1.3 Anaerobic and aerobic exercise Flashcards
What does anaerobic mean?
(without oxygen) Exercise in the absence of oxygen
what is the equation for anaerobic?
Glucose –> energy + lactic acid
What does aerobic mean?
(with oxygen) Exercise in the presence of oxygen
what is the equation for aerobic?
Glucose + OXYGEN –> ENERGY + CO2 + H2O
How long can anaerobic maintained and why?
It doesn’t use oxygen therefore can only be maintained for a short period of time
Why does anaerobic reparation occur?
During intense activity, muscles need large amount of energy. The body cannot deliver enough oxygen, so they begin to respire anaerobically
Does anaerobic respiration still use glucose?
Yes glucose is still the main energy source
What is lactic acid?
Is a by product of carbohydrates being used without O2. Toxic, causes cramp. Produced at high intensities
What are some examples of anaerobic repiration?
Short, intense periods of exercise - 30 secs
Sport examples:
- sprinting is the best examples
- (running, swimming cycling)
After exercise why do you breath heavily?
There is a need for extra O2 and to get the necessary O2 to the body breathing remains heavier and deeper than normal until oxygen debt is repaid and lactic acid is remove.
What percentage of your mHR are you using when working anaerobic?
How do you calculate your max heart rate?
220 - age
What is the process of respiration?
Exercise require energy –> Muscles need energy –> Come from food we eat –> Glucose stored as glycogen –> back to glucose to be used during exercise
How long can aerobic maintained and why?
This is the most efficient energy system and with enough oxygen it can work for extended periods (20 mins minimum)
What are some examples of aerobic respiration?
- Activities last for a long time - 20+ minutes
- Activities are undertaken at a low/moderate pace
- Long distance running, cycling or swimming
What percentage of your mHR are you using when working anaerobic?
When do muscles best work?
With a large supply of O2
What is the energy source during respiration?
Carbohydrates or fats ( slow to break down and needs O2)
What are the waste products when respiring?
CO2 - exhaled from the body
H2O - released through sweating and breathing
What is EPOC?
- Is the proper name for oxygen debt
- Stands for Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption
When does EPOC occur?
It occurs after high intensity periods of work (anaerobic activity) and is the extra/additional O2 intake after high intensity exercise.
Why is lactic acid produces?
After high intensity exercise Lactic acid is produced as a ‘waste product’ as the body produces energy without O2
What are some ways you can recover after exercise?
- cool down
- manipulation of diet - rehydration and carbohydrates
- ice baths
- massage
What is a cool down?
5-10 mins of low/moderate pace aerobic activity (jogging, walking) - followed by 5-10 mins of static stretching
What are the benefits of a cool down?
- so that there is a gradual decrease of heart rate and reduces body temperature.
- Also helps lactic acid removal/dispersal and so minimises stiffness.
- Breathing rate –> back to normal while blood flow maintained
- No pooling –> reduces risk of dizziness/fainting
What does it mean to manipulate your diet?
- rehydration - replacing fluids and minerals before, during and after activity that is lost via sweating. Through water + isotonic drinks.
- Carbohydrates - glucose used during activity needs replacing asap after to replace/replenish glycogen stores.
What are the benefits of manipulation of diet?
Prevents dehydration and nausea.
Replenishes glycogen stores
What is a massage?
‘rubbing muscles and joins with hands.
What are the benefits of a massage?
- prevents DOMS
- increases blood flow
- reduces swelling
What are the benefits of ice baths?
- They constrict blood vessels and so blood flow to muscles
- This helps get rid of waste products like lactic acid
- Reduce swelling –> which prevents DOMS (Delayed onset muscle soreness) - Helps speed repair of micro tears (linked to DOMS)
- Done for 5-10 mins
- muscles gradually warm and blood flow increases.