15-01 Incident Response (Use of Force / De-Escalation) Flashcards
The Ontario Use of Force Model is an aid to promote ______________________and evaluation of every situation, and can assist members to understand and make a use of a variety of force options to respond to potentially violent situations
a) ongoing analysis
b) sound judgement
c) continuous critical assessment
d) none of the above
c) continuous critical assessment
De-escalation and communication are ________________
a) proven to be successful
b) tried and tested methods
c) core tools
d) valuables assets
c) core tools
De-escalation is defined as verbal and non-verbal strategies intended to reduce the intensity of a conflict or crisis encountered by police
True or False
A supervisor must notify a Firearms Discharge Investigator (FDI) when a firearm is discharged
True or False
The Criminal Code empowers every person who is required and authorized to do anything in the administration or enforcement of the law, when acting on reasonable grounds, to use as much force as necessary for that purpose. Every person is liable both ______________________ or any unjustified or excessive use of force
a) criminally
b) civilly
c) both a and b
d) none of the above
c) both a and b
Ontario regulation 026/90 under the PSA makes it mandatory to successfully complete prescribed use of force training ________________________
a) 2 twice a year
b) once every 12 months
c) within 18 months of last completion
d) none of the above
b) once every 12 months
Ontario regulation 3/9 provides that at minimum, police officers are issued
a) handgun, OC spray, baton, handcuffs
b) handgun, OC spray, baton, taser
c) handgun, OC spray, baton,
d) handgun, OC spray, baton, handcuffs, taser
c) handgun, OC spray, baton,
No weapon other than a firearm shall be used unless approved by
a) The Solicitor General
b) The Chief of Police
c) The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police
d) The Federal Government
a) The Solicitor General
What is NOT an example of an intermediate weapon
a) baton
b) OC Spray
c) knife
d) CEW
c) knife
Weapons of Opportunity are prohibited under O.Reg. 926/90
True or False
False, nothing in the regulation prohibits a member from the reasonable use of weapons of opportunity when none of the approved options are available or appropriate to defend themselves or members of the public
Who authorizes the use of handcuffs, leg irons, spit shields and other restraints
a) The Toronto Police College
b) The CPSA
c) The Chief of Police
d) none of the above
c) The Chief of Police
The purpose of pursuing a fleeing suspect is not justified if the flight can be prevented by reasonable means that are less violent
True or False
Discharging a firearm at a motor vehicle is ___________ method of disabling the vehicle
a) safe
b) dangerous
c) risky
d) ineffective
d) ineffective
Police officers are prohibited from discharging a firearm at a motor vehicle for the sole purpose of
a) making an arrest
b) trying to deflate tires
c) disable the vehicle
d) none of the above
d) none of the above
Any member who has a clear reason to believe that another member of the service is engaging in conduct that constitutes misconduct including, but not limited to, assault or physical abuse involving any person shall
a) where feasible, intervene and take reasonable steps to prevent the behaviour from continuing
b) record details of the incident and substance of the complaint
c) report the incident forthwith, to their supervisor, or another supervisor
d) speak to the officer privately and caution them that the behaviour is not in lie with our core values
e) a, b, c
d) all of the above
e) a, b, c
Failure to Report is considered misconduct that could result in PSA/ CPSA charges
True or False
O .Reg. 926/90 compels a member to submit a use of force report to the chief of police in which of the following circumstances
a) uses force on another person that results in injury that requires medical attention
b) draws a handgun in presence of a member of the public
c) discharges a firearm
d) points a firearms
e) uses a weapon other than a firearm on another person
f) it is required in all of the above circumstances
f) it is required in all of the above circumstances
For the purpose of reporting a use of force incident, the definition of a weapon includes a police dog or police horse that comes into direct physical contact with a person
True or False
A CEW as a “demonstrated force presence” stun mode, or full deployment whether intentional or otherwise also requires a use of force report
True of False
Which units are authorized to submit team use of force report
a) ETF and EM&PO
b) Public Safety
c) GGTF and TDS
d) both a and b
d) both a and b
The Service collects, analyzes, and publicly reports on data related to the race of those individuals with whom the service interacts
True or False
The Use of Force Report shall never
a) be retained beyond the limitations dictated by O. Reg 926/90
