18. Orthopaedic Diseases of Young and Growing Dogs and Cats Flashcards
Pathophysiology of osteochondrosis / dissecans?
- Young (6-9Mo), rapidly growing, large breeds
- Epiphyseal cartilage necrosis -> Failure of endochondral ossification (may resume if vasculature can resuppy)
- Divots within subchondral bone, progressive chondromalacia
- Dissecans: flap, chondral or osteochondral fragment formation
=> ST, so not visualised radiographically
List 5 common sites of OCD
- Caudal aspect of proximal humerus
- Distomedial aspect of humeral trochlea
- Lateral and medial femoralcondyles
- Femoral trochlea
- Lateral and medial talar ridges
What is a kissing lesion?
- Subchondral defect that involves articular surface opposite primary (OCD) lesion
Rx features of OCD?
- Flattening or concavity of affected subchondral bone
- Irregularity or widening of joint
- Sclerosis
- Joint effusion
- Capsular thickening
- Mineralised flap / joint mouse
=> may become vascularised / enlarge over time
What causes the vacuum phenomenon in joints?
Traction -> accumulation of nitrogen gas.
=> Seen in shoulders with OCD
What views of the talus may aid identification of lateral talar ridge OCD?
- Flexed dorsoplantar
- Dorsolateral - plantaromedial oblique
What projections may aid in identification of shoulder OCD?
SUPINATED projections
What normal structure may be mistaken for lateral femoral condyle OCD?
Extensor fossa - origin of long digital extensor
Which contrast agents should be used for arthrographic evaluation of OCD?
- Non-ionic low osmolar -> Avoids dilution due to water-influx.
List the 3 primary lesions (triad) involved in elbow dysplasia
- Ununited anconeal process
- Medial coronoid process fragmentation
- OCD of distomedialaspect of humeral trochlea
Which 5 breeds have a seperate centre of ossification at the anconeal process?
- Greyhounds
- Pit bull
- Lab
- G. Ret
At what age should the anconeal process be fused?
150 days
Which 4 breeds are at risk of UAP?
- Bernese
- Rotti
- Mastiffs
- St Bernards
Which radiograph should be performed for suspected UAP?
Flexed lateral
What is the most common developmental disorder involving canine elbow?
Fragmented MCP
Clinical features of frag. MCP?
- Medium and large breeds
- >4-6months
- Rx:usually cannot visualise directly. Inferance from OA
Which view can be used to highlight the medial coronoid process?
Cranial 25-deg lateral / caudomedial view
Rx signs of Frag MCP?
- Abnormal countour / poor definition
- Medial margin blunted / rounded
- Seperate osseus body
- Joint incongruity / sublux
- Osteophytes (prox margin of anconeal process -> early sign)
- Subchondral bone sclerosis adjacent to trochlear notch / prox radioulnar articulation
- Large osteophyte from medial coronoid margin on CrCa

Features of congenital radial head luxation?
- Breeds: Bouvier des flandres, Shi Tzy, bulldog, Afghan
- Radial epiphysis may be convex (failure of normal ariticulation)
Features of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head?
- Young small and toy breeds
- Path: Compromise blood supply - necrosis of subchondral bone, with ongoing cartilage growth. Decreased opacity of femoral head, misshapen.
- Rx: Time dependent
Early: Normal
Later: Linear lucencies in subchondral bone, decreased opacity of femoral epiphysis and metaphysis, flattening / irreg, joint space widening / sublux, PATH FRACT!

Features of spontaneous capital physeal fracture of cats
- Non-traumatic, delayed physeal closure
- Males, early neutered, approx 2yo
- Rx:
Malalignment of epiphysis and metaphysis
Head / neck osteolysis, sclerosis, resorption
CHECK BILATERALLY -> look for delayed closure
What is the most common form of polymelia? Which animals / breeds?
- Supernumerary limbs / parts of limbs!
=> Polydactly most common! Cats, and Great Pyrenees
Features of nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism
- Calcium deficient or Ca:Phos imbalanced diets -> increased paraT
=> Bone resorption / osteomalacia
- Rx:
Osteopaenia, thin cortices, loss of dental lamina, spinal deformity and FOLDING FRACTURES

Features of osteogenesis imperfecta?
- RARE, generalised, multisystemic heritable disease
=> structural defect in TYPE 1 collagen
- CS: Stunted growth, muscle atrophy, weakness, pink teeth, PATHOLOGICAL FRACTURES!
Rx: osteopaenia, thin cortices, path fractures, excessively opaque callus, medullary sclerosis