong - Same as above but this also assumes that the valves would go full open and
have to be positioned back to their original value.

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The following changes are observed in Nuclear Cooling water (NCW) temperatures while operating at full
􀁸 NCW temperatures from the Reactor Coolant Pumps are increasing.
􀁸 Control Element Drive Mechanisms ACUs outlet temperatures are increasing.
􀁸 NCW temperature from Letdown heat exchanger is stable.
􀁸 The “in-service” Fuel Pool heat exchanger NCW return temperature is stable.
Which one of the following events could have occurred?
A. Loss of Plant Cooling water (PW).
B. Inadvertant Containment Spray Actuation (CSAS).
C. Loss of Motor Control Center PHB-M34 (de-energized).
D. Outside containment Instrument Air isolation valve IAA-UV-2 has failed closed.


A is Wrong - Loss of PW would cause all NCW return temp to increase
B is Correct - CSAS isolated containment
C and D are Wrong - examinee could believe that the isolation valves fail closed on a
loss of IA or Power

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating in Mode 1.
􀁸 The controlling pressurizer pressure channel has failed high.
Assuming NO operator actions are taken, which one of the following conditions would you expect to
A. RCS pressure increases until a reactor trip occurs from high pressurizer
B. RCS pressure decreases until a reactor trip occurs from low DNBR or low
pressurizer pressure.
C. Backup heaters de-energize, pressurizer spray valves open, and pressurizer
pressure stabilizes at a lower value than setpoint.
D. Backup heaters energize, pressurizer spray valves open, and pressurizer
pressure stabilizes at a higher value than setpoint.


A is Wrong - Examinee may confuse the operation of the PPCS and believe a
malfunction could cause the high pressure trip. High pressure alarms will actuate
B is Correct - The controlling channel failing high will cause all heaters to deenergize
and spray vales to open driving the plant to a low pressure trip.
C and D are Wrong - BU heaters will de-energize and spray valves will open but the
plant will not stabilize either higher or lower than setpoint.

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is at 30% power while shutting down in preparations for a refueling outage.
􀁸 Reactor Coolant pump 1A has tripped.
􀁸 The reactor did not automatically trip.
􀁸 All attempts to trip the reactor from the Control Room have failed.
Assuming no other operator actions, initiating an 80 gpm boration would add …
A. positive reactivity to the core and cause RCS temperature to increase.
B. positive reactivity to the core and cause RCS temperature to decrease.
C. negative reactivity to the core and cause RCS temperature to increase.
D. negative reactivity to the core and cause RCS temperature to decrease.


Justification: The examinee may confuse the purpose of boron and dilution as to which
will add negative reactivity. Another consideration is that there is a time in core life (BOL,
high boron concentration and low power) when a positive MTC could exist where the
effects of temperature change don’t follow the normal core dynamics.
A, B and C are Wrong
D is Correct –

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During an Excessive Steam Demand event, why should safety injection be throttled as soon as the
throttle criteria is met?
A. Prevents excessive cooldown.
B. Minimizes erosion damage to the injection valves.
C. Minimizes the possibility of pressurized thermal shock.
D. Minimizes the time SI pumps are running on mini-flow.


A is Wrong - Throttling HPSI may help limit the cooldown but is not the event of concern
B is Wrong - Erosion may occur to the downstream piping
C is Correct - As stated in the Tech Guideline limiting RCS repressuization will lessen PTS
D is Wrong - may be true but not the event of concern

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The Steam Generator “low level” trip setpoint is approximately WR and is designed to …
A. 25.8%, prevent exceeding the design pressure of the RCS.
B. 44.2%, prevent exceeding the design pressure of the RCS.
C. 25.8%, protect against core damage due to the occurrence of locally saturated
conditions in the limiting (hot) channel.
D. 44.2%, protect against core damage due to the occurrence of locally saturated
conditions in the limiting (hot) channel.


A is Wrong - AFAS setpoint
B is Correct - Low SG trip setpoint is to prevent exceeding RCS design pressure
C is Wrong - AFAS setpoint
D is Wrong - DNB is caused by a loss of RCS water

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 has tripped from 100% power due to a Loss of Offsite power.
􀁸 The “B” DG is out of service for scheduled maintenance.
􀁸 The “A” DG failed to come up to speed.
Under these conditions the class (PK) batteries are designed to maintain rated voltage for …
A. 2 hours to provide continuous DC during a Design Basis Event.
B. 4 hours to provide continuous DC during a Design Basis Event.
C. 2 hours to provide sufficient power for the protection and control of transformers
and switchgear.
D. 4 hours to provide sufficient power for the protection and control of transformers
and switchgear.


A is Correct - 2 hours and concurrent DBE-LOCA concurrent with BO as found in
B is Wrong - 4 hours is the rating for the non-lass NK batteries
C is Wrong - power for the protection and control of transformers is for the nonclass
NK batteries, examinee may choose this believing that the ESF transformers
use class power
D is Wrong - 4 hours is the rating for the non-lass NK batteries

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 has tripped from 100% power due to a Loss of Offsite power.
􀁸 The following report is made for B01 electric plant status:
􀂾 13.8 and 4.16 kVAC non class buses are de-energized.
􀂾 4.16 kVAC class busses are energized by their respective DGs
􀂾 Class and non-class DC buses are energized.
􀂾 120 vac non class instrument buses were de-energized but have transferred to their class
backup sources
􀂾 120 vac class instrument buses are energized.
Assuming no Operator action, which one of following Reactor Coolant system temperature responses
should the crew expect to see in the 10 minutes following the LOOP.
A. T-cold is stable at 564°F with T-hot approximately 3°F hotter.
B. T-cold is stable at 564°F with T-hot approximately 30°F hotter.
C. T-cold increases to 572°F with T-hot approximately 3°F hotter.
D. T-cold increases to 572°F with T-hot approximately 30°F hotter.


Justification: On the loss of power the SBCS comes back in manual with 0% output.
With no operation action, Tcold will be controlled by the safeties at 1250 (572
degrees) as T hot increases in Natural Circulation conditions. If SBCS was working it
maintains 1170 (564 degrees). 30 degree delta T is a reasonable number for nat’l circ
A is Wrong -
B is Wrong -
C is Wrong -
D is Correct -

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 has tripped from 100% full power.
􀁸 A total loss of offsite power has occurred.
􀁸 Emergency diesel generator “A” tripped.
􀁸 AFB-P01 is providing feedwater flow.
􀁸 ADVs are in use for reactor coolant system heat removal.
􀁸 There are no abnormal radiation trends or alarms.
􀁸 PNA-D25, channel “A” 120 VAC, is deenergized.
􀁸 All other systems are operating as designed.
WHICH ONE of the following correctly identifies the optimal recovery strategy for plant stabilization?
A. Enter the Functional Recovery Procedure due to the MVAC safety function being
B. Enter the Functional Recovery Procedure because no other EOP will mitigate the
events in progress.
C. Complete the Loss of Forced Circulation (LOOP), only then may the Loss of
Class Instrument Power procedure be addressed.
D. The CRS may elect to perform the Loss of Forced Circulation (LOOP) and Loss
of Class Instrument Power procedures concurrently.


is Wrong - MVAC is met for the LOFC/LOOP procedure
B is Wrong - LOOP will mitigate the event
C is Wrong – This action is allowed per the users guide.
D is Correct - EOP users guide the concurrent use of EOPs and AOPs

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 100% full power.
􀁸 NBN-X04, ESF Transformer, trips on sudden pressure.
􀁸 Emergency diesel generator “B” starts and loads.
What effect (if any) would a loss of the Class 1E 125 VDC bus, PKB-M42, have on the “B” DG?
The “B” DG …
A. trips and it’s output breaker opens.
B. trips and it’s output breaker remains closed.
C. continues to run and it’s output breaker opens.
D. continues to run and it’s output breaker remains closed.


Justification: If running the DG trips but its output breaker remains closed. Any
combination of these conditions could be plausible
A is Wrong -
B is Correct -
C is Wrong -
D is Wrong –

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
􀁸 RCS pressure is being maintained at 2230 psia.
􀁸 The pressurizer is in Boron Equalization.
􀁸 RCS pressure is slowly increasing.
􀁸 Letdown flow goes to 0 gpm.
􀁸 Main Spray valves RCN-PV-100E/F indicate closed.
􀁸 CHB-UV-515, Letdown to Regen HX isolation valve, indicates closed.
􀁸 CHA-UV-516, Letdown to Regen HX isolation valve, indicates closed.
Which one of the following is correct for these indications?
A. CIAS has actuated. Verify containment parameters.
B. Nuclear Cooling Water flow has been lost. Cross-tie Essential Cooling Water.
C. Instrument air leak in Containment. Close IAA-UV-2, Instrument Air Outside
Containment Isolation.
D. NNN-D11 (Non-class instrument power) has de-energized. Align the instrument
bus to it’s alternate supply.


A is Wrong - CIAS closes CHA-UV-516 not both
B is Wrong - A loss of NCW causes CH-HV-523 to close but would not account for
the remaining events
C is Correct - A loss of IA closes the spray valve and containment Isolation valves
D is Wrong - A loss of D-11 has many effects on CVCS, PPCS and PLCS but with
pressure increasing with spray valves closed the examinee should realize a loss of
D-11 would not cause this combination of conditions.

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
􀁸 A grid disturbance has occured which has caused grid voltage to drop.
􀁸 Grid frequency is stable at 60 Hz.
􀁸 The Main Generator is responding per design and attempting to raise voltage.
Which one of the following automatic actions is designed to protect the Main Generator under these
degraded grid conditions?
A. The Power System Stabilizer (PSS) will activate.
B. The Maximum Excitation Limit (MEL) circuit will activate.
C. The Main Generator will shift to the DC mode of regulation.
D. The Underexcited Reactive Ampere Limit (URAL) will activate.


Justification: each of the distracters is an automatic function of the Main Generator
regulation system thus the examinee may consider any one of these as a plausible answer
A is Wrong - The PSS only activates to control voltage during frequency disturbances
B is Correct - The MEL is designed to protect against low grid voltage events to prevent
over excitation of the main generator when trying to increase output to raise system voltage
C is Wrong - Only shifts to the DC mode on a loss of AC regulator input
D is Wrong - URAL acts to maintain generator excitation at an acceptable level if dropping
to low

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Unit 1 tripped from 100% power due to a trip of Reactor Coolant Pump 1B and has the following
􀁸 DFWCS is in a normal line up (no transmitters in maintenance)
􀁸 The Reactor Regulating System (RRS) T-avg has failed high.
􀁸 SG 1 level is recovering and currently 54% NR .
􀁸 SG 2 level is recovering and currently 45% NR.
Which one of the following describes the status of the Digital Feedwater Control System (DFWCS)?
A. SG 1 and SG 2 are each feeding in single element control.
B. SG 1 and SG 2 are each feeding at the maximum rate as allowed by Reactor
Trip Override (RTO).
C. SG 1 is feeding in single element control, SG 2 is feeding at the minimum rate as
allowed by Reactor Trip Override (RTO).
D. SG 1 is feeding in single element control, SG 2 is feeding at the maximum rate
as allowed by Reactor Trip Override (RTO).


Justification: Examinee may thing that either A or B could be correct in the belief that one
SG in a condition requires both to be the same, as is true for swapover. The examinee
may also confuse feedrate for a failed T-ave instrument.
A is Wrong - SG 2 level is low for single element control, 51.9% NR is when they
come out of RTO
B is Wrong - SG 1 is feeding at max rate in RTO but SG 2 is out of RTO, level > 51.6 %
C is Wrong - SG 2 feeding at the max rate with T-ave high
D is Correct - SG 1 is out of RTO with level > 51.6 NR and SG 2 is feeding at max in
RTO with Tave failed high

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 3 is operating at rated power.
􀁸 Regulating group 5 CEAs are inserted to 115 inches for ASI control.
􀁸 CEA 17 (group 5) begins withdrawing with no Operator action.
􀁸 The crew has placed CEDMCS in standby.
􀁸 CEA motion has stopped.
Which one of the following represent the maximum acceptable CEA deviation and why?
A. Any uncontrolled outward deviation requires an immediate reactor trip due to the
potential loss of Shutdown Margin.
B. 5.25 inches to ensure acceptable core power distributions are maintained.
C. 6.6 inches to ensure acceptable core power distributions are maintained.
D. 9.9 inches to ensure Shutdown Margin is maintained.


