13.12 Histology: Liver and Pancreas Flashcards
What is the liver derived from?
How many surfaces does a hepatocyte have and how wide is it across?
Polyhedral, 25um across
How many nuclei and how many copies of DNA do hepatocytes have?
1-2 nuclei
tetraploid or polyploid
What structures do hepatocytes contain (and how do these reflect their purpose)?
Rough ER, golgi, secretory vesicles (PRO synthesis)
Prominent smooth ER (FAT metabolism)
Many mitochondria
What type of cells are hepatocytes?
Epithelial cells (replaced regularly by division of existing hepatocytes)
Hepatocytes comprise ___% of liver weight
What are the blood supplies for the liver?
Majority, venous blood from gut (hepatic portal system)
Also arterial supply
What surrounds the liver?
A thin capsule (Glisson’s capsule)
What fibres are the hepatocytes supported by?
Reticular fibres (collagen type III)
How are hepatocytes organised?
Into lobules (stacks of hepatocytes in plates)
How does blood flow into the liver?
Into lobule, then across to central vein (outside in)
What is the portal triad comprised of?
Hepatic portal vein (deoxygenated blood from gut), hepatic artery and bile duct
Where do sinusoids converge?
On the central vein (carrying blood to hepatic vein and out of liver)
What is a sinusoid?
A network that veins and arteries give rise to that carry blood to plates of hepatocytes
What is the Space of Disse?
A place where the hepatocytes are directly bathed by plasma (too small for cells)