2. Lifestyles Of The Rich And Poor Flashcards
The Nobles and Lords were …. with an income of …….
great landowners
£6000 per year
Many landowners ….. their homes to promote their wealth. This was the …. era. Elizabeth’s ….. fuelled this new movement.
For example: …….
Great Rebuilding
Royal Progresses
Hardwick Hall and Longleat House
New building styles were designed to show …..
a clear divide between the owner and servant
Houses celebrated ….. and build in the shape of …..
Windows were ….. from the front of the house
and ‘E’ or ‘H’
large and symmetrical
Newest feature was the …… which was the entire length of the house and was framed by ….
Function was for…..
Long Gallery
windows and/or fireplaces and portraits of the family
Entertainment: music, dancing, exercise and playing games
Fashionable noblemen wore …..
Outfits were completed with ….
Doublet (shirt), ruff, jerkin, breeches, leather shoes and stockings
Jewellery and a satin and velvet cloak and hat
…. were tutored at home in French, Latin and Greek
…… was important as was learning …..
Young men
Social etiquette
hawking, fencing and dancing
Fashionable noble ladies wore ……
a petticoat (farthingtale), a gown, stockings, ruff, wide sleeves, bracelets, brooches and a string of pearls
Young ladies learnt how to ……
supervise the daily running of the household
Gentry and Yeoman classes aimed to …….. just not on as grand a scale
copy the lifestyles of the nobility
The gentry and yeoman class rented out …… to …… for regular income
large areas of land
Tenant farmers
Homes had at least ….. including servant quarters
5 rooms
Medieval home ceilings ….. to create an …..
Windows were …… and ……
glass inserted
…… was taken seriously by the Gentry and they …… though not with …..
copied the rich
expensive gold and silver threads
Gentry education:
Sons went to ….. to learn …..
360 schools by the end of the …..
grammar schools
Greek and Latin
Young gentry men learn to become the …….
…. hour school day, …… and good ……
perfect gentleman
hunting, fencing, dancing
table manners
Some ….. year olds went to ….. to study…..
others went to ….. in London to study …..
Oxford or Cambridge
maths, music, theology, geometry
the Inns at Court
Wandering poor called …… spread ……
‘sturdy beggars’
disease across towns
Estimated …… wandering around being …….
idle, lazy and a burden on society
….. , ….. and …… are just a few types of vagabonds, different by the way they …….
Counterfeit Crank
seek out a living/money
Local responses to vagrancy were ….. in success
The poor is …… to Rich and Gentry
distinctly different
The poor’s homes:
typical ….. had one room and often ……..
…… floor, ……. roof, no ……. windows
family shared with animals
The poor had ….. , often a table and bench. Craftsmen and farmers may ……. with …….
few possessions and furniture
afford to build a new house
glazed windows and separate bedrooms
The poor’s working day:
long ….. hour day with …… for lunch.
Main meal at ….. of …….
….. was too expensive
bread and ale
vegetable stew
The poor’s fashion:
basic …………….
mostly only had ….. outfit(s)
leather shoes, woolen stockings, jacket, waistcoat, leather breeches and felt hat
Poor’s education was ……
Some lucky to attend …… to learn to read and write
little to none
Parish School
Poor’s leisure:
…… , visiting the local …… , watching a ……. or …….
gambling, playing cards
inn or tavern
strolling band
Elizabeth poor laws in ……
Could be seen as a ……
Turning point
Elizabeth government recognised that …… was a …..
poverty and vagrancy
national problem
9 causes of poverty:
I….., R….R…. , B……H……, R…….D…….., C……..F……M……, D……..M………, C…….F…….W….., R…….P……., C……C……I……
inflation, rack renting, bad harvest, rural depopulation, changes in farming methods, dissolution of monasteries, costly foreign wars, rising population, collapse of the cloth industry
Two types of poor:
In …… Statute of Artificers - compulsory ………
7 year apprenticeship for boys
In …… the Vagabonds Act - JPs keep a ……. and enforce …..
register for the poor
local poor rates
The ……. Act for Relief of the Poor - work found for ……
able-bodied poor and children to learn a trade