12. Theories of Motivation Flashcards
When was Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs put forward?
What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
From bottom to top:
- Physiological needs
- Safety needs
- Social needs
- Esteem needs
- Self-actualization
What is a criticism of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
- Not all people go through the same needs
- Not all people put their needs in the same order
- May be higher social needs than Maslow suggests
- Doesn’t properly explain altruistic behaviour
- Based on Western cultural values and may not apply internationally
What are the main theories of motivation?
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Herzberg’s Hygiene Theory
- McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
Who is associated with the Hygiene Theory of motivation?
What is Herzberg’s Hygiene Theory of motivation?
Analogy of a hospital: if you want to get better it must be clean, if it’s not then you’ll get worse.
Hygiene factors must be present else employees become dissatisfied.
Once they are in place, motivating factors can be introduced
What is Herzberg’s Hygiene Theory also known as?
Two factor theory
What are some examples of hygiene factors in Herzberg’s Hygiene Theory?
- Enough money to live on
- Reasonable relations with colleagues and superiors
- Reasonable physical conditions
- Feeling that you’re family treated
What are some motivating factors according to Herzberg’s two factor theory?
- Recognition
- Praise
- Feeling of advancement and self improvement
- Feeling that the work is interesting and worthwhile
Who is associated with Theory X and Theory Y?
What is Theory X and Theory Y?
Theory X
- Assumes people don’t want to go to work
- They have to be watched carefully and are lazy
Theory Y
- Assumes workforce thinks of work as natural and get social reward from working
- They like being given problems to solve and like recognition
Neither one is right or wrong and should be applied depending on the situation.
What are intrinsic and extrinsic rewards?
- Intrinsic comes from within
- Extrinsic comes from outside
Who found that taking an interest in people, asking opinions and allowing contribution increases motivation?
Elton Mayo
What did Elton Mayo find increases motivation?
- Taking an interest in people
- Asking their opinions
- Allowing them to contribute to decisions
What are the three job designs that may increase motivation?
- Job enlargement (not very motivating)
- Job rotation (as above)
- Job enrichment (more motivating)
What is Job enlargement?
- Horizontal change
- No more challenge or responsibility
- Just increasing workload
What is Job rotation?
- Horizontal change
- No increase in challenge
- More variety to job
- May alleviate boredom
What is Job enrichment?
- Vertical change
- More responsibility and challenges