1.4A- The nature of God INCOMPLETE Flashcards
The meaning of omnipotence is ‘all-powerful’, the idea that God can do anything. The difficulty lies in determining what that ‘anything’ might be.
Descartes and Omnipotence
Descartes argues that God can do anything, including the logically impossible. For example, God could make a square circle or round square. This suggests that God is not limited by anything, even logic.
Swinburne and Omnipotence
Swinburne’s understanding of omnipotence disagrees with Descartes because he argues God cannot do the logically impossible. For example, God cannot make a shape that is square and round at the same time because this is self-contradictory since part of the definition of being round precludes the idea of being square. So, Swinburne argues that God’s omnipotence must be limited to the logically possible.
C.S. Lewis’ response to Swinburne
C.S. Lewis commented that simply adding the words ;Gd can’ to the beginning of a nonsense sentence doesn’t change the meaning. Thus, saying ‘God can create a square circle’ is still nonsense.