17 - security Flashcards
why is encryption needed
- reduce risk of eavesdroppers understanding data that is sent over a network
security concerns about data transmission
- confidentiality - only intended receipt can understand
- authenticity - identifies the source is legitimate
- integrity - data isn’t changed
- non repudiation - neither sender nor receiver can deny transmission
original data being sent
cipher text
once plaintext has gone through an encryption algorithm
block cipher
- normally used when encrypting
- the algorithm is applied to a group of contiguous bits - rather than one at a time
- the plaintext is XORed with the previous cipher text
- prevents identical plaintext making the same cipher text
stream cipher
- encryption algorithm is applied to one bit at a time
block chaining
- the plaintext is XORed with the previous cipher text - before encryption
- prevents identical plaintext making the same cipher text
symmetric encryption
uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt the encoded message
- use longer key to make it harder to crack
- key has to be sent to the recipient - key distribution problem
key distribution problem
in symmetric encryption the sender has the send the key to the recipient as they use the same key - this could be intercepted and used to decrypt the message
asymmetric encryption
- uses 2 keys - public + private - public is available to all and private is known only to a person/ computer
- receiver generates 2 keys - are
mathematically linked but cannot be derived - sends public key to sender
- sender encrypts document with public key
- sends document and receiver decrypts using private key
asymmetric encryption
- if 2 way communication is required between multiple people they all need to generate their own matching public and private keys
- and swap all public kets so they can send encrypted files
quantum cryptography
- uses photons and their quantum properties to produce virtually unbreakable encryption
- uses a quit (quantum bit) as the unit of data
- can be 0 or 1 but also both
- put through a polarising filter to make it one direction
quantum key distribution
- sending encryption keys across a network uses quantum cryptography – a quantum key
distribution (QKD) protocol
eg BB84
stages of quantum cryptography
- use light to generate photons
- sent through 4 random polarisers - randomly give one of 4 bit values
- this travels along fibre optic to its destination
- at the destination there are 2 splitters (diagonal or vertical/horizontal)
- one is chosen at random and detectors are read
- repeated until the whole key is sent
- recipient send back sequence of splitters
- sender compares to the polarisation sequence - and confirms where was correct
- ensures they are synchronised
- key is now sent safely
advantages of quantum cryptography
- unbreakable
- eavesdropping detection
- longer key generated
- future proof - quantum comps can crack classical encryption easily