1.4 Given a scenario, configure the appropriate IP addressing components. Flashcards
IPv4 Addresses
• Every device needs a unique IP address
Subnet mask, e.g.,
• Used by the local device to determine what subnet it’s on
Default gateway, e.g.,
- The router that allows you to communicate outside of your local subnet
- The default gateway must be an IP address on the local subnet
Special IPv4 addresses
- Loopback address - Ranges from through
- Reserved addresses - Set aside for future use or testing through
- Virtual IP addresses (VIP)-Virtual machine, internal router address
Classful Subnetting
- Very specific subnetting architecture
* Used as a starting point when subnetting
network address
• Network address - The first IP address of a subnet - Set all host bits to 0 (0 decimal)
First usable host address
• One number higher than the network address
Network broadcast address
• The last IP address of a subnet - Set all host bits to 1 (255 decimal)
Last usable host address
• One number lower than the broadcast address
Assigning IPv6 Addresses
- Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) provides address blocks to RIRs (Regional Internet Registries)
- RIRs assigns smaller subnet blocks to ISPs (Internet Service Providers)
- ISP assigns a /48 subnet to the customer
VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Masks)
- Class-based networks are inefficient• The subnet mask is based on the network class
- Use different subnet masks in the same classful network
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
* Provides automatic address / IP configuration for almost all devices
• Step 1: Discover - Client to DHCP Server
• Find all of the available DHCP Servers
• Step 2: Offer - DHCP Server to client
• Send some IP address options to the client
• Step 3: Request - Client to DHCP Server
• Client chooses an offer and makes a formal request
• Step 4: Acknowledgement -
DHCP Server to client • DHCP server sends an acknowledgement to the client
Turning dynamic into static
• Configure an IP reservation on the DHCP server • Associate a specific MAC address with an IP address
APIPA - Automatic Private IP Addressing
- A link-local address - No forwarding by routers
* IETF has reserved - through
Stateful DHCPv6
• Very similar process to DHCPv4 - udp/546 (client) and udp/547 (server)
DHCPv6 Solicit to [ff02::1:2]:547
DHCPv6 Adver,se to [fe80::aabb:ccff:fedd:eeff]:546
Configuring IPv6 with a modified EUI-64
- The MAC address
* Extended Unique Identifier (64-bit)• Combined a 64-bit IPv6 prefix and the MAC address
Converting EUI-48 to EUI-64
- Split the MAC
- Invert the seventh bit
- Turns the burned-in address (BIA) into a locally administered address
• This is the U/L bit (universal/local)