12: Interpersonal Communication in Mediated Contexts Flashcards
communicating online in a manner that conceals your actual identity
anonymous CMC identities
earliest version of the Internet - primarily a tool for the Department of Defense to allow researchers at multiple sites across the country to work on defense projects
a mediated form of communication in which the sender and receiver are not concurrently engaged in communication
asynchronous communication
deceptive activity perpetrated by Internet predators when they fabricate online identities on social networking sites to lure unsuspecting victims into an emotional/romantic relationship
interactions in which people are physically occupying the same space while interacting with one another
co-present interactions
a series of characters which is designed to help readers interpret a writer’s intended tone or the feelings the writer intended to convey
interactions that go above and beyond those possible in face-to-face settings
how we present ourselves to others through our online persona
impression formation
online discussion sites where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages
message/bulletin boards
the set of professional and social rules and norms that are considered acceptable and polite when interacting with another person(s) through mediating technologies
communicating online to fashion one’s own self-image
pseudonymous CMC identity
the potential information carrying capacity of data
the degree to which we as individuals perceive another as a real person and any interaction between the two of us as a relationship
social presence
a mediated form of communication in which the sender and receiver are concurrently engaged in communication (ex. chatroom)
synchronous communication
theory that people choose to consume various media because they get something out of that media, or it makes them happy in some way
uses and gratifications theory
the role of a technological artifact making it possible or allowing for social interaction to take place
enabling interaction
making it easier to converse, collaborate or otherwise socially interact, or to support desirable feelings, equality or suitable interaction dynamics while doing so
facilitating interaction
informing people of the available proximal social possibilities, which can motivate to spontaneously engage in new encounters
inviting interaction
incentivizing or persuading people to start interacting or maintaining ongoing interaction
encouraging interaction