1.3 Biomechanics (Newton's Laws of Motion, Force and the use of Technology) Flashcards
Newtons first law
Law of inertia, “A body continues in a state of rest or uniform velocity unless acted upon by an external or unbalanced force”
Newtons second law
Law of acceleration, “A body’s rate of change in momentum I proportional to the size of the force applied and acts in the same direction as the force applied”
Newtons third law
Law of reaction, “For every action force applied to a body there is an equal and opposite reaction force”
Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement
The resistance of a body to change its state of motion, whether at rest of while moving
The rate of change in displacement, closely related to speed, includes a directional element
The rate of change in velocity.
Acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time
The quantity of motion possessed by a moving body.
Momentum = mass x velocity
Net force
The sum of all focus acting on a body, also termed resultant force. It is the overall force acting on a body when all individual forces have been considered
Balanced force
These occur when two or more faces acting on a body are equal in size and opposite direction.
Unbalanced force
These occur when two forces are unequal in size and opposite in direction.
The gravitational pull that the earth exerts on a body.
Weight = Mass x Acceleration
The equal and opposite force exerted by a body in response to the action force placed upon it
The force that opposes the motion of two surfaces in contact
Air resistance
The force that opposes the motion through the air
The creation of smooth air flow around an aerodynamic shape to minimise air resistance
Free body diagram
A clearly labelled sketch showing all of the forces acting on a body at a particular instant in time
Centre of mass
The centre of mass is the point at which a body is balanced in all directions
Direction of movement
The way that a object is moving in
Limb kinematics
Is the study of movement in relation to time and space of the limbs
Foce plates
Is the ground reaction forces that can be measured in laboratory conditions
Wind tunnels
A tunnel that can visually see where the air is traveling around an object of person
The extent to which an experiment, test or measuring procedure gives the same results after repeated trials
How well a test measures what it claims to measure