1451-1453: Somerset's Dominance Flashcards
Who was the MP for Bristol who attempted to declare York as heir presumptive? When? What was the response?
Thomas Young
May 1451
arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London for 11 months
When did York successfully settle the Courtney-Bonville dispute?
Sept 1451
When did York begin his march to Dartford in 1452? When did he arrive? When did he submit to the King?
Feb 1452
27 Feb 1452
3 Mar 1452
What were York’s aims/motivations for Dartford?
To ‘reform’ government, as outlined in the Shrewsbury Manifesto, and to arrest/kill Somerset who he deemed an ‘evil counsellor’ of the King. NOT to take the throne (yet)
When was York forced to take an oath of loyalty in 1452? Where?
10 Mar 1452
St. Paul’s Cathedral
When did Henry VI ennoble his half-brothers? What were their names/titles?
23 Nov 1452
Edmund Tudor (Earl of Richmond) and Jasper Tudor (Earl of Pembroke)
When was the Reading parliament? Who did it favour? What was passed?
Mar 1453
new taxation bill and attainder of Sir William Oldhall (Y)
When was the Battle of Castillon? What did this cause?
17 Jul 1453
Shrewsbury (Talbot) killed and Henry VI goes catatonic (in Aug)
Who was trialed in 1450? What was the result?
Thomas Daniel and John Trevelyan
acquitted and faced no punishment
When/where were Somerset’s 3 judicial tours, with permission of the King?
- Kent, Jan 1451 - punish Jack Cade’s Rebellion leaders. Pardoned lower-levels involved
- Wales, Autumn 1452 - punish Yorkists for Dartford Coup
- Coventry, September 1452 - dealt with Courtenay-Bonville dispute
When were the 2 expeditions to Gascony? What were the results?
1451 (unsuccessful)
Autumn 1452 (successful)
When was a public scheme planned to show Henry his military? Where? What happened?
it never happened
Who did the Yorkists try and posthumously attaint? Who opposed this, leading to it not passing?
Duke of Suffolk (William de la Pole)
What was the name of Henry VI’s illness? When did he fall into it?
Catatonic stupor
Aug 1453
When was Edward, Prince of Wales (son of Henry VI and Queen Margaret) born?
13th Oct 1453
When was the skirmish at Heworth Moor? Who was it between? Why? What happened?
24th Aug 1453
Percies and Nevilles
marriage of Thomas Neville and Maud Stanhope (heiress of Lord Cromwell) seen as offensive since Percies claimed some Cromwell lands and didn’t want Nevilles to have them
Egremont, other Percies and approx. 700 of their retainers ambushed the Nevilles (incl. Salisbury + Warwick) after the wedding, attempting to assassinate them, but they retreated to Sheriff Hutton