b) be admitted into evidence at any hearing other than a hearing to determine if use of force reporting was breached
c) not be placed in an officers personnel file
d) be a consideration of promotion or job assignment without the consent of the reporting officer
e) all of the above
e) all of the above
Members may make or retain a copy of the Use of Force Report
True or False
False, members shall not make or retain a copy of a Use of Force Report for any purpose, except as required to conduct a proper analysis for training purpose and service governance review
When a court order, subpoena, or prosecutor’s request for disclosure of the Use of Force Report, such a request shall be directed to
a) the Toronto Polic College
b) Legal Services
c) The Office of the Chief of Police
d) The Unit Commander
b) Legal Services
When a request is made under the Municipal Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act and not by a court order, subpoena or prosecutor’s request for disclosure, such a request shall be directed to
a) Legal Services
b) the Unit Commander
c) Records Mgt - Access & Privacy Section
d) none of the above
c) Records Mgt - Access & Privacy Section
When a service firearm has been discharged, the Senior Duty Officer shall be notified forthwith
True or False
Who is responsible for completing a Firearm Discharge Report
a) the officer who discharged their firearm
b) the Firearm Discharge Investigator (FDI)
c) The OIC
d) the members supervisory officer
d) the members supervisory officer
A supervisory officer from the members unit may be assigned to support and assist the FDI in the investigation
The FDI is responsible for all administrative investigations pertaining to a firearm discharge
The discharge of a device designed for the application of chemical munitions (tear gas guns and muzzle blast devices) require an FDI investigate
False, an FDI is not required to investigate
Which of the below use of force items are issues to auxiliary officers and special constables
a) baton
b) pepper gel
c) handcuff restraints
d) soft leg restraints
e) all of the above
e) all of the above
Other impact devices known as “saps” or “blackjacks” are permitted to use
True or False
False, batons are the only impact weapon permitted for use when dealing directly with the public
When OC aerosol spray is used, all reasonable efforts to decontaminate the sprayed individual(s) at the earliest safe and practicable opportunity
True or False
Police Officers issued with or authorized to carry firearms and ammunition shall not draw a handgun, point a firearm at a person, or discharge a firearm unless
a) there are reasonable grounds to believe that to do so is necessary to protect against loss of life or serious bodily harm
b) engaged in a training exercise target practice or ordinary weapon maintenance
c) the discharge of a handgun or other firearm is to call for distress in a critical situation
d) it is to destroy an animal that is potentially dangerous or is so badly injured that humanity dictates the suffering be ended
e) all of the above
e) all of the above
Police Officers shall not discharge a firearm
a) at a motor vehicle for the sole purpose of disabling the vehicle
b) at the operator or occupants of the motor vehicle unless there exists an immediate threat of death or grievous bodily harm to the officers and/or members of the public by means other then the vehicle
c) as a warning shot
d) all of the above
d) all of the above
Where a probationary constable has been involved in a use of force incident, a review of the incident, BWC and ICC shall be conducted with
a) the Training Sgt
b) the OIC
c) the coach officer
d) the probationary constable
d) the probationary constable
This review is to ensure alignment with prescribed training and regulations. The review shall consider the principles of fair and impartial policing, to recognize implicit biases and implement controlled responses in decision making
The Use of Force Report and all applicable forms shall be forwarded to the Training Analyst - TPC within _____ of receipt by the Unit Complaint Co-Ordinator
a) 24 hours
b) 48 hours
c) 36 hours
d) 72 hours
d) 72 hours
If the OIC of TPOC is made aware of a firearm discharge by an officer from another law enforcement agency shall notify
a) The Duty Senior Officer
b) the Firearm Discharge Investigator (FDI)
c) The OIC
d) Unit Commander for the area where the discharge occurred
a) The Duty Senior Officer
Firearms Discharge Investigator (FDI) means a ____________ or ____________ assigned to Professional Standards who has completed the accredited Firearm Discharge Investigators Court
a) Det. Cst. or Det.
b) Det. or Det. Sgt.
c) Det. Sgt. or Inspector
d) none of the above
a) Det. Cst. or Det.
A Unit Investigating Supervisor (in reference to use of force) means a supervisor assigned to the Unit Quality Control or a Unit Complaints Co-Ordinator
True of False