14 Building construction Flashcards
What are the 5 types of building construction? 14/6
- Type 1 ( Fire resistive construction)
- Type 2 (Non-combustible or limited combustible construction)
- Type 3 ( Ordinary constructio)
- Type 4 (Heavy Timber construction)
- Type 5 (Wood Frame Construction)
What are 2 types of Wood Frame Construction? 14/10
- Balloon Frame ((Channels run from the basement to the attic)
- Platform Frame (Built in fire stops between floors)
5 Factors that affect the woods ignition temperature? 14/11
- Density of the wood
- Size of the wood
- Moisture content
- Rate of preheating
- Ignition source
7 types of engineered wood materials? 14/12
- Plywood
- Spliced Timbers
- Glue lam beams
- Planks
- Oriented strand board
- Particleboard
- Medium density fibreboard
9 types of building materials? 14/ 10
- Wood
- Steel
- Cast Iron
- Metals
- Concrete
- Gypsum
- Plaster on lath
- Glass
- Plastic
What are 4 types of loads? 14/19
- Fuel load (The amount of potential fuel available for a fire to burn)
- Structural load ( forces that work against a structure’s ability ton remain standing)
- Dead load (The weight of the building and any attached fixtures is referred to as the self-weight or dead load.)
- Live load (Any load on a structure, other than dead load)
5 Impact, Static and repeated loads
Dead or live loads, whether static, impact or repeated will produce internal forces within structural members.
These loads can produce stresses in a number of direction! Name 3? 14/20
- Compression loads (loads squeeze an shorten a member.
- Tensile loads (pull apart or lengthen a member)
- Shear loads ( cause the planes of the member to slide past on another)
Three kinds of loads that exert different internal stresses? ? 14/21
- Axial
- Eccentric
- Torsional
Define Party-wall? 14/23
A wall that sits on the property line between two buildings and is shared by both is called a party wall.
Define Firewall? 14/23
Self supporting interior wall that extends from the foundation through the roof of the building to a height sufficient to keep fire from jumping the wall and is Fire resistant.
6 Types of walls? 14/23
- Party wall
- Firewall
- Fire partition wall
- Partition wall
- Parapet wall
- Shear wall
7 Types of flat-roofs? 14/27
- Inverted roof
- Rain roof
- Wooden deck roof
- Metal deck roof
- Concrete roof
- Poured gypsum roof
- Mansard roof
6 Types of combination roofs? 14/30
- Mansard
- Gambrel
- Hip
- Butterfly
- Shed
- Lantern
Name 4 roof hazards? 14/30
- Skylights may be hard to see and may become soft under fire conditions
- Ventilation could speed up a roof collapse by prividing the fire with more air.
- An excessive live load can cause collapse (water, manpower, ice)
- The weight of HVAC systems could also contribute to an early collapse.
What are 5 collapse patterns? 14/33
- Lean-to
- Vee-shaped
- A-Frame
- Pancake
- Cantilever
How big should a collapse zone be? 14/33
one and a half times the size of the building.