A is Wrong - some outward deviation is allowed per the LCO and the CEA
malfunction AOP, it will be treated as a slipped CEA
B is Wrong - 5.25 is the alarm setpoint for major group deviation
C is Correct - per LCO 3.1.5, LOIT lesson plan and bases
D is Wrong - 9.9 is the limit for tripping the reactor if 2 CEAs are deviating. In
addition the loss of SDM is not greatly affected by mis-aligned but tripable CEAs.

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is in Mode 3 following a refueling outage.
􀁸 72ST-9RX14, Shutdown Margin - Modes 3, 4 and 5 is in progress.
􀁸 It has been determined that Shutdown Margin is not being met.
In order to meet the minimum required actions, the crew must borate the RCS at ≥ …
A. 26 gpm with a solution containing ≥ 3000 ppm Boron.
B. 26 gpm with a solution containing ≥ 4000 ppm Boron.
C. 44 gpm with a solution containing ≥ 2300 ppm Boron.
D. 44 gpm with a solution containing ≥ 4400 ppm Boron.


Justification: Per Tech Specs and as found in 9RX14 the minimum requirement is 26
gpm of greater than a 4000 ppm solution. The upper RWT limit is 4400 ppm and the
required flow rate for SA 103 which is used to post trip to establish SDM is 44 gpm
A is Wrong - 3000 is the refueling pool lower limit
B is Correct -
C is Wrong - 2300 is the lower SIT limit, 44 gpm is per SA-103
D is Wrong - 4400 is the upper RWT limit, 44 gpm is per SA-103

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is maintaining 52% power following a Main Turbine trip.
􀁸 Pressurizer level control is in LOCAL-AUTO with a setpoint of 50%.
􀁸 Heater Control Selector Level Trip Channel X/Y (RCN-HS-100-3) is positioned to BOTH
􀁸 Level Control Channel X/Y selector (RCN-HS-110) is positioned to CH-Y
Which one of the following correctly identifies the results of RCN-LT-110X failing low?
A. Standby Charging pump starts.
B. All Pressurizer heaters de-energize.
C. Pressurizer Backup heaters energize.
D. Letdown flow goes to minimum, 35 gpm.


A is Wrong - Standby pump would start if the selected channel failed low
B is Correct - even though the “Level Trip Selector” is on both either channel failing
low will interlock all heaters OFF
C is Wrong - heaters energize on a 3% PZR level deviation high of the selected
D is Wrong - Letdown flow goes to minimum if selected channel fails low

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 A SGTR has occurred on SG 2.
􀁸 RCS pressure is 1500 psia.
􀁸 Thot is 551°F and lowering.
􀁸 REP CET is 554°F and lowering.
􀁸 RCPs 1B and 2B are in service.
􀁸 SBCS is controlling SG pressure at 1050 psia.
􀁸 The CRS directs depressurizing the RCS while maintaining pressurizer pressure within ALL of the
following criteria per the Steam Generator Tube Rupture procedure.
􀂉 Less than 1135 psia
􀂉 Approximately equal to the pressure of the ruptured SG (± 50 psia)
􀂉 Within the PT limits
Based on current temperature conditions, which one of the following is the minimum acceptable pressure
which will meet the SGTR guidance?
A. 1050 psia
B. 1100 psia
C. 1200 psia
D. 1325 psia


A is Wrong - with no RCPs running it would meet the PT curve for normal Cntmt conditions
and ± 50 psia of SG criteria
B is Wrong - as stated in the SGTR procedure < 1135 and ± 50 psia
C is Wrong - meets the PT curve for harsh Cntmt conditions but still low for RCPs in
D is Correct - min pressure for continued RCP operation

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Which of the following describes the nuclear instruments that are available at the Remote Shutdown
Panel to monitor the Reactivity Safety Function?
A. Two Linear Channels.
B. Both Startup Channels.
C. Two Log Safety Channels.
D. Two “Rate of Change” Channels.


A is Wrong -
B is Wrong -
C is Correct -
D is Wrong -

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Given the following plant conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is at 100% power.
􀁸 Charging pump “A”, CHA-P01 is out of service.
􀁸 Pressurizer level is 52% and stable.
􀁸 ERFDADS indicates a 20 gpm RCS leakrate.
􀁸 The CRS enters the Excessive RCS Leakrate AOP, 40AO-9ZZ02.
􀁸 Readings on RU-6, Nuclear Cooling Water, is trending up.
􀁸 Letdown flow is slowly lowering.
􀁸 Letdown Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature Controller, CHN-TIC-223, output has stabilized at a
new lower value
􀁸 RCP 1A NCW temperature, NCN-TI-471 is slowly increasing.
􀁸 The Area Operator informs the Control Room that Nuclear Cooling Water Surge Tank Level is slowly
Which one of the following actions should be taken to mitigate these conditions?
A. Cross connect Essential Cooling Water to Nuclear Cooling water.
B. Trip the reactor and initiate a Containment Isolation Actuation Signal (CIAS).
C. Trip the reactor, stop the 1A RCP, secure seal bleedoff and isolate the high
pressure seal coolers for the 1A RCP.
D. Close CHB-UV-515 (Letdown to Regen HX Isolation Valve) and take actions per
appendix C (Extended Operations without Letdown) of 40AO-9ZZ05.


A is Wrong - This could be appropriate for some NCW leaks but not for High
Pressure Seal Coolers.
B is Wrong - Tripping the reactor is correct for a loss of containment integrity but
CIAS will not isolate the leak in this case.
C is Correct - per 40AO-9ZZ02
D is Wrong - This would be correct for an NC leak into the Letdown Heat Exchanger

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A high alarm on RU-155D, RCS Letdown monitor, is indicative of …
A. RCS fuel cladding failure.
B. high activity levels in the Purification IX area.
C. RCS leakage into the Nuclear Cooling Water system.
D. high activity levels in the Letdown heat exchanger area.


A is Correct - design of the Letdown process rad monitor
B is Wrong - This function would be performed by Aux Building area monitors RU-8,
9 or 10
C is Wrong - This function would be performed by RU-6, NCW
D is Wrong - This function would be performed by Aux Building area monitors RU-8,
9 or 10

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
􀁸 A 22 gpm leakrate has been verified.
􀁸 Pressurizer level is 52% and stable.
􀁸 Charging pumps A and B are running.
􀁸 Letdown flow is 50 gpm.
􀁸 The leak is at the discharge of the Charging pumps.
􀁸 In accordance with 40AO-9ZZ02, Excessive RCS Leakrate, the CRS has directed that all charging
pumps be stopped.
Which one of the following actions or requirements must be performed?
A. An immediate Reactor trip is required.
B. Ensure letdown is isolated in order to prevent purification IX resin damage.
C. Seal Injection must be restored within 10 minutes or the Reactor Coolant pumps
must be secured.
D. Comply with the actions of LCO 3.4.14, RCS Operational Leakage due to
“identified leakage” being in excess of 10 gpm.


A is Wrong - TRIP is required for a more severe leak. Pzr level dropping with all
available charging pumps running and LD isolated. Which is where Examinee may
believe they are headed
B is Correct - CH-515 will auto close at approx. 450 °F if the crew doesn’t perform
actions first
C is Wrong - This the action for a loss NCW to the RCPs
D is Wrong - This is a connecting system and not part of RCS leakage.

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is in Mode 3 following an automatic Reactor trip.
􀁸 A manual SIAS/CIAS has been initiated.
􀁸 Pressurizer level is 35% and slowly lowering.
􀁸 Pressurizer pressure is 1900 psia and slowly lowering.
􀁸 Safety Injection flow is 0 gpm.
􀁸 HPSI pump “A” breaker tripped due to a ground fault and 86 lockout.
􀁸 DG “B” is running unloaded at 60.1 Hz and 4150 volts.
􀁸 PBB-S04 normal supply breaker, PBB-S04K, has a brighter than normal green light illuminated.
􀁸 Containment pressure is 1.5 psig and slowly increasing
In the current condition Safety Injection flow can be …
A. established by energizing PBB-S04 with the “A” DG.
B. verified adequate when RCS pressure lowers to approximately 1600 psia.
C. established by performing an RCS cooldown and de-pressurization to below
LPSI pump shut-off head.
D. established by placing the “B” DG in override and adjusting it’s output voltage
until the minimum voltage requirement is satisfied.


A is Wrong - A DG breaker will not close on bus with an 86 on the normal supply
B is Wrong - B DG output breaker will not close on the PBB-S04 bus with a faulted
normal supply breaker
C is Correct - per the FRP Depressurize the RCS by RCS Heat Removal (IC-2, step 3b
D is Wrong - The DG already meets minimum voltage requirements 4080 volts and
the examinee should realize the DG output breaker is locked out with a fault on the
normal supply breaker

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 has been manually tripped in preparations for a refueling outage.
􀁸 The plant is currently being maintained in Mode 3, normal operating pressure and temperatures.
􀁸 A Loss of Offsite Power occurs.
Which one of the following correctly represents RCS parameters while the Reactor Coolant pumps are in
A. Steam Generator DPs lower and Core DP lowers.
B. Steam Generator DPs lower and Core DP is unchanged.
C. Steam Generator DPs are unchanged and Core DP lowers.
D. Steam Generator DPs are unchanged and Core DP is unchanged.


A is Correct -

B, C and D are Wrong -

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Given the following plant conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is at 100% power in a normal lineup.
􀁸 All RCP seal injection controllers (CHN-FIC-241-244) are in automatic.
􀁸 2 charging pumps are in operation.
Which one of the following would cause the output signal of CHN-FIC-244, 2B RCP controller, to lower?
A. A charging pump trips.
B. An inadvertent CIAS has occurred.
C. A different RCP’s seal injection control valve has failed closed.
D. A loss of instrument air to the CHN-FIC-244, 2B RCP controller.


looking to raise seal injection flow to that RCP.
A is Correct - A loss of a charging pump will cause all RCP’s seal Injection flow to
lower and each controller including CHN-FIC-244 will lower output to increase flow
back to setpoint.
B is Wrong - CIAS closes various Letdown valves but will have no effect on
C is Wrong - A different RCP’s Seal Injection control valve failing closed will cause
the remaining Injection flow to rise and the controller will increase output to lower
D is Wrong - CHN-FIC-244 fails open on a loss of IA therefore the controller to raise
output in an attempt to lower Seal Injection flow.

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is currently at 20% power.
􀁸 All control systems are in their normal automatic alignment.
􀁸 Pressurizer level control is selected to Channel “Y”.
􀁸 T-hot instrument, RCN-TT-111X fails high.
Which one of the following conditions will or could occur?
A. A continuous turbine runback demand to the Reactor Cutback System would be
generated in case of a main feedpump trip.
B. A Quick Open signal is blocked in the Steam Bypass Control System to prevent
an excessive cooldown if a reactor trip were to occur.
C. A high rate insertion demand will be generated by the Control Element Drive
Mechanism Control System and will drive CEAs inward if CEDMCS is in Auto
D. A high level error signal will be generated by the Pressurizer Level Control
System, letdown control valves will maintain a minimum flow to avoid thermal
shock of the RCS charging nozzle.


A is Wrong - High T-ave prevents Turbine Runback
B is Wrong - High T-ave prevents a Quick Open block
C is Wrong - High insertion demand will be generated but the AMI (5°F T-ave
deviation) will prevent CEA movement if in Auto Sequential
D is Correct - High Tave generates a high level program setpoint. Level at 20% power
is approximately 34% pzr level so letdown will go to minimum flow to raise level.
Letdown flow must be maintained high enough to pre-heat charging flow injecting to
the 2A loop.

