2(3): Pusat Belanja di Jakarta Flashcards
This is a radio ad about new shopping center in JKT
Ini adalah iklan radio tenang pusat belanja baru di JKT
Come to Modern Shopping Centre! The only shopping centre that you need.
Datanglah ke Pusat Belanja Modern, satu-satunya PJ yang Anda perlukan.
Don’t need shop at (lit. to) other place. All your family necessities are here.
Tidak perlu berbelanja ke tempat lain. Semua kebutuhan keluarga Anda ada di sini.
Fruits, vegetables, meat and soap can be bought at level 1
Buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran, daging dan sabun bisa dibeli di lantai satu.
Clothes are sold at level 2
Pakaian dijual di lantai dua
Furniture and electronics (lit. electronic things) are sold at level 4
Perabotan dan barang-barang elektronik dijual di lantai empat.
Finish shopping,you can sit-sit and eat in restaurants that are on level 5. Many food is sold there.
Selasai berbelanka, Anda bisa duduk-duduk dan makan di restoran yang ada di lantai lima. Banyak makanan dijual di sana.
This morning that road was closed.
Tadi pagi jalan itu ditutup.
This book is written in Arabic.
Buku ini ditulis dalam bahasa Arab.
Where can fresh roses be bought?
Bunga mawar yang segar bisa dibeli di mana?
When shopping, they divided the tasks. Fruits were found by Ratih…
Waktu berbelanja, mereka membagi tugas. Buah-buahan dicari Ratih…
At the cashier, all that things were paid for by Ratih
Di kasir, semua barang itu dibayar Ratih.
From supermarket, they didn’t directly go home because still have (things) that had to be found
Dari supermarket, mereka tidak langsung pulang karena masih ada yang dicari.
Finally, they could celebrate Santi’s birthday merrily
Akhirnya, mereka bisa merayakan hari ulang tahun Santi dengan meriah.
Santi’s TV was brought by Yanto with motor and herbookcase was brought by Herman with car.
Televisi Santi dibawa Ydengan motor dan rak bukunya dibawa H dengan mobil.
Small things (lit. things measuring small) were brought with becak by other friends.
Barang-barang berukuran kecil dibawa dengan becak oleh teman-teman yang lain.
She said, that fridge (lit. ice shelf) will be delivered by shop worker to Santi’s boarding house on this evening.
Katanya, es lemari itu akan diantar oleh pegawai toko ke rumah kos Santi pada sore hari.
Santi and Yanto already waited 3 hours, when suddenly S was phoned by Ibu Tuti, Santi’s old housemistress.
S dan Y sudah menunggu 3 jam, ketika tiba-tiba S ditelepon oleh Ibu T, ibu kos Santi yang lama.
Ibu Tuti said Santi’s new fridge was delivered to her house.
Kata Ibu Tuti, es lemari baru Santi diantar ke rumahnya.
now Santi remembered. Santi gave old house address to that shop worker.
Sekarang S ingat. S memberikan alamat rumah yang lama kepada pegawai toko itu.
Police received report that there was a thief who frequently entered hostel rooms.
Polisi menerima laporan bahwa ada pencuri yang sering masuk ke kamar-kamar di asrama.
You lost things. Your roommate reports things which suspected by him (to be) missing.
Anda kehilangan barang. Teman sekamar Anda melaporkan barang-barang yang disangkanya (sangka = suspect) hilang.
Was your computer taken by the thief?
Apa komputer Anda diambil pencuri?
No. My computer was not taken by the thief, only I sold (it) yesterday.
Tidak, komputer saya tidak diambil pencuri, baru saya jual kemarin.
Santi already moved (in). Her room we cleaned this morning.
Santi sudah pindah. Kamarnya kami bersihkan tadi pagi.
The study table I cleaned, but the old book shelf I sold.
Meja belajarnya saya bersihkan, tapi rak buku yang lama saya jual.
The chair I use. Still good.
Kursinya saya pakai. Masih bagus.
If that’s the case, what (that) can I do to help Bu Tuti?
Kalau begitu, apa yang bisa saya kerjakan untuk membantu Bu Tuti?
Ah no need, Bu. Thank you. I already almost finished.
Ah tidak perlu, Bu. Terima kasih. Saya sudah hampir selesai.
By the way, Ibu Tuti remembers, tomorrow have celebration in Ibu Joko’s house?
Ngomong2, Ibu Tuti ingat, besok ada selamatan di rumah Ibu Joko?
Oh of course, the rice (uncooked) already I bought.
Oh tentu saja, berasnya sudah saya beli.
Wah Good, but the cake still must we buy.
Wah bagus, tapi kuenya masih harus kita beli.
Bedsheet for her bed not yet I bought.
Seprai untuk tempat tidurnya belum saya beli.
