1684.4 Flashcards
Maximum number of storeys of a timber frame?
What is the maximum width of a building?
Maximum rafter overhang?
Name 6 different roof types
Offset permissible when Frame sitting on joist not over bearer?
Offset = 1.5 x D of joist
Copy page 13 AS1684
Minimum bearing requirements? Single span and continuous span
30mm at an end or 60mm continuous span
Stress Grades - Cypress
F5 or F7
Stress Grades - Unseasoned Hardwood
F11, F8 or F14
Stress Grades - Seasoned Hardwood
F17, F27 joists and beams only
Stress Grades - Seasoned Softwood
F5, F8 (studs and plates only) and MGP 10 and MGP 12
Stress Grades - Oregon
F5 and F7
Joist bearing requirements?
Minimum 30mm bearing for each joist and minimum length of lap is 3 x joist depth
Stud lamination requirements for 90 x 35 and for 90 x 45
35mm - 1 x 75mm nail @ 600mm centres
45mm - 1 x 90mm nail @ 600mm centres
What is the minimum overlap join from top plate and ribin plate?
1200mm centres
What is the minimum bearing on a bearer?
Minimum bearing requirements for a joist?
What is the minimum length lap of a flooring joist?
3 x joist depth
What is defined as a deep joist?
Depth of a joist is 4 x width
What is defined as a deep joist?
Depth of a joist is 4 x width
What blocking is required for deepened joists spanning over 3m?
End blocking over plate or bearer at 1800mm centres max
Joists spanning greater than 3m requires mid blocking at 1800mm
What is the maximum sized hole allowed in a stud?
Maximum hole in a top or bottom plate of a NLB wall and non braced wall?
What is the maximum allowable notch in a stud?
Maximum distance between lintel and window?
How much bigger than the span tables may a lintel opening be?
How much is an allowable check in for a birdsmouth?
1/3 of rafter depth
What is the allowable cantilever on a gable end?
Twice the back span
During construction what % of the final bracing is required?
Type A & Type B Bracing unit values?
Type A = 1
Type B = 2
How much bigger are bolt holes to bolts for
-Seasoned Timber
-Unseasoned Timber
Seasoned Timber - 2-3mm
Unseasoned Timber - 1 - 2mm
Steel - .5mm