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What are the power supplies to the Shutdown Cooling Isolation valves, SIA-HV-651 (a) and SIC-HV-
653 (b) ?
A. (a) 480 VAC Class LC, PG
(b) 480 VAC Class LC, PG
B. (a) 480 VAC Class LC, PG
(b) 125 VDC Class MCC, PK
C. (a) 480 VAC Class MCC, PH
(b) 480 VAC Class MCC, PH
D. (a) 480 VAC Class MCC, PH
(b) 125 VDC Class MCC, PK
A is wrong -
B is wrong -
C is wrong -
D is CORRECT - SI-651 is supplied by a class MCC (PH) and SI-654 is supplied by class
DC (PK) thru an inverter N43
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Given the following plant conditions:
􀁸 Containment pressure (NR) Channel A 3.2 psig.
􀁸 Containment pressure (NR) Channel B 2.7 psig.
􀁸 Containment pressure (NR) Channel C 3.1 psig.
􀁸 Containment pressure (NR) Channel D 2.6 psig.
What is the effect on the Emergency Core Cooling System?
A. No CIAS/SIAS actuation, no Safety Injection pumps or valves have gone to their
actuated condition.
B. Full CIAS/SIAS actuation, both trains of Safety Injection pumps and valves are in
their actuated condition.
C. “A” train CIAS/SIAS actuation, only the “A” train Safety Injection pumps and
valves have gone to their actuated condition.
D. “A” train 1-3 Half Leg CIAS/SIAS actuation, only the “A” train Safety Injection
valves have gone to their actuated condition, no pumps are running.


Justification: CIAS/SIAS setpoint is 3.0 psig, channels A and C have exceeded
A is Wrong - If this had been actuation relays instead of matrix relays this would be a
correct answer
B is Correct - Any 2 of 4 matrix relays will cause full actuation of CIAS/SIAS
C is Wrong - Examinee may believe that an A and C signal will create only an “A”
train actuation
D is Wrong - This condition can occur on a loss of power to the initiation circuits

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
􀁸 Reactor Coolant pump 1A has a degraded 3rd seal.
􀁸 The crew has verified a 12 gpm leakrate per the Excessive RCS Leakrate procedure.
Referring to the table below which set of trends would you expect to observe over the next 15 minutes?
Volume Control
Tank level
Reactor Drain
Tank level
and humidity (4%)
A stable increasing lowering stable
B lowering increasing stable stable
C stable stable stable increasing
D lowering stable lowering increasing
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

Justification: VCT level will drop due to the loss of inventory. Pzr level will remain
stable as letdown flow lowers. RDT level will increase as the RCS fluid flows past the
failed seal. Containment temp and humidity are unaffected as failed RCP seal flow is
collected in the RDT. 12 gpm is not enough to cause the RDT rupture disc to release
in 15 minutes.
A is Wrong -
B is Correct -
C is Wrong -
D is Wrong -

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Given the following plant conditions:
􀁸 The reactor is tripped due to an Excessive Steam Demand event.
􀁸 HPSI pumps are running, with Safety Injection valves full open.
􀁸 The “always running” charging pump continues to run.
􀁸 Pressurize pressure is 2280 psia and increasing.
􀁸 RCPs 1A and 2A were secured when RCS pressure dropped below the SIAS setpoint.
􀁸 Pressurizer level is now above the indicating range.
With no Operator action, these conditions will result in a high pressure in the ….
A. Equipment Drain Tank but can be mitigated by initiating auxiliary spray to lower
RCS pressure.
B. Equipment Drain Tank but can be mitigated by venting the pressurizer utilizing
Reactor Coolant Gas Vent System.
C. Reactor Drain Tank but can be mitigated by throttling closed the HPSI injection
valves to reduce RCS makeup flow.
D. Reactor Drain Tank but can be mitigated by increasing secondary plant heat
removal to control RCS temperature.


Justification: The Pzr must be solid or Pressure would not be increasing. The
safeties relieve to the RDT. The EDT does collect coolant from primary systems, so it
is plausible as a distracter
A is Wrong - EDT is incorrect. A solid RCS means auxiliary spray is not an effective
means of pressure control
B is Wrong - EDT wrong but physically venting the PZR could work and can be found
in procedures
C is Wrong - RDT is correct and examinee may want to apply the normal level control
of throttling HPSI valves but the running charging pump is increasing RCS pressure.
D is Correct - Reliefs go to the RDT and then ESD provides guidance to control RCS

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is in Mode 3 following a Reactor trip.
􀁸 You are a “license trainee” on shift.
􀁸 Nuclear Cooling Water pump, NCN-P01A needs to be tagged out for scheduled maintenance.
As a license trainee you may manipulate NCN-HS-1 …
A. only under the direct supervision of a licensed operator.
B. in the current mode since this is not an “Irretrievable Action”.
C. at any time since this action does not directly affect reactivity or power level.
D. provided that this action causes no change in system status, NCN-P01B already
is in service.


A is Correct - step 5.1.6
B is Wrong - there is procedure guidance for these actions examinee may believe
manipulations are permitted in mode 3
C is Wrong - this action never directly affects power level
D is Wrong - no change in system status examinee may believe this is permitted.

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is at 100% power.
􀁸 Pressurizer pressure is 2100 psia and lowering.
􀁸 Pressurizer backup heaters are energized.
􀁸 Pressurizer Pressure Master Controller RCN-PIC-100 is in AUTO with 0% output.
􀁸 Pressure Control Channel X/Y selector, RCN-HS-100 is selected to channel X .
Which one of the following malfunctions or conditions would cause these conditions in the Pressurizer
Pressure Control system?
A. Pressurizer main spray valves have failed open.
B. Pressure transmitter RCN-PT-100X has failed high.
C. Pressure Spray Control RCN-PIK-100 has failed low.
D. Pressurizer Pressure Master Controller RCN-PIC-100 has failed low.


A is Correct - spray valves failed open = low pressure and full 0% output of master
B is Wrong - 100X failing high would cause low pressure conditions but the RCNPIC-
100, master controller, would have 50% output for full spray
C is Wrong - failing low would be no output = no spray flow
D is Wrong - examinee could believe that 0% output is correct for full spray flow vs
full proportional heater output

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Which one of the following conditions will cause the calculated value of Departure from Nucleate Boiling
Ratio (DNBR) to come closer to the Reactor Trip setpoint.
A. Grid frequency increases slightly.
B. Pressurizer pressure is increased by 15 psia.
C. Power is increased with CEAs remaining ARO.
D. RCS temperature is lowered while maintaining power constant.


A is Wrong - Freq. increases flow increases DNBR better
B is Wrong - Pressure increases DNBR better
C is Correct - power increases, CEAs unchanged DNBR worse
D is Wrong - temperature lowers DNBR better

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Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is at 100% power.
􀁸 Channel “C” parameter 5 HI PZR PRESS is bypassed for I&C maintenance.
􀁸 Channel “B” HI PZR PRESS has just tripped due to an instrument failure.
Which one of the following correctly describes the status of the Reactor Protection System if the Channel
“B” parameter 5 bypass pushbutton is depressed?
A. Both Channels “B & C” are in bypass.
B. Neither Channel “B or C” is in bypass.
C. Channel “B” parameter 5 goes in bypass, Channel “C” comes out of bypass.
D. Channel “C” parameter 5 stays in bypass, Channel “B” parameter 5 is not in


Justification: The highest priority channel is the only one that will be in bypass. The
Lower channel “C” will come out of bypass
A, B and D are Wrong -
C is Correct - -

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The "A" train BOP/ESFAS cabinet, SAA-C02A, has two power supplies which are ...
A. PHA-M31 and PNC-D27
B. PHA-M31 and PKA-D21.
C. PNA-D25 and PNC-D27
D. PNA-D25 and PKA-D21.

A is Wrong -
B is Wrong -
C is Wrong -
D is Correct - PNA and PKA are correct

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Which one of the following combination of setpoints/interlocks will ALL initiate a Main Steam Isolation
Signal (MSIS).
A. SG pressure 920 psia, Containment pressure 3.5 psig, SG level 46% WR.
B. SG level 89% NR, SG pressure 920 psia and Pressurizer pressure 1850 psia.
C. Containment pressure 3.1 psig, SG level 92% NR and SG pressure 950 psia.
D. SG level 40% WR, Containment pressure 3.5 psig and Pressurizer pressure
1800 psia.

Justification: MSIS is generated by:
􀁸 SG NR level 91% or more
􀁸 Ctmt pressure 3.0 psig or more
􀁸 SG pressure 960 psia or less
Pressurizer pressure of 1837 psia will generate a SIAS, SG level of 45% WR generates a
Reactor trip.
A is Wrong -
B is Wrong -
C is Correct -
D is Wrong -

Which one of the following correctly describes the operation of the Main Steam Support Structure (MSSS)
Penetration Cooling system?
A. One MSSS Penetration AFU Fan in operation, two MSSS Penetration Exhaust
Fans in operation. The other MSSS Penetration AFU fan will auto-start on low
B. Two MSSS Penetration AFU Fans in operation, one MSSS Penetration Exhaust
Fan in operation. The other MSSS Penetration AHU fan will auto-start on low
C. One MSSS Penetration AFU Fan in operation, one MSSS Penetration Exhaust
Fans in operation. There are no auto-start features associated with the MSSS
Penetration Cooling system.
D. Two MSSS Penetration AFU Fans in operation, two MSSS Penetration Exhaust
Fans in operation. A low D/P on the MSSS Penetration AFU fan will initiate a trip
of the associated MSSS AHU fan.


A is Correct - One AFU and two AHU is the normal alignment. The standby AFU auto
starts on low D/P
B, C and D are all Wrong but could be reasonable alignments for the MSSS
penetration cooling system. Standby starts, trips or lack of auto functions are
reasonable for a non-class system


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
􀁸 Containment Spray pump “A” is going to be run on miniflow for surveillance testing.
􀁸 Refer to the provided electrical print 01-E-SIB-003.
Which one of the following is true regarding alarm window 2B06A, SDC Train A/B Flow LO?
Alarm window 2B06A …
A. is only active when shutdown cooling flow is in service.
B. will annunciate immediately after CS pump “A” is started.
C. will annunciate 20 seconds after CS pump “A” is started.
D. will annunciate 50 seconds after CS pump “A” is started.


A is Wrong - this alarm is not de-activated when not in SDC operations. Examinee
may believe that since this alarm is designed for a Loss of SDC that it is disabled
when at power. (SIAS alarms are disabled below 400#, LOG trips are bypassed at
B is Wrong - there is a time delay
C is Correct -
D is Wrong - 50 seconds is the max TD available


Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
􀁸 Time 0 - The 120 VAC control circuit fuse for the CS pump room essential ACU (PHA-M3533) blows.
􀁸 Time 1 - An inadvertent “A” train CSAS actuates.
Assuming that the blown fuse has not been replaced, which one of the following is correct regarding the
White (SEAS) and Blue (SEIS) lights on the Safety Equipment Status System ESA-UA-2A alarm panel?
A. Time 0 - White light off, Blue light on.
Time 1 - White light on, Blue light on.
B. Time 0 - White light on, Blue light off.
Time 1 - White light on, Blue light off.
C. Time 0 - White light on, Blue light off.
Time 1 - White light on, Blue light on.
D. Time 0 - White light off, Blue light on.
Time 1 - White light off, Blue light on.


Justification: White is for Inoperable and blue is for an ESFAS start signal has been
generated and the equipment (fan) did not start.
A is Wrong - White light should be on at t-0, blue light off
B is Wrong - White and Blue light should be on at t-1
C is Correct -
D is Wrong - White light should be on at t-0 and t-1


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
􀁸 Steam pressure transmitter SGN-PT-1027 has failed low.
􀁸 The Steam Bypass Control System (SBCS) is aligned for Remote/Auto operation.
􀁸 The Main Turbine trips.
After the Quick Open has cleared and assuming NO operation action, which one of the following is
correct regarding the SBCS and main steam pressure?
A. The SBCS will not function and the main steam header pressure will increase to
Main Steam Safety setpoint.
B. Only SBCVs 7 and 8 will function and the main steam header pressure will be
controlled at the automatic setpoint.
C. All SBCVs will function and the main steam header pressure will be controlled at
a slightly higher than normal setpoint due to the bias applied by the failure of
D. All SBCVs will function and the main steam header will be controlled
approximately 20 psia below the automatic setpoint due to the “locked in”
permissive signal.


