1.4 The problem of Mary, Queen of Scots Flashcards
What date was MQS born?
8th December 1542
How old was MQS when she became Queen of Scotland?
6 days old
Who was MQS’ parents?
Mary of Guise (French noble family)
James V
Why did Mary of Guise rule Scotland?
MQS was in France with her husband, King Francis II.
Who defeated Mary of Guise in 1560?
Elizabeth I and Scotland’s Protestant Lords
Why did the Scottish Protestant Lords rebel?
They did not like the French, Catholic influence brought by Mary of Guise.
Why did Elizabeth wary of sending help? Why did she end up doing it?
Helping a rebellion may result in the deposing of an anointed monarch. However, she was under constant threat meaning MQS could take the throne.
In what way did Elizabeth support the rebellion?
She sent money in secret and then eventually sent troops.
What does it mean when holy oil is applied to a monarch during the coronation (the most important part of the ceremony)?
To be anointed
When did the rebellion end and how?
1560, with the Treaty of Edinburgh
What did the Treaty of Edinburgh entail?
MQS would give up her claim to the English throne.
When did King Francis II die?
December 1560
Who was ruling Scotland when MQS returned to Scotland?
Protestant Lords
How did MQS react to the treaty?
She was angry because she never approved of the treaty, and maintained that she had a claim to the English throne. She wanted to be named heir.
Who persuaded Elizabeth I to help the Scottish rebellion?
Sir William Cecil - he threatened to resign if she didn’t help them.
What year did MQS arrive in England?
What year did MQS marry her 2nd husband?
Who was MQS’ 2nd husband?
Henry Stuart AKA Lord Darnley.
What year did she give birth to her son, James?
What year was Lord Darnley murdered?
Who was suspected to have murdered Lord Darnley?
The Earl of Bothwell, MQS suspected to be involved.
What year did MQS marry her 3rd husband, the Earl of Bothwell?
What did the scandal trigger?
Another rebellion from the Protestant lords, forcing MQS to abdicate in favour of her son, James.
Where was MQS imprisoned?
An island in the middle of a loch (lake)
When did MQS try to escape from imprisonment?
What did MQS try to do when she escaped from imprisonment?
Raise an army and win back her throne.
What caused MQS to have to flee to England?
Her forces were defeated at Langside near Glasgow.
What did MQS do when she fled to England?
Seek Elizabeth’s help against the rebels.
What were Elizabeth’s options when Mary came to England?
- Help her to regain her throne
- Hand her over to the Scottish lords
- Allow Mary to go abroad
- Keep Mary in England
Why did MQS want to meet with Elizabeth?
To persuade her of her innocence in Darnley’s murder, but her request was denied.
Between what years was a court convened to hear the case against MQS?
October 1568 and January 1569.
What was the results of the court case?
No verdict:
- If guilty she would be returned to the Scottish lords as prisoner and she would have been responsible for deposing an anointed monarch
- If innocent she would be free to raise an army with foreign Catholic support, which would pose a massive threat to the English throne.
Where did Mary stay?
In comfortable captivity.
Why do people sometimes think that Elizabeth was jealous of Mary?
She was considered to be a great beauty.
What year was MQS placed under house arrest in England due to being implicated in a plot against Elizabeth?
What year did MQS return to Scotland following the death of her husband?
When and why was MQS executed?
8th February 1587 for treason
What title did her son hold?
King James VI of Scotland
What was Elizabeth’s plan in response to the plot in 1569?
To marry MQS to the Duke of Norfolk, England’s most senior noble. He was Protestant, so their children would be too. They would also have a strong claim to the throne.
Who else was in favour of Elizabeth’s plot?
Some of Elizabeth’s favourites such as the Earl of Leicester.
Why did Elizabeth refuse to take any strong action against Mary?
She was too dangerous, even in captivity.
Where was MQS moved to?
Further south (more Catholics in the north) to Coventry