17.1 Biotechnology Flashcards
the use of biological agents for technological advancement
lysis buffer
solution to break the cell membrane and
release cell contents
enzyme that breaks down proteins
enzyme that breaks down RNA
Gel electrophoresis
a technique that scientists use to separate molecules on the basis of size, using this
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
technique to amplify DNA
reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR)
PCR technique that involves converting RNA to DNA by reverse transcriptase
short DNA fragments
Northern blotting
transfer of RNA from a gel to a nylon
Southern blotting
When scientists
transfer DNA to a nylon membrane
foreign DNA
DNA that belongs to a different species or
DNA that is artificially synthesized
host DNA
DNA that is present in the genome of the
organism of interest
antibiotic resistance
ability of an organism to be
unaffected by an antibiotic’s actions
multiple cloning site (MCS)
site that multiple restriction
endonucleases can recognize
Restriction endonuclease
enzyme that can recognize and
cleave specific DNA sequences
recombinant DNA
combining DNA fragments that
molecular cloning generates that do not exist in nature;
also a chimeric molecule
recombinant proteins
a gene’s protein product derived by
molecular cloning
cellular cloning
production of identical cell populations by
binary fission
Reproductive cloning
entire organism cloning
Genetic engineering
alteration of the genetic makeup of an
genetically modified organism (GMO)
organism whose
genome has been artificially changed
organism that receives DNA from a different species
Gene targeting
method for altering the sequence of a
specific gene by introducing the modified version on a vector
genetic diagnosis
diagnosis of the potential for disease
development by analyzing disease-causing genes
genetic testing
process of testing for the presence of
disease-causing genes
Gene therapy
a genetic engineering technique used to cure disease