A is Correct - SBCVs are locked out due to a loss of permissive signal pressure
increases to MSSV setpoint
B is Wrong - no valves will function but this is similar to how SBCVs function with a
loss of vacuum
C is Wrong - No valves will function but this is similar to how the SBCVs function
with a failed high PZR instrument applying the BIAS to the automatic setpoint
D is Wrong - No valves will function but the permissive setpoint has a minus 20 psia
signal applied to ensure it is below the modulation setpoint.


Assume that all Digital Feedwater Control System (DFWCS) input transmitters are in service and selected
􀁸 An increase to 20% power is in progress.
􀁸 The plant is currently at 14.5% power by control channel indication.
􀁸 Steam Generator #1 downcomer valve position is 80% and is opening slowly.
􀁸 Steam Generator #2 downcomer valve position is 70% and is opening slowly.
Under these conditions which one of the following is the expected response of the DFWCS system?
A. Only SG 1 should now go through swapover.
B. Both SGs 1 and 2 should now go through swapover.
C. Neither SG will go through swapover until > 15% power is reached.
D. Neither SG will go through swapover until both SG downcomer valves are > 80%


A is Wrong - when setpoint is reached both SG act together, 80% is one of the
B is Wrong - do not meet setpoints at this time of control channels > 15%
C is Correct - as soon as 15% is reached with either SG downcomer greater than 80%
open then swapover occurs
D is Wrong – even if both valves are 80% open > 15% power is required.


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 has tripped from 100% power due to a failure of a condenser vacuum breaker.
􀁸 Condenser vacuum is degrading rapidly.
􀁸 Aux. Feedwater pump “B” is tagged out.
􀁸 Class 4.160 kV bus PBA-S03 has faulted and is de-energized.
􀁸 Aux. Feedpump “A” has tripped on overspeed and will not reset.
􀁸 SG levels are 40% WR and lowering.
􀁸 RCS T-ave is 560°F and rising.
SG levels will continue to lower until …
A. Condensate pumps are aligned.
B. Aux. Feedwater pump AFN-P01 is aligned.
C. SG levels reach 25.8% WR level then AFAS will actuate.
D. T-ave is greater than 564°F then Main Feedwater will feed in Reactor Trip
Override (RT0).


Justification: No AFW pumps are available; AFB is OOS, AFN-P01 bus is deenergized
and AFA tripped on overspeed. MFW pumps trip on vacuum greater than
13.5 inches HgA
A is Correct - Condensate pumps are the only available FW source
B is Wrong - could believe that manual alignment is available
C is Wrong - NO AFW pumps are available
D is Wrong – 564 is the RTO feed interlock, below 564 feed would be 0 gpm in RTO


Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
􀁸 Main condenser vacuum has degraded rapidly.
􀁸 A manual reactor trip has been initiated.
􀁸 The Crew is proceeding through the SPTAs.
􀁸 ADVs are being used to maintain SG pressure.
􀁸 SG pressures are 1190 psia and increasing slowly.
􀁸 Tcold is 568°F and increasing slowly.
􀁸 AFB-P01 is feeding each SG at 250 gpm.
􀁸 SG levels are 52% WR and slowly lowering.
Per the EOP Operations Expectations, which one of the following is the recommended method to
control/maintain the RCS heat transfer rate?
A. Raise AFB-P01 feedwater flow rate to restore both SGs to within the level band.
B. Increase ADV demand position and reduce SG pressures to the low end of the
control band.
C. Lower RCS temperature to the low end of the band to allow Main Feedwater to
restore SG levels in “RTO”.
D. No action should be taken as long as both RCS temperature and SG pressure
are within their control bands.


A is Correct - OPS Expectations is feed over steam
B is Wrong - this would increase the heat transfer rate but not preferred and still
need to increase AFW flow
C is Wrong - RTO will not work with loss of Condenser vacuum
D is Wrong - ROs are permitted to take actions in the SPTAs based on trend to
maintain the plant


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
􀁸 The electric plant is in a normal alignment.
􀁸 The local handswitch for 13.8kV breaker NAN-S01A, S01 Normal Supply, has been inadvertently
taken to OFF.
Which one of the following conditions is correct?
A. both NAN-S01 and NBN-S01 will de-energize. Take actions per the Reactor trip
B. NAN-S01 will undergo a fast bus transfer to NAN-S03. Take actions per the
alarm response procedure.
C. only NAN-S01 will de-energize, NBN-S01 will fast bus transfer to NBN-S02. Take
actions per the Large Load Reject procedure.
D. only NAN-S01 will de-energize, NBN-S01 remains energized from its normal
source. Take actions per the Degraded Electrical procedure.


A is Correct - neither bus will auto transfer due to no transformer faults. Reactor trip
will occur due to loss of 2 RCPs
B is Wrong - there is a fast bus transfer function that activates on a Main Turbine trip
C is Wrong - NAN-S01 will de-energize but NBN-S01 will not transfer to S02 without
an associated transformer fault
D is Wrong – NAN-S01 is the normal source but an examinee may confuse the proper


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 2 is operating at rated power.
􀁸 All Startup Transformers are initially in a normal lineup.
􀁸 Startup Transformer #1, NAN-X01, experiences a fault causing it to lockout.
30 seconds later, which of the following describes the condition of Unit 2?
A. PBA-S03 is energized by its respective DG.
B. PBB-S04 is energized by its respective DG.
C. PBA-S03 and PBB-S04 are both energized by offsite power.
D. Both PBA-S03 and PBB-S04 are both energized by their respective DGs.


A is the correct answer. Referring to drawing 1-E-MAA-001, Startup Transformer 1 is
the normal offsite supply to Unit 3 SO6 and Unit 2 SO5, as well as Alternate supply to
Unit 1’s SO5 and SO6. Therefore, if this transformer is lost, only PBA-S03 will lose
power in Unit 2 and have its Diesel Generator start and energize the bus. PBB-SO4
will be unaffected, making distracters B, C, and D incorrect.


When the Diesel Generator is running in the EMERGENCY MODE after a Loss of Power (LOP), what
trips are enabled to protect it?
A. Overspeed, reverse power, crankcase overpressure.
B. Low lube oil pressure, overspeed, generator differential.
C. Excess engine vibration, low lube oil pressure, overspeed.
D. Main bearing high temperature, turbocharger bearing failure, overspeed.

Justification: the 3 emergency shutdowns are:
􀁸 Overspeed
􀁸 Low Engine Oil pressure
􀁸 Generator Differential
The others are test run trips
A, C and D are Wrong -
B is Correct -

Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 has entered 40AO-9ZZ03. Loss of Cooling Water.
􀁸 Essential Cooling Water train “A” has been cross-tied to the Nuclear Cooling Water system.
􀁸 An RCS leak into the Nuclear Cooling Water system now occurs.
The Process Radiation Monitoring system will respond by …
A. no monitors going into alarm.
B. alarming RU-6 Nuclear Cooling Water only.
C. alarming RU-2, “A” Essential Cooling Water only.
D. alarming RU-2, “A” Essential Cooling Water and RU-6 Nuclear Cooling Water.


Justification: Only the essential loads of NCW are supplied by the EW system when
x-tied. Examinee may not understand this physical relationship. Only RU-2 would be
expected to alarm.
A is Wrong -
B is Wrong -
C is Correct -
D is Wrong –


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Circulating Water pumps CWN-P01A - D are all in service.
􀁸 Plant Cooling Water pump, PWN-P01A is in service with PWN-P01B tagged out.
􀁸 Nuclear Cooling Water (NCW) pump, NCN-P01B is in service with NCN-P01A in standby.
􀁸 Turbine Cooling Water (TCW) pump, TCN-P01B is in service with TCN-P01A in standby.
􀁸 An 86 bus fault relay is accidently tripped on NBN-S01, 4160 non class bus.
Which of the following is correct?
A. There will be no change in CW or PW pump status because the NBN cross tie
breaker, NBN-S01C, will close maintaining power to NBN-S01.
B. NCW and TCW temperatures will increase. The 86 Lockout can only be reset
locally. PWN-P01A pump will auto start when PWN-HS-5 is taken out of the PTL
position and power has been restored to NBN-S01.
C. 2 Circulating Water pumps will trip causing a degradation of Main Condenser
vacuum. The 86 Lockout can be reset from the Control Room. The Circulating
Water pumps must be manually started once power is restored to NBN-S01.
D. 2 CW pumps and PWN-P01A will trip causing a degraded Main Condenser
Vacuum as well as increasing temperatures in the NCW and TCW systems. All 3
pumps must be manually started once power is restored to NBN-S01.


A is Wrong - NBN-S01C will not close with an 86 trip on the bus. It also requires a
transformer fault in conjunction with the Loss of power to meet closing
B is Correct - NC/TC temp will increase with no PCW flow. NO 86 lockout reset from
the control room on non-class buses (only class components have this ability) and
PW/NC/TC do have time delay auto starts once the bus is recovered
C is Wrong - CW is supplied by NAN buses 13.8 kV No 86 from CR but must be
manually started
D is Wrong - CW is from 13.8 kV buses.

Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit in mode 1.
􀁸 A Loss of Instrument Air is occurring.
􀁸 Nitrogen backup has failed.
􀁸 IA header pressure currently 40 psig
􀁸 NO operator action has been taken.
Based on these conditions, the Main Steam Isolation Valves fail...
A. AS-IS, but can be fast closed.
B. AS-IS, but can be slow closed.
C. fully OPEN and can not be closed.
D. fully SHUT and can not be opened.

true for another valve in another system
A is Correct - MSIVs fail AS-IS with fast close available
B, C and D are Wrong -


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 HPSI pump “A” is out of service.
􀁸 RCS Hot Leg sample valves SSA-UV-203 and SSB-UV-200 are open for Chemistry sampling.
􀁸 Unit 1 automatically trips due to a large steam line break.
􀁸 4.160 kV bus PBB-S04 faulted and is de-energized.
􀁸 Containment pressure is 3.2 psig and increasing.
􀁸 Containment temperature is 140°F and increasing.
􀁸 Pressurizer pressure is 1900 psia and lowering.
􀁸 Pressurizer level is 24% and lowering.
􀁸 Any required ESFAS signals have initiated.
􀁸 The CRS has directed you to verify the RCS Hot Leg sample valves status.
Which one of the following conditions is correct?
A. Both Hot Leg sample will be open. No SESS lights will be initiated.
B. The “A” train Hot Leg sample valves will be closed, the “B” train valve will be
open and the associated white SEIS lights will be illuminated for the “B” train
sample valve.
C. Both Hot Leg sample valves will be closed and can be opened by positioning
their handswitch to close then open. A blue SEAS light will initiate when the
valves are opened.
D. Both Hot Leg sample valves will be closed and can be opened by positioning
their handswitch to open. No blue or white SESS lights will initiate when the
valves are opened.


Justification: Greater than 3.0 psia in contmt will generate a CIAS, RCS Hot Leg
sample valves close
A is Wrong - valves will close, if open their would be a SEAS light
B is Wrong - Valves will be closed on the CIAS signal. The loss of “B” class power
may confuse the examinee
C is Correct - Going to over-ride will open valves and the blue SEAS light will alarm
D is Wrong – Must go to over-ride


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 The Reactor is stable at 50% power.
􀁸 The Main Turbine has tripped.
􀁸 The Steam Bypass Master controller, SGN-PIC-1010, is in Auto/Remote operation.
􀁸 Normal CEA overlap has been established.
􀁸 CEAs are withdrawn 10 inches in Manual Sequential.
􀁸 You have been directed to monitor the “D” channel instrumentation for RCS temperature, pressure
and power.
Which one of the following correctly describes the expected response and location of these instruments?
A. Reactor power increases, RCS T-cold increases but returns to program,
Pressurizer pressure remains unchanged. The “D” channel indications can be
monitored from B05 only.
B. Reactor power increases slightly but returns to 50%, RCS T-cold increases and
remains higher, Pressurizer pressure increases and remains higher. These
indications can be found on B05 only.
C. Reactor power increases, RCS T-cold increases and remains higher, Pressurizer
pressure increases and remains higher. The “D” channel indications can be
monitored from either QSPDS or B05.
D. Reactor power increases slightly but returns to 50%, RCS T-cold increases but
returns to program, Pressurizer pressure remains unchanged. The “D” channel
indications can be monitored from either QSPDS or B05.


