14.13 Physiology: Neural and hormonal control of the GIT Flashcards
What do D cells release?
What releases mucus and bicarbonate?
Brunner’s glands
What causes Brunner’s glands to be stimulated?
Vago-vagal reflex
What inhibits gastric emptying?
Vago-vagal reflex and closed pylorus (duodenal-pyloro-antral reflex)
What do amino acids trigger the release of?
Secretin from S cells
What does secretin trigger?
Bicarbonate rich solution from pancreas
What does CCK do?
Causes gall bladder contractions, releases digestive enzymes from pancreas and satiety factory
What do tastants cause the release of?
Serotonin from EC cells
In the proximal colon, what does fermentation by the microbiome produce?
Short chain fatty acids (acetate, butyrate, propionate)