1.2 Family Harm Flashcards
What are the six principles that guide the Police response to family violence?
1) Early Intervention2) Culturally Appropriate3) Safety4) Collecting Risk Information5) Accountability6) Working Collaboratively
When prosecuting family harm you must aim to prove the offending even if the victim becomes uncooperative. What other evidence can corroborate a victim’s allegations (9)?
- Medical reports (suspect and victim).2. Photographs of injuries.3. Scene evidence (photos and diagrams).4. Clothing.5. Witness statements (neighbours, friends, colleagues, emergency medical staff).6. 111 call.7. Previous family harm reports.8. Emails, texts, phone records, browsing history, and bank records.9. Admissions or corroborating statements by a suspect.
When should you arrest for a family harm matter?
Whenever there is sufficient evidence of an offence, except in exceptional circumstances.
Breach of Protection Order and an assault has occurred. What must you do?
Charge the offender with the assault and for the breach.Do not release the offender on bail for 24hrs provided there is no court hearing before the period has elapsed.
What should be considered before police consider bail for a family violence offence?
The primary consideration is the safety of the victim, linking the victim to appropriate support and services and the possible need for the defendant to have a cooling off period.
Who can authorise Police Bail for Family Violence Offences?
You must have the authority of a supervisor of or above the level of sergeant before releasing the defendant on bail.
What is presumed about bail in family violence cases?
In most cases, there is a presumption that a defendant is to be bailed.
How should child abuse victims or child witnesses of serious crime be interviewed?
They should be interviewed by a specialist child witness. This does not however prevent a preliminary interview occurring during initial attendance as part of identifying their role and the wider safety assessment.
Section 27 - Interpretation: Police Safety Orders - What are they?
PSOs are immediate orders issued by a qualified constable when attending family violence occurrences where an investigation fails to establish full evidence of an offence.
Fact - With respect to family violence (and PSOs), who is a qualified constable?
Sergeant or above (including one authorised under section 63).
When can a PSO be issued (2)?
1) When the parties are in a domestic relationship2) The constable does not arrest the bound person but has reasonable grounds to believe an order is necessary to ensure the safety of the person at risk.
Section 31 - Limit on issuing against children. When can a PSO not be issued?
When a person has been charged for a family violence offence.When a person is under 16 years of age.
Section 35 - How long can a PSO last?
A PSO can not exceed 10 days.
Fact - What are the two powers conferred under section 32 of the Family Violence Act 2018 with relation to the issue of PSOs?
- Police can detain the person for up to 2 hours. The 2 hour period commences when a decision to issue a PSO is made.2. Police can remove the person from the premise and take them to a police station or place used as a police station (patrol car) during the period of detention.
What is the course of action and penalty for someone refusing to remain at the place where they are detained for a PSO?
A person commits an offence and can be arrested without warrant if he/she fails to remain at the place where they are detained.$500 fine
What is the appropriate course of action if you are unable to serve a PSO during the 2 hour period?
You must release the detained person. You then have 48hrs to issue and serve the order on the person. The 48hrs starts when the qualified constable authorises the issuing of a PSO.
What must you do if you arrest someone for a contravention of PSO but cannot bring them before the court within 24 hours?
You must release them and summons them to appear in court. If they do not appear a warrant may be issued.
Who can issue Protection Orders?
Family Court and District Court
Section 86 - Until what age are an applicant’s children covered by a protection order?
The applicant’s children are automatically protected. A child of the applicant who is 18 years or older (adult children) are protected until they leave home.Adult children who have left home are not protected unless they are specified as a protected person in the order.
What does section 100 of the Family Violence Act 2018 stipulate with regard to the possession of weapons following the issue of a protection order?
This section gives the respondent a period of grace to surrender the weapon and to comply with s 98; that time period is 24 hours. If the respondent has a weapon in that time it will not be a breach of the protection order.
Section 98 - When must the respondent of a Protection Order surrender their weapons and firearms license?
As soon as practicable after the service of the order but within 24hrs and on demand at any time by a constable.
When must police be the ones to serve a protection order (3)?
The respondent…1) Holds a firearms license2) Is believed to be in possession of or have access to a firearm or3) There is potentially a significant risk to the server
According to section 9 of the Family Violence Act 2018, what are the five types of violence described?
1) Physical abuse2) Sexual abuse3) Psychological abuse4) Coercion and control5) Dowry-related violence
A person is in a domestic relationship with another person if (4)?
1) They are a spouse or partner2) They are a family member of the person3) They ordinarily share a household (flatmates included)4) They have a close personal relationship with the other person.