SBCS in auto means it is controlling temperature not power. Examines may confuse
100% power response with what happens when SBCS is maintaining the plant. This
is an old PVNGS event, in an attempt to raise temp post cutback the RO pulled CEAs
until a VOPT trip occurred. Only A and B instruments feed the QSPDS system.
A is Correct -
B is Wrong -
C is Wrong -
D is Wrong –


Which one of the following accurately describes the Reactor Vessel Level Monitoring system (RVLMS)?
A. Two trains with four (4) sets of heated and unheated thermocouples, 2 located in
the Upper Head and 2 located in the Outlet Plenum.
B. Two trains with eight (8) sets of heated and unheated thermocouples, 4 located
in the Upper Head and 4 located in the Outlet Plenum.
C. Four trains with four (4) sets of heated and unheated thermocouples, 2 located in
the Upper Head and 2 located in the Outlet Plenum.
D. Four trains with eight (8) sets of heated and unheated thermocouples, 4 located
in the Upper Head and 4 located in the Outlet Plenum.


Justification: RVLMS is made of two trains with 8 probes
A is Wrong - 4 sets could seem reasonable if the examine does know the system
B is Correct -
C and D are Wrong - 4 trains is the normal configuration for class instrumentation


Which one of the following correctly identifies the power supplies to the Pressurizer heaters?
A. Proportional Heaters, 480 Load Centers (NG), Backup heaters, 480 Load
Centers (NG and PG)
B. Proportional Heaters, 480 Motor Control Centers (NH), Backup heaters, 480
Load Centers (NG and PG)
C. Proportional Heaters, 480 Motor Control Centers (NH), Backup heaters, 480
Motor Control Centers (NH and PH)
D. Proportional heaters, 480 Motor Control Centers (NH), Class Backup heaters,
480 Motor Control Centers (PH) and Non class Backup heaters 480 Load
Centers (NG)


Justification: Non-class heaters (prop and backup) NGN-L11 & 12, Class backups
PGA-L33 & 34
A is Correct -
B, C and D are Wrong -


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
􀁸 Rod testing is in progress.
􀁸 CEA-18 has been inserted and then withdrawn 5 inches.
􀁸 Plant Monitoring System (PMS) computer indicates CEA-18 position at 148.5 inches
􀁸 Control Element Assembly Calculators (CEACs) indicate CEA-18 position at 144 inches.
CEA-18 is at …
A. 148.5 inches. The PMS computer uses the reed switch position indication system
giving actual CEA position while the CEACs use the pulse counters which
indicate demand input.
B. 144 inches. The CEACs indicate actual CEA positions using the pulse counters
while the PMS computer uses the Reed Switch Position Indication system which
uses CEA demand input.
C. 148.5 inches. The PMS computer uses the pulse counters which indicate actual
CEA position while the CEACs use the reed switch position indication system
which indicate demand input.
D. 144 inches. The CEACs indicate actual CEA positions using the reed switch
position indication system while the PMS computer uses the pulse counters
which indicate demand input.


Justification: RSPTs signals are from the CEA extension shaft using actual CEA
position to generate CEA position indication, this is used by CPCs and CEACs. The
pulse counters derive CEA position based on demand signal not actual position and
this information is sent to the Plant Computer.
A is Wrong -
B is Wrong -
C is Wrong -
D is Correct –


Given the following plant conditions:
􀁸 Unit is operating at 100% power.
􀁸 Regulating Group 5 is at 135” for ASI control.
􀁸 RRS selected to Control Channel #1.
􀁸 Control Channel #1 fails high.
Which one of the following is correct?
A. CEAs may insert a few steps.
B. CEAs may withdraw a few steps.
C. CEAs will insert until CEDMCS is taken out of automatic.
D. No CEA motion will occur due to an AMI being generated.


A is Correct - CEAs will insert until the rate of change signal is gone
B is Wrong - wrong direction for failed high
C is Wrong - CEA motion stops when the rate of change decays away.
D is Wrong – AMI only occurs when selected to average


Which one (if any) of the following actions should be taken to control containment hydrogen levels if no
Hydrogen Recombiners are available during a Loss of Coolant Accident?
A. Place the Hydrogen Purge Exhaust unit in service.
B. Place the Containment Power Access Purge system in service.
C. No action required unless hydrogen concentration approaches 4%.
D. Ensure the Containment Spray system is in service and providing greater than
4350 gpm flow.


A is Correct - Purge units are placed is service as directed by Tech Support Center
B is Wrong - This would get the H2 out of containment but is an untreated pathway
C is Wrong – If CS has actuated or H2 concentration is > 0.7% Hydrogen control is
D is Wrong - Containment spray is used for Iodine removal not H2 control


Given the following Unit 1 post trip conditions:
􀁸 SG 1 level is 42% WR and lowering.
􀁸 SG 1 pressure is 760 psig and lowering.
􀁸 SG 2 level is 60% WR and lowering.
􀁸 SG 2 pressure is 950 psig and rising.
􀁸 Containment pressure is 1.8 psig and rising.
􀁸 RCS T-ave is 535°F and lowering.
􀁸 Alarm window 5B08C “SG-2 > SG-1 CH TRIP” has locked in.
􀁸 Any required ESFAS signals have properly actuated.
The Digital Feedwater Control system (DFWCS) is in Reactor Trip Override (RTO) and …
A. neither SG is currently being fed. AFAS-1 will not initiate but AFAS-2 will at the
required level.
B. only SG 2 is currently being fed. AFAS-1 will not initiate but AFAS-2 will at the
required level.
C. neither SG is currently being fed. Neither AFAS-1 or AFAS-2 will initiate at the
required level.
D. both SGs are currently being fed. Neither AFAS-1 or AFAS-2 will initiate at the
required level.


Justification: neither SG is being fed in RTO due SG 1 pressure below MSIS setpoint
of 960 psia and RTO does not feed at RCS < 564 degrees. The DP inhibits AFAS if not
already actuated.
A is Correct -
B is Wrong - neither SG is being fed in RTO
C is Wrong - AFAS-2 will initiate if required
D is Wrong – neither SG is being fed in RTO and AFAS-2 will initiate as required


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Reactor power is stable at 99%.
􀁸 ECC Directed Turbine Unloading, 40AO-9ZZ25, is in progress.
􀁸 Turbine load has been lowered approximately 11%.
􀁸 SBCS Master Controller SGN-PIC-1010 is in Local Auto with it’s setpoint lowered to 1075 psia.
􀁸 CEDMCS is in manual sequential.
􀁸 Reg Group 5 is 120 inches withdrawn.
􀁸 SBCV #1 is 70% open in automatic with a manual permissive.
􀁸 SBCV #4 is 30% open in manual with a manual permissive.
􀁸 SBCV #4 fails 100% open.
􀁸 Tavg-Tref Hi-Lo window is in alarm (4A08B).
􀁸 COLSS CMC (5B01C) & PC (5B01D) windows are in alarm.
􀁸 CEA insertion demand (green lights) are present on Board 5.
SBCV 1001 will …
A. fast close. Withdraw CEAs to clear the Tavg - Tref alarm window.
B. modulate closed. Reduce power to clear the COLSS Master alarm window.
C. not close until the manual permissive is removed. Reduce power to clear the
COLSS Master alarm window.
D. only modulate closed if SGN-PIC-1010 is returned to Auto/Auto control. Withdraw
CEAs to clear the Tavg - Tref alarm window.


A is Wrong - Tavg/Tref is a low alarm due to 1004 coming open. CEA wd demand would be
expected for turbine power > reactor power.
B is Correct - 1001 will modulate closed. manual permissive and Local/Auto will not effect
valve operation. COLSS alarms need to be cleared.
C is Wrong - SBCV 1001 will modulate closed as 1004 comes open
D is Wrong - SBCV 1001 will modulate close as 1004 comes open


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 The CRS has implemented 40AO-9ZZ07, Loss of Condenser Vacuum.
􀁸 Reactor power is currently 92% and lowering due to a boration.
􀁸 Condenser Vacuum has suddenly degraded to 8 inches HgA.
The Main Turbine is expected to …
A. have not tripped. The main stop, control and combined intercept valves will be
B. have tripped. The main stop. control and combined intercept valves all indicating
C. have tripped. The main stop valves will be closed while the control and combined
intercept valves remain open.
D. have tripped. The main stop and control vales are closed but the combined
intercept valves remain open.


A is Wrong - MT trips at 7.5 inches HgA
B is Correct -
C is Wrong - Stop, Control and Intercept valves will all be closed
D is Wrong – Stop, Control and Intercept valves will all be closed


A loss of the Core Exit Thermocouples (CETs) would result in a …
A. Core Protection Calculators (CPCs) losing the ability to calculate Quality Margin.
B. a loss of the ability to monitor outlet plenum levels during a Design Bases
C. reduced ability to verify adequate RCS subcooling during Natural Circulation
D. loss of the ability of the Core Operating Limits Supervisory System (COLSS) to
perform a primary power calculation, NKBDELT.


A is Wrong - CETs are not an input to CPCs they use Thot
B is Wrong - RVLMS uses the HJTC system for level indication
C is Correct - CETs are needed during Nat’l Circ conditions
D is Wrong - COLSS uses the in-cores for power indications but does not use the
CETs for temperature inputs


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 has automatically tripped from 100% power.
􀁸 Standard Post Trip Actions (SPTAs) are in progress.
􀁸 You are the “At the Controls” operator.
􀁸 SIAS/CIAS have just actuated.
In accordance with Operations Department Practices (ODP-1) which one of the following is the correct
method to communicate this information to the “Crew”?
A. Inform the CRS of the SIAS/CIAS, then wait for a Control Room Brief to inform
the remaining crew members.
B. Announce “Crew Update” wait for all crew members to respond ready then
announce the SIAS/CIAS. State “End of Update”.
C. Wait for SPTAs to be completed, then ensure that the CRS is aware of the
SIAS/CIAS prior to them choosing which EOP to implement.
D. Announce “Attention for a Brief”. The CRS will wait for all crew members to
report ready, you can then inform the crew of the SIAS/CIAS when the CRS asks
you to report any problems or concerns. CRS announces “End of Brief”.


A is Wrong - It is important for the CRS to know this information and this is how it
was done prior to implementation of the current communication standards.
B is Correct - The entire crew needs of know of the plant status as it occurs. Making
a “Crew Update” is the directed method iaw ODP-1.
C is Wrong - This is the correct practice for minor information such as which AFP is
being used.
D is Wrong – This would be a “Transient Brief” but the CRS calls for one as needed
to inform the crew of plant status or information gathering.


What is the significance of the Control Room instruments that have a white placard attached?
These instruments …
A. are appendix “R”/fire qualified.
B. are associated with ESFAS actuation setpoints.
C. can also be found at the Remote Shutdown panel.
D. are post accident monitoring/harsh containment qualified.


A is wrong - appendix “R” components are identified by a yellow attachment
B is wrong - ESFAS components would have a red arrow indicating setpoint
C is wrong - The RSDP has duplicate instruments but are not identified by the white
D is correct - per 01-J-RMP-0002


Per 40AC-0ZZ06, (Locked Valve, Breaker, and Component Control), when verifying the position of a
locked throttled valve, the second checker must:
A. check the valve closed and return it to throttled position and install lock.
B. independently verify the valve is throttled by position indication then lock it.
C. concurrently verify the correct throttled position and verify the lock installed
D. verifies proper position by redundant means (proper flow, temperature, or


Justification: Any of these methods could seem reasonable to the examine but only
the concurrent verification is permitted for a locked valve.
A is Wrong -
B is Wrong -
C is Correct -
D is Wrong -


Pressurizer Safety Valves are designed to maintain the Reactor Coolant System less than or equal to
(a) psia and Core Protection Calculators are designed to prevent the Reactor Coolant System from
exceeding a Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ration (DNBR) of less than or equal to (b) .
A. (a) 2500 (b) 1.30
B. (a) 2500 (b) 1.34
C. (a) 2750 (b) 1.30
D. (a) 2750 (b) 1.34


A is Wrong - RCS pressure design limit with old (<11 EFPY) DNBR SL
B is Wrong - RCS pressure design limit with correct DNBR SL
C is Wrong - RCS pressure design limit is correct but with old (<11 EFPY) DNBR SL
D is Correct – Pressure SL is design 2500 psia + 10%. DNBR is 1.34


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 2 is operating at 100% power
􀁸 The “C” class inverter, PNC-N13, is being removed from service for scheduled maintenance.
􀁸 The “C” class instrument bus has been transferred to the Voltage Regulator, PNC-V27.
What impact (if any) does this maintenance have on LCO 3.8.7, Inverters - Operating? LCO is provided.
A. Immediate entry into LCO 3.8.7 is required.
B. No impact, this LCO applies to the class “A & B” train inverters only.
C. No entry into LCO 3.8.7 is required as long as the “C” instrument bus remains
energized by PNC-V27.
D. Entry into LCO 3.8.7 may be delayed up to 24 hours provided that the “C”
instrument bus remains energized by PNC-V27.


