14. Renal Flashcards
What artery prevents a horseshoe kidney from ascending in the abdomen?
What fundamental problem creates Potter sequence?
What cell type releases renin?
juxtaglomerular cells
What are the 3 stimuli that induce renin release?
- beta-adrenergic stimulation
- low renal arterial BP (sensed by JG cells)
- decreased Na+ in distal convoluted tubule (sensed by macula densa)
What effect will a renal stone that obstructs the ureter have on GFR and FF?
- decreased GFR
- no change in RPF
- thus, decreased FF
What is the maximal serum glucose concentration at which glucose can be absorbed in the tubules?
350 mg/dL
What vitamin deficiency results from Hartnup disease?
niacin (B3) –> pellagra
note: Hartnup disease is when there is deficiency of neutral amino acid transporters in proximal renal tubular cells (ex. tryptophan)
- thus, decreased tryptophan for conversion to niacin
What is the equation for the renal clearance of any substance?
Renal clearance = UV/P
- U = urine concentration of particular substrate (mg/mL)
- V = urine flow rate (mL/min)
- P = plasma concentration of substrate (mg/dL)
What segment of the renal tubule matches each of the following statements?
- reabsorbs 67% of the fluid and electrolytes filtered by the glomerulus
prox tubule
What segment of the renal tubule matches each of the following statements?
- site of secretion of organic anions and cations
prox tubule
What segment of the renal tubule matches each of the following statements?
- always impermeable to water
thick ascending limb
What segment of the renal tubule matches each of the following statements?
- permeable to water only in the presence of ADH
late distal tubule, collecting duct
What segment of the renal tubule matches each of the following statements?
- site of Na/2Cl/K co-transporter
thick ascending limb
What segment of the renal tubule matches each of the following statements?
- site of isotonic fluid reabsorption
prox tubule
What segment of the renal tubule matches each of the following statements?
- site responsible for diluting urine
thick ascending limb
What segment of the renal tubule matches each of the following statements?
- only site where glucose and amino acids are reabsorbed
prox tubule
What segment of the renal tubule matches each of the following statements?
- water reabsorption in the loop of Henle
thin descending limb
What are the 2 main cell types of the collecting duct?
- principal cell
- intercalated cell
What type of diuretic is each of the following drugs?
- triamterene
K+ sparing
What type of diuretic is each of the following drugs?
- acetazolamide
carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
What type of diuretic is each of the following drugs?
- hydrochlorothiazide
What type of diuretic is each of the following drugs?
- bumetanide
What type of diuretic is each of the following drugs?
- spironolactone
K+ sparing (aldo-antagonist)
What type of diuretic is each of the following drugs?
- ethacrynic acid
loop (non-sulfa)
What type of diuretic is each of the following drugs?
- mannitol
osmotic diuretic
What type of diuretic is each of the following drugs?
- metolazone
What type of diuretic is each of the following drugs?
- chlorthalidone
What type of diuretic is each of the following drugs?
- furosemide
What type of diuretic is each of the following drugs?
- amiloride
K+ sparing
What type of diuretic is each of the following drugs?
- torsemide
What diuretic or class of diuretic would be most useful in each of the following situations? - acute pulmonary edema
What diuretic or class of diuretic would be most useful in each of the following situations? - idiopathic hypercalciuria (--> calcium stones)