[15] Flashcards
Sic adfectione simulata paulatim sororis invadunt animum.
Thus, with pretended affections of the sisters, they slowly invade her spirit.
statimque eas lassitudine viae sedilibus refotas et balnearum vaporosis fontibus curatas pulcherrime triclinio mirisque illis et beatis edulibus atque tuccetis oblectat.
She immediately delights them from the tiredness of their journey with seats and with the vapours of baths very finely, in the dining room she delights them with those wonderful blessed food and sausages.
iubet citharam loqui: psallitur; tibias agere: sonatur; choros canere: cantatur.
She orders Cithara to play: it is played; she orders flutes to perform: it is heard; she orders choirs to sing: they are sung.
quae cuncta nullo praesente dulcissimis modulis animos audientium remulcebant.
All these things, with no one present, were soothing the souls of the audience with very sweet little measures.
nec tamen scelestarum feminarum nequitia vel illa mellita cantus dulcedine mollita conquievit
However neither the evil ways of the wicked women or that honey sweet song, softened by sweetness settled them,
sed ad destinatam fraudium pedicam sermonem conferentes
having directed the conversation to the determined snare of fraud,
dissimulanter occipiunt sciscitari, qualis ei maritus et unde natalium, secta cuia proveniret.
deceivingly they begin to question what sort of husband he was to her and whence his parentage, and from which path did he grow up.
tunc illa simplicitate nimia pristini sermonis oblita
Then, she, with excessive simplicity, having forgotten the original story,
novum commentum instruit aitque maritum suum de provincia proxima
she constructed a new fabrication and [she constructed] her husband from the nearby province,
magnis pecuniis negotiantem iam medium cursum aetatis agere, interspersum rara canitie.
negotiating with much money now, has come to middle age, sprinkled with rare grey hair.
nec in sermone isto tantillum morata rursum opiparis muneribus eas onustas ventoso vehiculo reddidit.
In that speech, not at all delayed, again she retuned them, laden with splendid with gifts, on a windy carriage.