15. diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems Flashcards
this bacteria are gram positive, endospore forming rods that are obligate anaerobes. endospores of this bacteria are widespread in nature, commonly found in soil, water, feces, sewage and marine sediments. they produce more types of exotoxins that any other bacterial genus.
Clostridium produces two exotoxins with protease activity that are the most potent known biological toxins. these are:
- tetanus neurotoxin
- botulinum neurotoxin
this is a non-communicable disease characterized by uncontrolled muscle spasms.
the endospores of __________ are found in hospital environments, in soil and dust, and in the feces of many farm animals and humans -> transmission to humans is associated with skin wounds as break in the skin always the bacterial endospores entry
Clostridium tetani
C. tetani produces ____ which prevents release of inhibitors neurotransmitters (GABA and glycine) at sy apses with spinal cord motor nerves, resulting in spasms affecting the muscles, causing clenched jaw and fists, paralysis of the respiratory muscles, disturbance of the Emhart function and can lead to death.
TeNT (Tetanospasmin)
in some cases of tetanus, spasms in the muscles in the neck, back and legs may cause the body to form a rigid, stiff arch, a posture called _______-
C. tetani produces a second toxin called _______ which is a hemolysin that aids in tissue destruction
this is a result of an infection by C. botulinum or its toxins (BoNT). the infection could occur through contaminated wound or food
when ______ enters the blood stream, it is transferred to the motor neurone where is bonds to presynaptic membranes and prevents the release of acetylcholine. the consequence is the loss of muscle activity, leading to muscle relaxation and eventually paralysis
what are some early symptoms of botulism?
- drooping eyelids
- difficulty swallowing
- abdominal cramps
- vomiting
- constipation or diarrhea
followed by - progressive flaccid paralysis
- gradual weakening
- loss of control of the muscles
the infectious diseases of the _______ system infect the blood, blood vessels and the heart
this is presence of viable bacteria int he bloodstream; the bacteria get in the bloodstream through a minor cut or wound, or from dental, GI or urinary tract procedures
this is a general expression of the infectious disease process caused by bacterial or fungal toxins in the blood. the pathogen is viable, multiplying and may be producing toxins; the bacteria enter the bloodstream as a severe complication of other infections such as lung infections (pneumonia), meningitis, UTI, skin infections, GI infections
septicemia aka sepsis
what are the most common causes of septicemia/sepsis?
staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pyroxenes, streptococcus pneumoniae, Escherichia coli
what are the beginning symptoms of septicemia?
- weakness
- chills
- rapid heart and breathing rate
blood septicemia could develop into a potentially deadly medical condition characterized by a whiole body inflammatory state called:
systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)
when the inflammation occurs with an extremely low blood pressure its called ______ which is fatal in many cases
septic shock