A is Correct -
B is Wrong - The LCO statement reads required Train A and B inverters. Examinee
may not understand that the “A” train includes “A & C” inverters
C is Wrong - Examinee may believe that an energized PN bus meets TS requirements
D is Wrong – This exception is used Battery equalizing charge


Which one of the following would require entry into a one hour or less LCO condition while in Mode 1,
steady state conditions?
A. Pressurizer level is 57%.
B. Reactor Coolant system T-cold is 540°F.
C. An 86 lockout of SIA-P01, High Pressure Safety Injection pump “A”.
D. WCB-UV-63, chill water supply header outside cntmt isolation valve, has failed
it’s stroke time surveillance test.


A is Wrong - LCO 3.4.9 - 6 hour action
B is Correct - LCO 3.4.2 - 30 minute action
C is Wrong - LCO 3.5.3 - 72 hours. one hour if its the only HPSI pump in Mode 5/6
D is Wrong – LCO 3.6.3 - 4 hours for cntmt isolation valves


You have been directed to perform a valve lineup on the Purification filters with the following conditions:
􀁸 General area dose rate is 90 mrem/hr.
􀁸 Airborne Radioactivity exists due to ongoing maintenance activities.
􀁸 No environmental conditions exist that preclude the use of a respirator.
􀂾 Internal dose rate if respirator is worn is 0 mrem/hour.
􀂾 Internal dose rate without respirator is 22 mrem/hour.
􀂾 Time to complete job while wearing a respirator is 3.0 hours.
􀂾 Time to complete job without a respirator is 2.5 hours.
Which one of the following describes whether a respirator will be worn and why?
A. No, wearing a respirator will raise total exposure.
B. Yes, wearing a respirator will lower total exposure.
C. No, wearing a respirator will make no difference to the total exposure.
D. Yes, a respirator must be worn anytime that airborne radiation is present


A is Wrong - exposure will be lower by wearing Respirator
B is Correct -
C is Wrong - exposure will be lower by wearing Respirator
D is Wrong - not required if exposure would be lower


The following information is posted on a survey map outside a room you are about to enter.
􀁸 General Area Radiation levels of 75 mrem/hr.
􀁸 Swipes of 75,000 dpm/100cm2.
The posting of this room should be a …
A. Radiation Area only.
B. Radiation Area and Contamination Area.
C. Radiation Area and High Contamination Area.
D. High Radiation Area and High Contamination Area.

Radiation areas are 5 to 100 mrem/hr
Contamination areas are 1000 to 100,000 dpm/100cm2
A is Wrong -
B is Correct -
C is Wrong -
D is Wrong -

Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 has automatically tripped from 100% power.
􀁸 The CRS has implemented 40EP-9EO03, LOCA.
􀁸 Both trains of “Fast Bus Transfer” failed following the Main Turbine trip.
􀁸 Pressurizer pressure is 1460 psia and slowly lowering.
􀁸 RCS T-hot is 570°F and rising.
􀁸 Rep CET is 575°F and rising.
􀁸 Pressurizer level is 8% and stable.
􀁸 RVLMS indicates 100% level in the RVUH.
􀁸 Containment temperature is 187°F and slowly increasing.
The STA is not available and the CRS has directed you to determine if Condition 1 of RCS Inventory
Control is met in accordance with the following table.
3. RCS Inventory Control
———————————————————— NOTE ———————————————————
Meeting the provisions of Condition 1 or Condition 2 will satisfy the RCS Inventory Control Safety
Condition 1
a. Pressurizer level greater than 10% [15%]. □ □ □ □
b. RCS is 24°F [44°F] or more subcooled. □ □ □ □
c. RVLMS indicates that RVUH level is 16% or more. □ □ □ □
Which one of the following identifies the minimum required actions which would satisfy the RCS
Inventory Control Safety Function, Condition 1?

A. Raise Pressurizer to 12% level and lower T-hot temperature to less than 568°F.
B. Raise Pressurizer to 16% level and lower T-hot temperature to less than 568°F.
C. Raise Pressurizer to 12% level and lower Rep CET temperature to less than
D. Raise Pressurizer to 16% level and lower Rep CET temperature to less than


Justification: Harsh containment exists values must be used [ ] at greater than 170
degrees and a failure of fast bus transfer causes a loss of all RCPs.
1460 psia = 592.6 degrees - 44 = 548 / minus 24 degrees = 568
A is Wrong - must be > 15% and T-hot may not be used
B is Wrong - 16% is correct, but T-hot may not be used
C is Wrong - 12% is wrong, but CET is correct
D is Correct – 16% and CET temperatures


Unit 1 is operating at 100% power when the following 3 alarm windows annunciate. (Refer to the attached
picture of Annunciator Window Box 6B).
The highest priority colored window is the …..
A. Green window. The Main Turbine should have tripped and immediate operator
action is required.
B. Amber window. The Main Turbine should have tripped and immediate operator
action is required.
C. Green window. The Main Turbine will trip if Stator Cooling Water flow is not
restored within 70 seconds.
D. Amber window. The Main Turbine will trip if Stator Cooling Water flow is not
restored within 70 seconds.


Justification: All the alarm points that bring in window 6B07B have a 70 second time
delay to Main Turbine trip. The Amber alarm window 6B07C alarm points has a
higher threshold value and does not require a manual trip.
A is Wrong -
B is Wrong -
C is Correct -
D is Wrong –


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 automatically tripped due to a fault on the 13.8 Kv bus NAN-S01.
􀁸 Offsite power was lost on the trip.
􀁸 Steam Bypass Control System is maintaining SG pressures at 1170 psia.
􀁸 SG #1 level is 65% WR and increasing.
􀁸 SG #2 level is 67% WR and increasing.
􀁸 Pressurizer pressure is 2240 psia and stable.
􀁸 PZR level is 33% and stable.
􀁸 3 Charging pumps are in service
􀁸 Containment pressure is 0.4 psig and increasing.
􀁸 Containment temperature is 120°F and increasing.
􀁸 Containment humidity is 28% and increasing.
The CRS should implement …
A. 40EP-9EO02, Reactor Trip and shift Heat Removal to the ADVs.
B. 40EP-9EO03, Loss of Coolant Accident and commence a cooldown.
C. 40EP-9EO04, Steam Generator Tube Rupture and isolate the faulted SG.
D. 40EP-9EO07, Loss of Offsite Power/Loss of Forced Circulation and verify Natural


Justification: The reactor trip was caused by the loss of RCPs. The cause of a small
LOCA could be due to the lack of main spray (RCPs) when offsite power was lost
creating a pressure spike. Containment parameters increasing causes Rx trip, SGTR
and LOOP to not meet “Containment Temperature and Pressure Control” Safety
Function. No RMS values are available with a loss of non-class power.
A is Wrong -
B is Correct - Entry condition. Rise in containment pressure, temp, radiation,
humidity and level
C is Wrong -
D is Wrong -


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
􀁸 Both Nuclear Cooling water pumps are in Pull-to-Lock due to a leak in the NC system.
􀁸 The “A” train Essential Cooling water system is aligned to supply the NC priority loads.
􀁸 The “B” charging pump, CHB-P01, is in Pull-to-Lock and unavailable due to an oil leak.
􀁸 The “E” charging pump, CHE-P01, is aligned to PGA-L35.
􀁸 The class 4160 Vac bus, PBA-S03, faults and is de-energized.
􀁸 DG “A” is running at rated speed and voltage.
Which one of the following actions is required?
A. Within 10 minutes secure the RCPs per appendix E of 40AO-9ZZ04, RCP
B. Perform appendix M of 40AO-9ZZ12, Degraded Electrical Power to close the “A”
DG output breaker.
C. Secure the RCPs within 3 minutes and enter 40EP-9EO07, Loss of Offsite
Power/Loss of Forced Circulation.
D. Operations may continue but a 2nd charging pump must be returned to Operable
status within 72 hours per TLCO 3.1.103, Charging Pumps - Operating.


Justification: EW A and all charging pumps have been lost due to the LOP
A is Wrong - This would be true for a loss of cooling water only, NCW or in this case
a loss of EW which was suppling the RCPs
B is Wrong - This would be correct if PBA-S03 did not have a fault on the bus
C is Correct - per appendix E (Information Aid) which is mounted on B04: for a loss
of Seal Injection and Cooling water the pumps must be secured within 3 minutes
D is Wrong - This is the TLCO action for a loss of two charging pumps


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at rated power.
􀁸 Pressurizer level is 52.5%.
􀁸 Letdown flow is 78 gpm.
􀁸 Charging flow is 88 gpm.
􀁸 Alarm window 7A07A (NUC CLG SYS TRBL) is in alarm.
􀁸 Nuclear Cooling Water Surge Tank Press Hi-Lo is alarming .
􀁸 Nuclear Cooling Water Surge Tank Level Hi-Lo is alarming.
􀁸 Containment sump levels and humidity are increasing.
􀁸 Containment Temperature is stable.
􀁸 Nuclear Cooling Water flow to all 4 RCPs is lowering.
These events are due to …
A. a half leg CIAS initiation. Implement 40AL-9RK5B, panel B05B alarm response.
B. a full CSAS actuation. Implement 40AO-9ZZ17, Inadvertant PPS-ESFAS
C. RCS leak to the Nuclear Cooling System. Implement 40AO-9ZZ02, Excessive
RCS Leakrate.
D. the Nuclear Cooling Water relief inside containment lifting. Implement 40AO-
9ZZ03, Loss of Cooling Water.


A is Wrong - CIAS does not close NCW containment Isolation valves
B is Wrong - a full CSAS closes both supply and return valves. This would not cause
contmt indications. An “A” train only CSAS which closes only the NCW return valve
has the potential to cause this event.
C is Wrong - RCS leak to NCW could have some of these same effects on the NCW
header but not the containment conditions, containment temps would be increasing.
D is Correct - relief lifting would cause the cntmt conditions as well as the NCW


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 The CRS has implemented 40AO-9ZZ19, Control Room Fire.
􀁸 Reactor trip from the PPS pushbuttons on Board 5 was not successful.
􀁸 A Manual reactor trip was initiated at 1459 by opening NGN-L03B2 and NGN-L10B2 supply breakers
from the Control Room.
􀁸 An MSIS was initiated at 1500.
􀁸 The Control Room was evacuated at 1500.
􀁸 The CRS is the first to arrive at the Remote Shutdown Panel at 1520.
Which one of the following actions is correct in regards to E-plan (NEI-99) implementation?
A. Classify as a Alert, assembly is optional.
B. Classify as a Alert, assembly is required.
C. Classify as a Site Area Emergency, assembly is optional.
D. Classify as a Site Area Emergency, assembly is required.


A and B are Wrong - examinee may choose the Fire/Explosion (HA2) or malfunction
of Reactor trip (MA2) and determine that Alert is the correct classification
C is Wrong - Assembly/Accountability is mandatory at SAE
D is Correct - Control not established within 15 minutes of evacuating the Control
Room is HS2, SAE and Assembly/Accountability is mandatory at SAE


The following conditions exist during the SPTAs, post reactor trip:
􀁸 RCS pressure 2150 psia and recovering.
􀁸 Tcold 560°F and recovering.
􀁸 DFWCS is in Reactor Trip Override with 0 gpm to each SG.
􀁸 13.8 Kv non class bus NAN-S02 has a fault and is de-energized.
􀁸 DG “B” is out of service for scheduled maintenance.
􀁸 Class 125 VDC Battery Bus PKC-M43 is de-energized
Which recovery procedure is designed specifically to mitigate this set of symptoms?
A. Reactor Trip
B. Loss of all Feedwater
C. Loss of Offsite Power/Loss of Forced Circulation
D. Functional Recovery procedure, MVDC is jeopardized.


