15 - hardware Flashcards
CISC processors
Complex Instruction set computer
- uses more internal instruction formats
- carries out a task with as few lines of assembly code as possible
- hardware must therefore be able to handle complex instructions
- complex instructions are converted by the process into sub instructions to carry out the operation
2 types of processors
RISC processors
Reduced Instruction Set Computer
- fewer built in instruction formats
- uses less complex instructions - break up the code into a number of siimple single cylce instructions
- smaller, but more optimised instructions
CISC features
- many instruction formats
- more addressing modes
- multi cycle instructions
- variable length instructions
- longer execution time
- more complex decoding
- hard to pipeline
- emphasis on hardware
- uses memory unit to allow complex instructions to be carries out
RISC features
- less instruction formats/ sets
- fewer addressing modes
- single cycle instructions
- fixed length instructions
- faster execution time
- uses general multi- purpose registers
- easier to pipeline
- emphasis on software
- processor chips require fewer transistors
allows several instructions to be processed simultaneously without waiting for the previous instructions to be complete
- once program A has finished the first step of execution it moves to second step while B starts step 1 etc
- needs several regsters to store each stage
how is execution of an instruction split
- instruction fetch cycle
- instruction decode cycle
- operand fetch cycle
- instruction execution cycle
- writeback result process
- once th eprocessor detects it
- the program is stopped if higher priority
interrupts with pipelining
- when there is an interrupt there could be multiple instructions in the pipeline
- discard all instructions except the last one in the write back stage
- apply the interrupt handler routine tp this instruction
- once done the processor restarts with the next instruction
OR - can store the contents of all stages in registers allowing it to be restored to its previous status
parallel processor systems
- operation which allows a process to be split up and for each part to be executed by a different processor at the same time
single instruction single data
one processor that cant handle one instruction and uses one data source
processes sequentially
doesn’t allow parallel processing
single instruction multiple data
uses many processors
each processor executes the same instruction but on different data
- array procoessors
applications of SIMD
graphics cards - eg an image of 400 pixels - each processor can do the same thing to each of the different data (pixels) eg increase the brightness by the same amount at the same time
sound ssamplig
- alter a large number of items by the same amount
multiple instruction single data
uses several processors - each use a different instruction over the same data source
eg the american space shuttle control system to run multiple computers at the saem time on the same data in case of failure of one or multiple of the processors
multiple instruction multiple data
uses multiple processors
each one takes instructions independently and each processor can use a separate data source
- used in multicore systems