10. Management Flashcards
Give two possible definitions of management.
- Getting things done through other people
- A social arrangement with a controlled performance of collective goals
What’s the difference between supervision, managers and leaders?
- Giving employees instructions and monitoring their output.
- Focus on current processes and strategies
- Carry out administrative tasks potentially at a high level
- Do things right
- Do the right things
- Focus on future direction and strategy of the business and managers
- Good leaders inspire people to follow rather than relying on power and authority
What is trait theory?
Early theory that you could spot a good manager through certain traits like intelligence, initiative, self assurance etc.
Is trait theory reliable?
No, was not good at predicting potentially good managers
Who developed classical management theory?
Henri Fayol
What are the five functions of managers described in Henri Fayol’s classical management theory?
- Planning
- Organizing
- Commanding
- Coordinating
- Controlling
What is a flaw in Henri Fayol’s classical management theory?
Neglects social aspect of management such as inspiring, leading or motivating.
Is Henri Fayol’s classical management currently believed in?
In general, no
Who developed scientific management theory?
Frederick Taylor
What is the idea behind Taylor’s scientific management theory?
- Mangers should study work, develop a science of work, and discover how jobs could be carried out more efficiently
- Train, select and develop employees
- Provide detailed instructions and supervision
- Divide work equally between managers and workers
- Leads to task specialisation and the classic production line
What is a criticism of Taylor’s scientific management theory?
- Dehumanizes work
- This was not intended, as it was hoped workers would earn more by working in a more efficient environment
What are benefits arising from Taylorism (Taylor’s scientific management theory)?
- Increases productivity
- Fair and higher wage based on output
- Workforce care programs, as lack of care for workforce meant you had to waste money on additional recruitment and training
What is style theory?
A good manager has a good style of management
What did Drucker state are the three functions of management?
- Manage a business
- Manage other managers
- Manage the workers and the work
What did Drucker state are the five categories of managerial activities?
- Setting objectives
- Motivating and communicating
- Organizing the group
- Measuring Performance
- Developing people
What is the difference between Drucker and Fayol’s theories of management?
Drucker emphasized motivation and developing people
- Personal development helps people feel they are achieving their potential
Who developed managerial functions theory?
What are the three managerial functions described by Mintzberg?
- Interpersonal roles
- Information processing roles
- Decisional roles
What is power?
The ability to influence people or events?
What gives people power?
- Rational-legal (part of your contract implies you do what manager says if it’s legal)
- Coercive power (use of force)
- Reward power (offering promotion or wage increase)
- Knowledge power (release specialist knowledge selectively)
- Charismatic power (personality or charm)
What is authority?
The right to exercise power
What is responsibility?
When you are accountable for something
What is delegation?
The transfer of authority
- Note you cannot transfer responsibility
Who is associated with trait theory?
- Henry Fayol (Classical management)
- Taylor (scientific management)
Who is associated with style theories?
- Drucker
- Mintzberg (managerial functions)
- Ashridge Management College Model
- Blake and Mouton (managerial grid)