1.2- fats Flashcards
What is the chemical name for fat?
What are triglycerides made up of?
One part glycerol and three party fatty acids.
How is margarine made?
Hydrogenation is when a liquid oil is changing into a solid fat by adding hydrogen.
Where is fat stored?
Main store of energy in the body,
Stored in special cells under the skin called adipose tissue.
What does the tissue do?
Insulated the body and stops it loosing heat,
Protects the bones against physical damage
What vitamins does fat give us?
vitamins A, D, E and K
How much fat should we eat?
Fats should only form a relatively small part of our meals everyday.
How can we reduce the fat that we eat?
Choose lean cuts of meat, trim the fat from the meat and poultry before cooking, use less oil when cooking.
What happens if we do not have enough fat?
Babies and children’s normal growth will be affected. Become thinner as the fat that is stored will have to be used. We may feel cold and will hurt our bones if we accidentally hit them.
What happens if we have too much fat
If we have too much fat and do not use that energy up, the body will store the excess energy in the adipose tissue and we will gain weight.
Liver problems
What can fats high in saturated fat do?
Raise blood cholesterol pressure
Heart disease
What can trans fat lead to?
Damage to the body’s cells
Heart disease