1509-Competition Requirements-FAR Part 6 Flashcards
What is the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA)?
Established requirement to use “competitive procedures” in acquiring supplies/services
What is Full and open competition?
All responsible sources permitted to compete
What is Full and open after exclusion of sources?
Set Asides
Exclude a specific source(s)
Goal – to develop alternate sources
What is Other than full and open competition?
Limited competition required to meet requirements
Seven statutory exceptions
Contracting without providing for full and open competition may NOT be justified due to:
Lack of advance planning
Year end expenditures (funds availability)
What is a Justification and Approval (J&A)?
Contracting Officer shall not commence sole source negotiations without a J&A
Required approvals must be obtained
Technical and requirements personnel are responsible for sole source recommendation
used for sole source / urgency
What is the Micro Purchase Threshold for supplies?
What is the Micro Purchase Threshold for services?
What is Sealed bidding based on?
Price and other related factors
Cannot conduct discussions with the responding offerors about their bids
What are Exceptions to Full and Open Competition?
Only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements
Unusual and compelling urgency
Industrial mobilization; engineering, developmental, or research capability; or expert services
International Agreement
Authorized or required by statute
National security
Public Interest