15-17th April 2024 Flashcards
Can kulağıyla dinliyorum.
I am all ears
Hava o kadar güneşliydi ki güneş yanığı oldu.
It was such sunny weather that she got sunburn
too much
If you have excess baggage
a story
a narrative
form vs doldurmak
fill in / out
genelde magazin ya da sansasyonlara yer veren kucuk boy gazete
a tabloid
a spokesperson
inkar etmek
to deny
easyjet denies passengers asked to vote
sonunda, sonuc olarak
Uçak türbülansa girdi.
The plane hit some turbulance
su birikintisi
Yollarda birkaç su birikintisi var. - There are several puddles on the roads.
Geçen bir araç bir su birikintisine çarptı ve üstüme su sıçrattı. - A passing car hit a puddle and splashed water all over me.
Kırmızı ışıkta geçti.
He jumped in the red light
He went through in the red light
kenara çekmek
to pull over
He slowed down and pulled the car over
hiz yapmak, hiz sinirini asmak
to speed
zorbalik yapmak
to bully
Kids were bullying each other at school.
akran zorbaligi
peer bullying
Bullying can occur in various forms
cep harcligi
pocket money
dukkandan calmak
hirsizlik, dukkan hirsizligi
to shoplift
Sami dükkandan lateks eldivenler çaldı. - Sami shoplifted the latex gloves
Tom dükkan hırsızlığından yakalandı. - Tom was caught shoplifting.
birini bir şeyle suçlamak
to accuse sb of sth
English: The witness accused the man in the red hat of starting the fight.
Turkish: Tanık, kavgayı başlatan kişi olarak kırmızı şapkalı adamı suçladı.
English: I would never accuse you of lying!
Turkish: Seni asla yalan söylemekle suçlamazdım!
ortaya cikmak, gonullu olmak
(Ucakta doktorun kendini tanitmasi vb. gibi)
to come forward
He finally came forward and admitted his guilt.
ortam gergindi
the atmosphere was tense
Bu birkaç yıl önce başıma geldi
This happened to me a few years ago
ayrilabilir, cikarilabilir
mustakil ev
a detached house
dar, sig
kendisine göre fazla iyi
Out of one`s league
She was out of his league
He felt like she was out of his league, so he never asked her out. (Onun kendisi için fazla iyi olduğunu düşündüğü için asla onu dışarı yemeğe davet etmedi.)
Sessizlik onu hapseder.
silence imprisons her
The silence could symbolize the woman’s forced suppression of her feelings. She might be unable to express herself openly, leading to a sense of being trapped.
boğucu sessizlik
Suffocating silence
Üç ses hep bir ağızdan bağırıyor
Three voices shout in unison
Internet coktu/gitti
The internet has gone off
at the same time=simultaneously
at once
There’s a fire! Get out of the building at once!
English: Don’t all try to talk at once! Let’s hear one person at a time.
Turkish: Herkes aynı anda konuşmaya çalışmayın! Tek seferde bir kişi dinleyelim.
Position of the frequency adverbs
Before the main verb
I hardly ever use public transport
I am always honest
to be is an exception
Position of Adverbs in the sentence
Frequency –> before the main verb (hardly ever etc)
I hardly ever use public transport
I am always honest
to be is an exception
Comment –> in the beginning (fortunately)
I thought I`d lost my phone ,but fortunately it was in my bag
Degree –> before adjective (incredibly)
It is extremely important
Time –> at the end (immediately)
When I find out, I`ll tell you immediately
Sentence Structure In English
M up P e T (muppet)
Manner Place Time
She sang very well at the concert last night
I worked hard
I hardly worked
I worked hard –> worked a lot
I hardly worked –> not enough, barely