15 Social Psychology Flashcards
Social psychology
scientific study of the ways in which the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of one individual are influenced by the real, imagined or inferred behavior or characteristic of other people
Primacy effect
theory that early information about someone weighs more heavily than later information in influencing one’s impression of that person
Self-fulfilling prophecy
process in which a person’s expectation about another elicits behavior from the second person that confirms the expectation
a set of characteristics presumed to be shared by all members of a social category
Attribution theory
theory that addresses the question of how people make judgments about the causes of behavior
Fundamental attribution error
tendency of people to overemphasize personal causes for other people’s behavior and to under emphasize personal causes for their own behavior
Defensive attribution
tendency to attribute our successes to our own efforts of qualities and our failures to external factors
Just-world hypothesis
attribution error based on the assumption that bad things happen to bad people and good things happen to good people
how close two people live to each other
concept that relationships are based on trading rewards among partners
quality of genuine closeness and trust achieved in communication with another person
relatively stable organization of beliefs, feelings, and behavior tendencies directed toward something or someone–the attitude object
tendency for an individual to observe the situation for cues about how to react
intolerant, unfavorable, and rigid attitude toward a group of people
act or series of acts that denies opportunities and social esteem to an entire group of people or individual members of that group