A is Correct - uncomplicated Rx trip
B is Wrong - RTO does not feed with T-avg < 564 degrees
C is Wrong - Partial loss of Offsite power, NAN-S01 is not listed as de-energized and
PBB-S04 is still supplied by the switchyard.
D is Wrong - PBB-S04 is still energized from offsite power there is jeopardized safety
function which requires restoration of a vital DC bus. If examinee believes that PBBS04
lost power this would appear to be correct.


A plant transient has resulted in the following conditions:
􀁸 Pressurizer pressure is 1600 psia and stable.
􀁸 RCS temperature is being controlled with SG 2
􀁸 Loop 1 T-cold is 362°F and stable.
􀁸 Loop 1 T-hot is 390°F and stable.
􀁸 Loop 2 T-cold is 380°F and stable..
􀁸 Loop 2 T-hot is 395°F and stable.
􀁸 REP CET is 397°F and stable.
􀁸 SIAS, CIAS, MSIS, and CSAS have automatically actuated.
􀁸 Safety Injection flow is adequate.
􀁸 There is no activity present in the steam plant or containment.
􀁸 SG 1 WR level is 0%.
􀁸 SG 2 WR level is 65% and rising.
The CRS should implement the procedure and …..
A. Functional Recovery, equalize loop T-colds at 380°F then lower RCS pressure.
B. Excess Steam Demand, equalize loop T-colds at 362°F then initiate a cooldown.
C. Functional Recovery, heatup the RCS to within the Pressure/Temperature limits.
D. Excess Steam Demand, lower RCS pressure to within Pressure/Temperature


Justification: There is a single event in progress, ESD, no reason to implement the
A is Wrong - reduce temp to higher t-cold is old guidance, soak is required.
B is Wrong - Coldest t-cold is correct but the 2 hour soak is required and the CD rate
would be limited to 100 degrees per hour
C is Wrong - we would de-pressurize not heat-up to restore limits
D is Correct - if PT limits were exceeded and RCPs are secured then a 2 hour soak is
required at current conditions.


Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when the following occurred:
􀁸 Excore power decreases to 98%.
􀁸 RCS Loop T-hots are lowering.
􀁸 RCS Loop T-colds are lowering.
􀁸 Pressurizer level and pressure are lowering.
􀁸 COLSS, CPC and PDIL alarms.
􀁸 Letdown flow is decreasing.
10 minutes later the following conditions are observed:
􀁸 Excore power has recovered to ~ 100%.
􀁸 T-avg has stabilized, but 2°F off program low.
􀁸 Pressurizer level and pressure have recovered.
􀁸 COLSS, CPC and PDIL alarms are still active.
􀁸 Letdown flow is increasing.
Which ONE of the following events is in progress?
A. Letdown leak, perform recovery actions per Loss of Letdown AOP.
B. Partial load reject, perform recovery action per Load Rejection AOP.
C. Slipped/dropped CEA, perform recovery actions per CEA Malfunctions AOP.
D. Instrument malfunction, perform recovery actions per RRS Malfunctions AOP.


A reactivity insertion due to CEA malfunction should be diagnosed. Should diagnose
that temperature changes are driving other plant responses making RCS inventory
loses incorrect. An instrument failure would not have resulted in all the listed alarms.
A is Wrong - LD would not have these effects on power, COLSS, CPCs or PDILs
B is Wrong - Load reject w could have some of the effects but not Tavg low with
power recovery
C is Correct - Temps initially drop then power would recover with a lower than
normal Tavg
D is Wrong - Should not affect CPCs or PDILs


Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
􀁸 Core re-load in progress.
􀁸 Refueling Water Tank level is 14%.
􀁸 Chemistry reports that the Refueling Pool boron concentration is not within limits.
Which one of the following actions is both available and procedurally directed as a makeup path that can
be used to restore the refueling pool boron concentration?
A. Implement 40AO-9ZZ01, Emergency Boration, align HPSI pumps.
B. Implement 40AO-9ZZ01, Emergency Boration, align charging pump suction
through CHN-UV-514 with BAMP pumps not available.
C. Implement 40EP-9EO11, Lower Mode Functional Recovery procedure, align
charging pump suction to the alternate suction per SA-10, Charging Pump
Alternate Suction to the RWT.
D. Implement 40EP-9EO11, Lower Mode Functional Recovery procedure, align
charging pump suction to the Spent Fuel Pool per SA-11, Charging Pump
Alternate Suction to the SFP.


A is Correct - RWT is available for HPSI make-up with level greater than 8% (above
RAS setpoint)
B is Wrong - not available with RWT level less than 73%
C is Wrong - This aligns thru RWT bottom CH-327 but appendix states that charging
pumps must in PTL with level less than 44%
D is Wrong - Spent Fuel pool is common to Refueling pool with Core Reload in


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 manually tripped due to lowering Pressurizer level and pressure.
􀁸 SIAS/CIAS were manually initiated on trend.
􀁸 T-cold is 564 ºF controlled by SBCS in auto.
􀁸 RCS pressure is 1850 psia and lowering.
􀁸 Containment pressure is 0.3 psig and stable.
􀁸 SGs are being fed by Main Feed pumps in RTO.
􀁸 SG 1 level is 55% WR and rising.
􀁸 SG 2 level is 47% WR and dropping.
A Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) would …
A. result in an increasing radiation hazard or release to the public.
B. result in a loss of Seal Injection that requires all charging pumps to be manually
C. require the CRS to transition to the Functional Recovery procedure due to “dual”
events in progress.
D. require the alignment of Essential Cooling Water to Nuclear Cooling Water
priority loads to maintain forced circulation.


A is Correct - a loss of Offsite power will cause a loss of vacuum leading to the use of
ADVs or SBCVs 7 and 8 either one will cause a release to atmosphere
B is Wrong - this would be the condition for a LOP with no SIAS
C is Wrong - SGTR with a concurrent LOOP does not require the FRP
D is Wrong - Power to the RCPs is from 13.8Kv which is lost during a LOOP event. Cross
connecting EW would be of no value since the RCPs have tripped.


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 55% power following a Large Load Reject event.
􀁸 RU-155D, RCS Letdown is in high alarm
􀁸 Chemistry analysis confirms that DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 is in the unacceptable region of Tech
Spec figure 3.4.17-1.
􀁸 The CRS directs that a Unit shutdown be performed.
In accordance with LCO 3.4.17, RCS Specific Activity, which one of the following actions is subsequently
performed to limit the release of radioactivity?
A. The main steam isolation valves (MSIVs) are closed.
B. The RCS temperature is lowered to a T-cold of less than 500°F.
C. The maximum number of condensate polishers are placed in service.
D. Letdown is isolated by closing CHB-UV-515, Letdown to Regen HX Isolation


A is Wrong - Closing MSIVs is an action taken to isolate a faulted SG during a SGTR
event. This action would not prevent an MSSV from lifting
B is Correct - per 3.4.17 Tcold is lowered to be below the MSSV setpoint in the event
of a SGTR
C is Wrong - actions taken for SGTR
D is Wrong - Action that could be taken to limit rad levels in the aux building


Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
􀁸 Pressurizer pressure is 250 psia.
􀁸 Reactor Coolant System T-cold is 190°F.
􀁸 Shutdown Cooling train “A” is in service.
􀁸 The crew attended training last week.
􀁸 The Control Operator did not attend training but is scheduled to attend next week.
􀁸 The Reactor Operator attended and successfully completed her training week.
􀁸 The CRS failed the weekly exam and is scheduled to be remediated next week.
􀁸 The 3rd Reactor Operator holds an active SRO license and successfully completed his training week.
Per 40DP-9OP02, Conduct of Shift Operations, may be designated to
maintain the Control Room command function for this shift?
A. only the 3rd Reactor Operator
B. either the 3rd Reactor Operator or CRS
C. either the Reactor Operator or 3rd Reactor Operator
D. either the Reactor Operator, Control Operator or 3rd Reactor Operator


Justification: In Modes 5 and 6 command function will normally be the CRS but may
either be a qualified SRO or RO.
The CRS failed the weekly exam and shall be removed from license duties until
remediation is complete. Those who do not attend training have 6 weeks from
completion of the current cycle to make-up the missed training.
A is Wrong -
B is Wrong -
C is Wrong -
D is Correct - This means that the CO, RO and 3rd Operator are all permitted to hold
the command function in Mode 5


Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when the following conditions were observed:
􀁸 COLSS calculated primary calorimetric power (NKBDELT) is rising.
􀁸 COLSS calculated turbine power (NKTFSP) is lowering.
􀁸 T-cold is 555°F and lowering.
􀁸 Pressurizer pressure is 2210 psia and lowering.
􀁸 Pressurizer level is lowering.
􀁸 Containment pressure is 0.3 psig and stable.
􀁸 Containment temperature is 112°F and stable.
In addition the crew should expect to observe …
A. CEA mis-alignment due to a slipped 4 finger CEA. Implement 40AO-9ZZ11, CEA
B. lowering Main Generator megawatt output due to the partial load reject.
Implement 40AO-9ZZ08, Load Rejection.
C. letdown flow lowering due to the RCS leak outside containment. Trip the reactor
and implement 40EP-9EO03, Loss of Coolant Accident.
D. lowering SG pressures due to the steam leak outside containment. Trip the
reactor and implement 40EP-9EO05, Excess Steam Demand.


A is Wrong - slipped CEA would cause lowering pressure and temperature but not
the power increase
B is Wrong - load reject will cause lowering power and T-cold to increase. Examinee
could confuse lowering first stage pressure with lowering turbine load.
C is Wrong - RCS leak would cause the PZR indications but not the power
D is Correct - A steam leak outside of containment will lower Steam Header pressure
resulting in a lower first stage pressure = NKTFSP lowering. However primary power
(NKBDELT) will increase as steam demand increases. T-cold and pressurizer
indications are consistent with ESD.


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
􀁸 Alarm window 6B13A, EXTR DRN SYS TRBL is alarming.
􀁸 Alarm point EDLS709, Heater 7A Level Hi is in alarm.
􀁸 An AO has verified that both the normal and high level dump valves for the High Pressure feedwater
heater 7A indicate open.
Which of the following is correct for these circumstances?
A. If level continues to rise and the Hi-Hi setpoint is reached, feedwater flow through
the A train high pressure heater string will isolate, take actions per 40AL-9RK6B.
B. Removing the 7A heater from service causes a reduction in feedwater
temperature to both SGs and a power reduction is required per 40OP-9ZZ05
(Power Operations).
C. Prior to removing the 7A feedwater heater from service the crew must reduce
power to either 50% or until the High Level Control valve is less than 25% open
per 40OP-9ED01, Feedwater Heater Extraction Steam and Drain System.
D. 40OP-9ZZ14 (Feedwater & Condensate) allows 100% operation with a high
pressure feedwater string removed from service if FWN-HV-103, train A/B heater
bypass valve is open since there would not be a significant change in feedwater


A is Wrong - Hi-Hi isolation is for the low pressure FW heaters
B is Correct - Temperature lower to both SG as flow combines and power must be
lowered per the Power Operations procedure
C is Wrong - this action would be taken when removing a Heater Drain pump from
D is Wrong - power must be lowered to 1109 MW even with the bypass valve open


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 A Loss of Coolant event is in progress.
􀁸 SIAS/CIAS/MSIS have initiated.
􀁸 HPSI pump “B”, SIB-P01, has faulted and is not available.
􀁸 A Loss of Offsite Power occured on the reactor trip.
􀁸 ESF transformer NBN-X03 has a sudden pressure fault.
􀁸 PBA-S03, Class 4160 Kv bus is de-energized.
􀁸 PKA-M41, 125 VDC bus, has faulted and is de-energized.
Adequate Safety Injection flow can be restored by …
A. aligning the “B” DG per Standard Appendix 58, Cross-Tie DG B to PBA-S03.
B. aligning the Station Blackout Generators per Standard Appendix 80, SBOG to
PBA-S03 (BO).
C. performing contingency actions of the Standard Post Trip Actions (40EP-9EO01)
to restore the “A” DG.
D. energizing PBA-S03 from NBN-X04 (ESF transformer) per MVAC-1 of the
Functional Recovery procedure, 40EP-9EO09.


