1. The Elizabethan Government Flashcards
Elizabeth was born in ….
Elizabeth’s father was……. and he mother was ….. (the ….. wife)
King Henry VIII
Anne Boleyn
Elizabeth’s half brother was ….. and her half sister was …..
The other name for her half sister was …..
King Edward VI (reign 1547-1553)
Mary I (reign 1553-1558)
Bloody Mary
Elizabeth’s ….. was Mary Queen of Scots
What meant Elizabeth had no claim to the throne
Elizabeth was declared illegitimate following her mother’s beheading
Elizabeth was raised as a ……. and after the age of 10 she lived with her step mother ……. (who was Henry’s ….. wife) and her brother ……
Catherine Parr
In ……. Henry dies and …… is made monarch
England is what religion?
In ….. Edward dies and ….. becomes queen.
She is married to ……
England is now converted to ……
Mary I
King Phillip II of Spain
What happened in 1554 - Wyatt Rebellion?
Rebellion led by Thomas Wyatt
Elizabeth suspected to be involved so Mary locks her up in Tower of London but not enough evidence to charge her with treason so she is moved to Woodstock in Oxfordshire
After being put in essentially house arrest in Oxfordshire, Elizabeth is moved to ……. , here she meets and is advised by ……
Hatfield House
William Cecil
On ……. Mary I dies
…… is now Queen
She moves from ……. back to London
17th November 1558
Hatfield House
Elizabeth’s coronation took place on ……. in Westminster Abbey and was preceded by ……
15th January 1559
A weekend of celebrations in London: pageants, a ceremonial barge and a feast at Whitehall Palace (the Queen’s residence)
Coronation of Elizabeth means England is overjoyed at the end of the ……
England is now …… once again
Marian Persecution
Elizabeth was the first ruler of England to recognise the importance of ……
…… was key to her success
Public relations
Elizabeth was well educated. Example?
She was well read
Could speak 5 languages including Latin and Greek
She studies Theology (study of nature of religious beliefs)
She was keen to avoid religious disputes
Elizabeth used portraits to be seen by her country. What were the key themes of her portraits?
The Royal Court was the …….
Center of all political power in the realm
…….. were people who lived and worked at Whitehall Palace, from her servants and ladies in waiting to chief advisors and government officials
Nobles in court sought the ….. of the queen. They wanted ……. so they worked to impress her.
As a result of ……, factions were formed within the Royal Court. For example ……. as both men sought to …..
a title, a role and power
William Cecil vs Robert Dudley
be her closest confidant
Elizabeth maintained control by …..
Playing one faction against the other
What was the Privy Council
A body of advisors appointed by the queen and in charge of the day to day running of the country ( her government)
The Privy Council met three or four times a week to …….
Elizabeth seldom joined them so she had ……
Main 6 men we must know who were Privy Councillors: …..
discuss matters
appointed indiciduals she trusted
Willian Cecil, Robert Dudley, Christopher Hatton, Robert Cecil, Sir Francis Walsingham and Robert Devereux
Sometimes the privy council had to meet to discuss …….
For example in ….., Elizabeth caught smallpox so the Privy Council had to meet to discuss …..
Also in ….. Mary Queen of Scots fled Scotland and crossed the border, councillors met to agree on a solution
urgent matters
The Local Government helped …..
maintain law and order on a local level across the counties, in towns and parishes
The ….. was the chief of the local officials
Lord Lieutenant
The Lord Lieutenant was a ……. and often a ……
wealthy landowner
privy councillor
There was one Lord per county and they …..
supervised the work of the JPs
The Justice of the Peace was responsible for …..
maintaining law and order on a local level on a daily basis
Depending on the size of the county, there were …. JPs per county
The JPs were the ….. and they oversaw……. and administered …..
judges in courts for minor crimes
maintenance of highways
poor relief to the unemployed
The JPs were …… who received ….. for the role but it did award them ….
Wealthy country gentlemen
no money
status and respect to their region
The work of the JPs was supported by the ….
lesser officers
There was …. Sheriff(s) per county but most of his responsibilities were now passes to the …..
They were responsible for ….
Lord lieutenant
completing documents to set up apprenticeships for young boys, fix prices and wages and look after the poor
The Parish Constable was a …..
He was a ….. and held the unpaid post of Constable for ….
lesser officer
tradesman or local farmer
1 year
The night watchman was a ….. who worked alongside …. , patrolling the …… at night
lesser officer
the Parish Constable
parish or town
Together, the Constable and Watchman were responsible for …..
watching vagabonds, keeping order in taverns, carrying out punishments, impounding stray animals and preventing trespassers and poachers
The overseers of the poor were appointed by the …. and he collected the …. and ….
poor rate (tax)
distributed to those who needed it
The House of Lords consists of ….
Appointed by …..
100 lords, bishops and judges
the Queen (not elected by public)
The House of Commons had …. Members of Parliament. There were … MPs per county and … MPs per important towns
MPs were …
wealthy male landowners
During Elizabeth’s entire reign of …. , …. Parliaments met on a total of … occasions
45 years
Elizabeth called Parliament when she was:
- short of money and needed revenue from taxes (eg war with Ireland or Spain)
- or needed to pass Acts of Parliament (eg religious settlement acts)
- or desired support and advice of her MPs and Lords on important issues (eg how to deal with the Catholic plots)
Freedom of Speech was …. in Parliament
Elizabeth appointed the ….
Speaker of the House
….. chose the topics for discussion
MPs who discussed forbidden topics were …
Parliament was …. and Elizabeth …..
needed it
Parliament had the power to ……
In 1558, she inherited ….. in ….. (debt accrued by Queen Mary I)
raise money through taxation
Marian Debt
Parliament helped Elizabeth ….
balance the books and clear the debt
The Royal Household expenditure was …. and Royal Court salaries ….
were capped
….. became an increasing problem and ….. was needed for poor relief
local taxation