1.3.5 Product life cycle and Portfolio Flashcards
what is the product life cycle
a pattern of sales over time that products follow during its life
what does the product life cycle help us do?
-forecast sales trends
-marketing targeting and positioning
-analyse and manage a product portfolio
-focus investment in products
what stage occurs before the product is launched?
development stage
give the four stages of the product life cycle
introduction, growth, maturity, decline
what is the introduction stage?
a new product is launched and promotion is used to create awareness
sales are low and rising slowly
high costs per unit
limited distribution
negative cash flow
strategies in the introduction stage
-encouraging customer adoption
-high promotional costs for awareness
-skimming or penetration pricing
what is the growth stage?
the product gains market acceptance, it may start to be modified or the range may increase
increasing sales
unit costs fall with economies of scale
increasing distribution
cash flow may become positive
strategies in the growth stage
-promote brand awareness
-market penetration
-wider target customer base
what is the maturity stage?
core products are focused on as they are the most profitable channels, it also highlights differences with competitor’s pricing
slower sales growth
low unit costs= efficiency
high profits
strategies in the maturity stage
-capacity and production management
-promotion is focused on differentiating
-intensive distribution
-adopt extension strategies
what is the decline stage?
business focuses on profitable items, and competitors leave the market
-falling sales
-rising unit costs with excess capacity
-no promotion
-falling profits and weak cash flow
strategies in the decline stage
-maintain market share
-minimise marketing spend
-discount items to maintain sales and cash flow
-support loyal customers
what are extension strategies?
they attract new users by:
-developing new uses of the product or new products
-repositioning product in the market
what are some issues with the product life cycle model?
-the shape and duration of cycle varies with each product
-strategies can alter the life cycle
-lengths of time cannot be reliably predicted
-decline is not inevitable
-hard to know where a product is in its life cycle
extension strategies involve changing the… or….