2. Bacterial staining Flashcards
To study their properties and to divide microorganisms into specific groups for
diagnostic purposes, biological stains and staining procedures in conjunction with
light microscopy have become major tools in microbiology.
Bacterial staining
What are the 2 different types of bacterial stain?
Acidic and Basic stain
What is acidic stain?
- anionic
- Chromogen portion exhibits NEGATIVE charge
- strong affinity to positive constituents of the cell
What is the positive constituent that is being determine by acidic stain?
What is basic stains?
- Cationic
- Chromogen portion that exhibits positive charge
- Strong affinity to negative constituent
What is the Negative constituent that is being determine by Basic stain?
Nucleic acid
What are the examples of Acidic stains
Picric acid
Acid fuchsin
Rose bengal
Congo red
What are the examples of Basic stains
Methylene blue
Giemsa’s stain
Leishman’ stain
Wright’s stain
What is fixation
Aims to preserve the shape of the cell
When is heat fix incorporate in the slide?
After air drying
A type of stain that is immerse in the sample in a dye solution followed by rinsing and observation
Imparts SAME color from the reagent
Uses only one reagent
Simple stain
Example of simple stain?
Methylene blue
basic fuchsin
Uses 2 or more stains to categorized various groups of bacteria
Differential stain
Example of differential stain
Gram stain
A principal stain that s used for microscopic examination of bacteria
Provides rapid presumption identification of pathogens
Gram stain
Example of bacteria that does not use gram stains
Treponema spp
Mycobacterium spp
Chlamydia spp
What are the 4 reagents in gram staining
P - Crystal violet
M - Gram’s iodine
D - 95% ethyl alcohol/acetone
S - Safranin
What are the time frame in gram staining?
P - 1min
M - 1min
D - 10 sec (Until alcohol runs almost clear that shows blue tinge)
S - 45 sec
Bacteria that will stain and take the primary stain are gram-positive and appear
purple under the compound microscope
Gram positive
Bacteria that will stain and take the counterstain stain are gram-negative and
appear pink under the compound microscope
Gram negative
What is the characteristic of the cell in Gram positive?