A is Correct - power can be supplied by x-tying DG b to PBA-S03
B is Wrong - SBOGs must have NBN-X03 available to supply the unit with power
C is Wrong - A loss PKA-M41 kills the “A” DG therefore the MVAC contingency
actions of the SPTAs are not available
D is Wrong - LOOP occurred therefore the other ESF transformer is not available


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at rated power
􀁸 The “A” train CEDM cooling fans (A02A/A02C) are running.
􀁸 The “B” train CEDM cooling fans (A02B/A02D) are in standby.
􀁸 Alarm window 7A9B, CEDM ACU COOLS SYS TRBL alarms.
􀁸 The Operator observes that CEDM cooling fan A02A has a brighter than normal green light.
Assuming no Operator action …
A. only A02C is running, full power operation may continue per 40AO-9ZZ20, Loss
of HVAC.
B. A02B will start after a 120 second time delay, full power operation may continue
per 40AL-9RK7A, panel B07A alarm response.
C. only A02C is running, start an additional CEDM cooling fan within 10 minutes or
perform a Rapid Shutdown per 40OP-9ZZ05 Power Operations.
D. only A02C is running, start an additional CEDM cooling fan within 40 minutes or
trip the reactor and cooldown the RCS to less than 300°F within 4 hours per
40OP-9ZZ10, Mode 3 to Mode 5 operations.


A is Correct - There is no low D/P with a single fan running, no additional fans start
and full power operation is permitted with a single fan running.
B is Wrong - no low D/P start signal is generated, both fans would have to trip.
C is Wrong - only A02C is running but the actions stated (10 minutes) apply to no
CEDM cooling fans running.
D is Wrong - only A02C is running but the actions stated (40 minutes) apply to no
CEDM cooling fans running.


Unit 1 is operating at 100% power when the following events occur:
􀁸 NAN-S02 (13.8 Kv non class bus) faulted and is de-energized.
􀁸 An automatic reactor trip occurs.
􀁸 Standard Post Trip Actions (SPTAs) are completed.
􀁸 Pressurize level is 33% and stable.
􀁸 NO operator actions have been taken or are required.
􀁸 Start-up transformer NAN-X03 faults and is de-energized.
The CRS should now anticipate that Pressurizer level will …
A. increase above the control band, level should be controlled by initiating a
cooldown per 40EP-9EO07, LOOP/LOFC.
B. increase above the control band, level should be controlled by securing all
charging pumps per 40EP-9EO02, Reactor Trip.
C. drop below the control band, level should be controlled by green flagging the
always running charging pump per 40EP-9EO02, Reactor Trip.
D. drop below the control band, level should be restored by green flagging the
always running charging pump per 40EP-9EO07, LOOP/LOFC


A is Correct - Increasing Thot and loss of Letdown will cause Pzr level to go high.
With no cooling flow (NC) to the RCPs charging flow must be maintained, level is
controlled by initiating a cooldown.
B is Wrong - This is a LOOP event, stopping charging pumps is wrong.
C and D are Wrong - level will go high. Examinee may not correctly associate which
buses have de-energized or think that charging pumps have become anti-pumped
due to the LOP signals


Given the following time line:
􀁸 1310 - An Alert, (FA1) was declared due to a LOCA and the RCS being at saturation conditions.
􀁸 1330 - REP CET readings are 710°F.
􀁸 1330 - RVLMS indicates 0% in the plenum.
It is the Emergency Coordinator responsibility to inform the State/County agencies no later than (a) of
the upgrade to a (b) .
A. (a) 1400 (b) Site Area Emergency
B. (a) 1400 (b) General Emergency
C. (a) 1430 (b) Site Area Emergency
D. (a) 1430 (b) General Emergency


A is Correct - per EPIP-01. 2 potential and one loss of a barrier, notification required
in <15 minutes
B and D are Wrong - could confuse potential losses and come up with a GE
C is Wrong - SAE is correct but 1 hour is the NRC notification time


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is in Mode 5 during a refueling outage.
􀁸 “A” Train shutdown cooling is in service.
􀁸 Spent Fuel Pool Level Hi or Lo is in alarm.
􀁸 Spent Fuel Pool level Lo-Lo is in alarm.
􀁸 An Auxiliary Operator confirms Spent Fuel Pool level is 136 ft 6 inches and slowly lowering.
What is the current status of (a) LCO 3.7.14, Fuel Storage Pool Water Level (b) Spent Fuel Pool Cooling
(c) and which procedure should be implemented to correct this condition?
A. (a) Entry in to LCO 3.7.14 is not required (b) SFP cooling must be secured at this
level (c) 40AO-9ZZ23, Loss of SFP Level or Cooling.
B. (a) Entry in to LCO 3.7.14 is required (b) SFP cooling can remain in operation at
this level (c) 40AO-9ZZ23, Loss of SFP Level or Cooling.
C. (a) Entry in to LCO 3.7.14 is required (b) SFP cooling must be secured at this
level (c) 40EP-9EO11, Lower Mode Functional Recovery Procedure.
D. (a) Entry in to LCO 3.7.14 is not required (b) SFP cooling can remain in operation
at this level (c) 40EP-9EO11, Lower Mode Functional Recovery Procedure.


Justification: LCO entry is 137 feet 4 inches, SFP cooling suction level is 131 ft 10
inches and ZZ23 is the correct procedure, Unit is in Mode 5 but refueling pool has no
level (Inv. Control) that would involve the LMFRP
A is Wrong - LCO entry is required at < 137.33 feet
B is Correct -
C is Wrong - SFP cooling can continue and LMFRP is wrong
D is Wrong - LCO entry is required, LMFRP is wrong


Unit 1 has stabilized power at 52% following a trip of the B Main Feedwater pump.
30 minutes later the following conditions are noted:
􀁸 Reactor power is stable at 52%.
􀁸 T-cold is lowering.
􀁸 T-avg is dropping below T-ref
􀁸 CEA overlap has not been restored.
Which one of the following events/actions would cause these conditions?
A. A small steam leak has occurred, trip the reactor and implement 40EP-9EO05,
Excess Steam Demand.
B. A slipped/dropped CEA has occured, implement 40AO-9ZZ11, CEA Malfunctions
and restore CEA positions.
C. A HI-HI level has caused extraction steam to be isolated to a High Pressure
feedwater heater, implement 40OP-9ZZ14, Feedwater and Condensate.
D. These are expected xenon responses, lower turbine load and continue
performance of 40AO-9ZZ09, Reactor Power Cutback (Loss of Feedpump)..


Justification: The Xerho program showed 93 pcm xenon at 30 minutes
A is Wrong - A steam leak would cause power to increase and temp to lower
B is Wrong - a slipped CEA could give these conditions but the procedure directs a
Reactor trip if this should happen
C is Wrong - HI-HI level isolates extraction steam to the FW heater causing a drop in
FW temp and a lowering of Tcold but power would also increase with the colder
D is Correct - as xenon builds in temp will lower to maintain the given power with the
Main Turbine on line. Procedure provides guidance to lower turbine load

Per 01DP-9ZZ01, Systematic Troubleshooting, who is responsible to determine the level of
troubleshooting gameplan?
A. Shift Manager
B. System Engineer
C. Shift Technical Advisor
D. Unit Department Leader

A is Correct - Listed under the responsibilities section.

B, C and D are Wrong - Any of these could seem reasonable to the examinee.


Given the following conditions:
Unit 1 is operating at rated power with the following Safety Injection Tank (SIT) parameters:
PARAMETER Pressure (psig) Level (% NR) Boron (ppm)
1A 592 45 4005
1B 605 32 4210
2A 610 50 3925
2B 615 20 4100
Which one of the following correctly describes the operability status of the Safety Injection Tanks?
A. only 1A is Inoperable
B. only 2A is Inoperable.
C. 1A and 2B are Inoperable.
D. 1A, 2A and 2B are Inoperable

􀁸 ≥ 2300 ppm (Boron concentration) 􀂔 4400 ppm
􀁸 ≥ 600 psig ppm (Pressure) 􀂔 625 psig
􀁸 ≥ 28 (%NR level) 􀂔 72
A is Wrong -
B is Wrong -
C is Correct - low pressure and level
D is Wrong -

Given the following Unit -1 conditions:
􀁸 SG 2 has a 75 gpd tube leak.
􀁸 The CRS is taking actions to be in Mode 3 within 24 hours per appendix F of 40AO-9ZZ02, Excessive
RCS Leakrate.
􀁸 A safety on SG 2 fails partially open.
􀁸 A manual reactor trip is initiated.
After completion of the Standard Post Trip Actions the CRS should implement …
A. 40EP-9EO09, FRP and secure feedwater flow to SG 2.
B. 40EP-9EO05, ESD and initiate an MSIS to isolate SG 2.
C. 40EP-9EO09, FRP and feed SG 2 to greater than 45% NR.
D. 40EP-9EO05, ESD and stabilize RCS temperatures using SG 1 only.


A is Wrong - This would be correct for a SGTR/ESD in containment. We would stop
feeding in order to minimize the cooldown of the RCS with no release to atmosphere.
B is Wrong - The examinee may believe that the MSIS will stop the release when the
MSIV close.
C is Correct - This action is taken for ESD/SGTR outside containment. Feed 1360 to
1600 gpm to reach 45% NR level
C is Wrong - This would be correct for an ESD only event, examinee may believe that
for such a small SGTL the FRP is not required.


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is in Mode 6
􀁸 Core off-load is in progress
􀁸 The CRS is informed that a Fuel Assembly has been dropped in the Spent Fuel Pool.
􀁸 The Fuel Assembly is being placed in a stable condition.
􀁸 RU 31 is in alert alarm and readings are trending up
􀁸 Ru-145 is in alert alarm and readings are trending up.
In addition to initiating a FBEVAS the crew is expected to ….
A. ensure all personnel have evacuated the area, no other actions are required.
B. initiate or verify initiated CRVIAS and ensure all personnel have evacuated the
C. initiate or verify initiated CREFAS and ensure all non-essential personnel have
evacuated the area.
D. initiate or verify initiated CREFAS, CRVIAS and ensure all non-essential
personnel have evacuated the area.


A is Wrong - Initiate/verify CREFAS and evacuate non-essential personnel
B is Wrong - CRIVAS is not directed (containment)
C is Correct - CREFAS should cross trip and non-essential personnel should be
D is Wrong - CRIVAS is not directed


Given the following conditions:
􀁸 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
􀁸 An Abnormal Operating procedure has been implemented.
􀁸 The following step has been completed.
If cooling water can not be restored, THEN perform the following:
1) Ensure the Reactor is tripped
2) Stop all of the RCPs.
3) Isolate controlled bleedoff.
4) PERFORM the appropriate procedure for current plant conditions.
Which statement below best describes the use of Abnormal Operating Procedures (AOPs) after the crew
has entered the Emergency Operating procedures (EOPs)?
A. Immediately exit the AOP being performed.
B. No further AOP actions are permitted until after the SPTAs are completed.
C. Any AOP that has been started prior to a reactor trip must be performed through
D. Continue through the AOP until a step is reached that directs exiting the


A is Wrong - This would be true for a “GO TO” step in the AOPs
B is Wrong - No actions are permitted until the Reactivity Safety Function is
C is Wrong - Some AOPs must be exited such as the “Go To” direction
D is Correct - As found in section 17 of the users guide


In accordance with PVNGS Policies, Practices and Procedures, which one of the following
conditions/actions requires notification of the NRC?
A. Single PPS channel trip.
B. Loss of both Nuclear Cooling Water pumps.
C. Fire in the Operations Support Building that is extinguished within 10 minutes.
D. Auxiliary Operator is referred to medical due to a finger laceration while operating
a manual valve.


A is Wrong - Single trip is a TS entry nothing more. No AOP entry or reduced power
B is Correct - Entry into AOP requires NRC notification
C is Wrong - Fire < 10 requires no implementation of e-plan
D is Wrong - might be true for a licensed operator or if evacuation or contamination
were involved