12- Lichen Planus And Related Flashcards
Pruritic, inflammatory disease of the skin, mucous membranes (conjucntival vulval otic esophageal) and hair follicles
Small flat topped polygonal papules
Glistening and dry with adherent scales
Pruritus may precede lesions
(+) Koebner phenomenon
Lichen planus
Nail changes in lichen planus that is most common
Longitudinal ridging and splitting - 90%
Characteristic of lichen planus of the nails
Pterygium formation
- nail matrix destroyed by inflammation and replaced by fibrosis
Verrucous plaques with scaling with small flat topped polygonal papules at the edge
Anterior lower leg below the knee is the sole srea of involvement in most patients
Hypertrophic lichen planus
Most common form of mucosal LP
Oral (buccal 90% gingiva 50% tongue 40%)
Most common pattern in oral lichen planus
Ulcerative 40%
Most common cause of oral lichenoid lesion (histologically identical to oral LP but from a different cause)
Metals in dental amalgams (mercury, copper, zinc and tin)
Oral LP and vulvovaginal LP may increase the risk of developing what type of cancer
Three liver conditions have been associated with LP
Hepatits C virus
Hepatitis B immunization
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Patients who have typical LP then months later develop blistering on lesions and normal skin
Lichen planus pemphigoides
LP pemphigoides has been triggered by medications like
ACE inhibitors
Lichen planus is characterized by an immunologic reaction mediated by _______ cells that induce keratinocytes to undergo apoptosis
CD8 T cells
Elevated labs in LP
Dyslipidemia- increased LDL, Triglycerides, decreased HDL
Increased inflammatory markers
Insulin resistance
Treatment for LP
Topical steroids/intralesional injection
Oral retinoids- hypertrophic/palmoplantar LP
Enoxaparin 3mg subQ once a week- oral LP
Immunosuppressive- severe
Lichen planus involving the follicular apparatus
Most cases involve the scalp
Important cause of cicatricial alopecia
Lichen planopilaris (LPP)
Rare chronic dermstosis
Papulonodular and hyperkeratotic lesions covered with gray scales
Favor extremities and buttocks
Coalesce to form linear and reticular warty lichenoid lesions
Infundibulocentric and acrosyringocentric
Keratosis lichenoides chronica
Minute, shiny, flat topped, pale, exquisitely discrete, uniform papules, rarely larger than 1-2mm
Pruritus minimal or absent
(+) Koebner phenomenon
Common in penis, forearms and dorsal hands
Keratotic plug in the center of lesions of palmoplantar variant
Lichen nitidus
Self limited eruption in young children
Small papules that are erythematous and slightly scaly
Over a few weeks coalesce and progress down to extremity or trunk following lines of Blaschko
Usually asymptomatic, spontaneously resolve without scarring in 1 year
Lichen striatus
White polygonal flat topped papules, plaques or atrophic patches involves genital areas
May be surrounded by erythematous to violaceous halo
Skin smooth slightly wrinkled, soft and white
Severe itching
Normal anatomic strictures may be obliterated
Postmenopausal preferentially affected
Lichen sclerosus
Autoimmune diseases associated with lichen sclerosus
Thyroid disease Vitiligo Morphea Pernicious anemia Alopecia areata
Treatment of lichen sclerosus
Clobetasol ointment OD then tapered to once or twice a week or to lower strength