2 - Biomechanics of Resistance Exercise Flashcards
a lever
first-class lever
second-class lever
third-class lever
the patella increases the _____ ____ of the ____ muscle
During elbow flexion the perpendicular distance from the joint axis of rotation to the tendon’s line of action _____ throughout the range of joint motion. When the moment arm is shorter, there is ___ ______ _____
moment arm (and thus resistive torque) changes with ___ ______ from the weight to the elbow
tendon insertion closer vs. farther from the joint center
anatomical position
planes of movement illustrations I
planes of movement illustration II
muscle fiber arrangements examples
interaction between actin and myosin filaments when muscle is at its resting length vs contracted vs stretched
force-velocity curve for eccentric and concentric actions
cam-based weight-stack machines and muscle arm variation
fluid ball