The cake can we by tomororw? (Ya can)
Kuenya bisa kita beli besok? (Ya bisa).
What should be done with this bag? (I will take)
Tas ini akan diapakan? (Akan saya ambil)
Electric fan
Kipas angin listrik
This stack of books (should) be be put into (the) box
Tumpukan ini dimasukkan ke dalam kotak.
Santi, the bed want to be put where?
Santi, tempat tidurnya mau ditaruh di mana?
The bed just be placed in the centre of the room
Tempat tidurnya diletakkan di tengah kamar saja
If the study table Sis Santi want be placed where?
Kalau meja belajar Kak Santi mau ditaruh di mana?
My study table be placed on the right side of the bed
Meja belajar saya ditaruh di sebelah kanan tempat tidur.
That book case want I place next to my study table
Rak buku itu mau saya letakkan di samping meja belajar saya.
If this family photo want to be hanged where?
Kalau foto keluarga ini mau digantung di mana?
Oh that photo can Sis Ratih hang on top of my study table
Oh foto itu bisa Kak Ratih gantung di atas meja belajar saya
The study lamp already I placed on top study table
Lampu belajarnya sudah saya letakkan di atas meja belajar,
Please help me lift this cupboard. (Aduh, very heavy)
Tolong bantu saya megangkat (angkat) lemari ini (Aduh, berat sekali)
This cupboard is made from wood, because (of) that very heavy.
Lemari itu dibuat dari kayu, karena itu berat sekali.
At 5 pm, room already finished being organized.
Pada jam 5 sore, kamar sudah selasai diatur.
They three very satisfied.
Mereka bertiga puas sekali.
They sits-sit on the floor. The floor they covered with carpet.
Mereka duduk-duduk di lantai. Lantainya mereka alasi dengan karpet.
Big pillows are used as seating place.
Bantal-bantal besar dipakai sebagai tempat duduk.
That room very comfortable. Santi and Dewi very like that room.
Kamar itu sangat nyman. S dan D sangat suka kamar itu.
Santi paid for everything. She said she had been helped by us.
Santi membayar semuanya. Katanya, dia sudah kami bantu.
Ade asked me find wayang picture? That picture I searched everywhere don’t have.
Ade minta saya cari gambar wayang? Gambar itu saya cari dimana-mana tidak apa.
Now the picture already I bought. Later that picture will I sent to Ade.
Sekarang gambarnya sudah saya beli. Nanti gambar itu akan saya kirim kepada Ade.
Just wait ya
Tunggu saja ya.
Please drink the tea
Silakan diminum tehnya.
Ah, no need to go to the trouble!
Ah, tidak usah repot-repot
Ah, no trouble, come, eat the cake.
Ah, tidak repot-repot, ayo dimakan kuenya
You (inf.) eat lunch here ya. Just now I cooked fried fish
Kamu makan siang di sini ya. Tadi saya masak ikan goreng.
Wah, can (get) fat me
Wah, bisa gemuk saya.
Don’t worry… eh, I go down first ya
Jangan juatir, eh saya turun dulu ya.
The fish I want to heat up. If you go down later, please bring those glasses.
Ikannya mau saya panaskan. Kalau kamu turun nanti, tolong dibawa gelas-gelas itu.
Let me that bring this plate. Before you go down, please close the door ya.
Biar saya yang membawa piring ini. Sebelum kamu turun, tolong ditutup pintunya ya.
Wah, the cat ate the fish (surprise)
Aduh, dimakan kucing ikan saya!
Where did you put the fish just now? (lit. was putwhere the fish just now)
Ditaruh di mana ikannya tadi?
On top of the table, in dining room. Wah, very greedy that cat.
Di atas meja, di ruang makan. Aduh, rakus sekali kucing itu.
Nevermind. We just eat out.
Sudahlah. Kita makan di luar saja.
Eh know or not, was bought by my neighbour that expensive TV
Eh tahu tidak, dibeli tetangga saya televisi mahal itu.
Rich yeah your (inf) neighbour.
Kamu betul tetanggamu itu.
The reaction/response of village population same like your reaction. But my story not finished …
Reaksi penduduk desa saya sama seperti reaksi kamu. Tapi cerita saya belum selasai…
Last night, stolen by a masked man that TV!
Tadi malam, dicuri laki-laki bertopeng TV itu!
My neighbour immediately/directly woke up and shouted.
Tetangga saya langsung bangun dan berteriak.
Wah, was chased by village population that thief!
Wah, dikejar (fr. mengejar) penduduk desa pencuri itu.
Was that thief caught? (Not only that…)
Pencuri itu ditangkap? Bukan hanya itu …
Was beaten by the village population that thief
Dipukuli penduduk desa pencuri itu!