19- Capital Letters Flashcards


When are capital letters used?


1- at the start of a sentence: It was a dark night.

2- People’s names and tittles: Niamh Blake, Sir Donald Bradman

3- Days of the week and months of the year: Monday, June

4- Geographical locations: Bali, Australia

5- The opening salutation of a letter or email: Dear Mrs Medan.

6- The closing of a letter or email: Yours truly.

7- Titles of books and films- Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban.

8- The personal pronoun I

9- The start of the first word of a conversation: “Can I ask you something?”

10- Names of organisations: the Western Bulldogs Footy Club.

11-Names of historical event, eras and special events: the Bronze Age.

12- Names of specific transportation: bullet train 107 Bohol

13- names of buildings and structures: the Sydney Opera House.

14- Monuments, memorials and awards: the Nobel Peace Prize

15- Names of religious institutions: Catholics, Buddha

16- Names of planets, stars etc: Saturn, Halleys Comet.

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