1.2 The cosmological Argument Flashcards
What is the cosmological argument?
A collection of arguments concerned with finding an explanation for the universe. Asks why the universe exists
What is natural theory?
the CA is an argument form natural theory
Humans do not know God through reason , but through the work of God in creation
What type of argument is the CA?
A posteriori
What are some reasons to support the CA?
- Its a posteriori so we have experience of the world
- It uses logic and evidence
What are some reasons not to support the CA?
- How do we know whether God is the cause of the universe?
- Just because things on earth are cused, how do we know that the universe is caused?
What is the CA articulated by Aristotle?
He separated the prime mover from the material universe, arguing that it couldnt fit in the ordinary chain of physical, material causes.
God couldnt possibly exist within our universe, he must be outside of it
What is the cosmological argument articulated by al-Kindi and al-Ghazali?
Premise 1) Whatever comes into being must have a cause
Premise 2) the universe came into being
Premise 3) the universe must have a cause
Premise 4) if the universe has a cause it must have been God
Conclusion God exists
What is the CA articulated by William Lane Craig?
Premise 1) if something has a finite past its existence has been caused
Premise 2)The uiverse has a finite past
Premise 3) Space and time originated with the universe and also have a finite past- the cause of the universe must be beyond time and space
Does Craig accept the theory of infinity?
- He thinks that the concept of infinity is illogical
- ‘Infinity is a concept in your mind’
What is the infinite hotel paradox?
David Hilbert imagines a hypothetical hotel with rooms numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on with no upper limit. This is called a countably infinite number of rooms. Initially every room is occupied, and yet new visitors arrive, each expecting their own room. A normal, finite hotel could not accommodate new guests once every room is full. However, it can be shown that the existing guests and newcomers — even an infinite number of them — can each have their own room in the infinite hotel.
Who was Thomas Aquinas?
An italian priest and philosopher
What is Thomas Aquinas’ first way for the CA?
Argument from MOTION
* Nothing can move itself
* An infinite chain of movers that has no beginning cannnot have no successive or ultimate movers
conc: there must be a first mover, we call this God
What is Thomas Aquinas’ second way for the CA?
Argument from CAUSE
* things in the world are caused
* Nothing can be its own cause
* there cannot be an infinite chain of causes
* there must be a first cause
conc: God is the first cause
Are the first and second ways of Aquinas’ CA effective?
* The theory of evolution gives and explanation for why things change
* Why does the first cause have to be the GOCT?
What is Thomas Aquinas’ Third way for the CA?
Argument from CONTINGENCY
* Everything is dependent on factors beyond itself (contingent), they could always not exist
* Contingent beings can only be explained by contingent beings
* Contingent beings need an ultimate explanation as a necessary being- God
Contingent=children have been cause by their parents, but might ont have
Is Aquinas’ third way of the CA effective?
* It’s a posteriori, which draws from evidence
* Swinburne uses occam’s razor- God is the simplest explanation
* Does it complement scientific theories?
* The argument doesn’t explain why God doesn’t need an explanation
Occam’s razor= the simplest answer is often the correct one e.g God
Who was Gottfried Liebniz?
A German mathematician who was a well respected enlightenment thinker
Did Liebniz accept the idea of an infinite universe?
No he said there must be a cause for a whole universe which explains the whole universe
The cause for the universe must also explainit