1.3 exam questions Flashcards
Describe two models of criminal justice. 4 marks (2017)
there are two models of criminal justice: crime control model and due process model. crime control model seeks to deal with criminal cases quickly and efficiently gaining a conviction at any cost. this is in order to punish criminals and stop them from committing further crimes eg. ‘Zero Tolerance’ approach. whereas, due process model is the opposite and focussed on innocent until proven guilty and promotes fairness and protecting the defendant’s legal rights eg. Left Realism approach. (4)
Describe how one model of criminal justice could apply to Colin’s case. 6 marks (2018)
the crime control model seeks to deal with criminal cases quickly and efficiently aiming to gain a conviction at any cost. the sim is to punish criminals and stop them committing further crimes. it focusses on the Zero Tolerance approach and links to Right Realism theory. it protects the rights of the victims rather than the defendant. it argues that police should have enhanced powers to ensure a conviction is achieved. this relates to the Colin Stagg case due to the introduction of ‘bad character’ evidence and previous convictions as Stagg was seen as a ‘loner’ and made past minor sexual conviction which caused police to gain a conviction at any cost through the ‘honey trap’ method to gain a false confession from him. this resulted in a miscarriage of justice as police used the zero tolerance approach (6)
Identify three features of the crime control model of justice. 3 marks (2020)
the crime control model of criminal justice links to right realism as it deals with cases quickly and efficiently like a conveyor belt, to gain a conviction at any cost. it focuses on the Zero Tolerance approach. it protects the rights or victims rather than offender (3)
Describe the crime control model of criminal justice referred to by Sarah’s lawyer. 4 marks. (2019)
Identify three features of the due process model of justice. 3 marks (2020)
the due process model links to left realism by focusing on innocent until proven guilty. it focused on ensuring equality and protecting the defendants legal rights. it argues police powers should be reduced to prevent miscarriages of justice (3)