10.1 Command and Control Flashcards
What is the difference between Control and Command?
Control operates horizontally across agencies and Command operates vertically within an agency.
What is the TENR methodology?
TENR is to be at the core of determining how Police intervene or deploy. It is a decision-making process that supports the timely and accurate assessment of information directly relevant to the safety of Police and others. The response to any given situation must be considered, timely, proportionate, and appropriate.
When does coordination occur (3)?
Coordination occurs when: 1) command and control is communicated to all responders and their agencies, 2) by giving appropriate taskings that are 3) completed correctly in a timely manner.
In command and control situations, what does control set (2)?
1) It sets priorities and objectives 2) and determines how best to implement them.
What does control do?
Control sets priorities and objectives and determines how best to implement them. What is important now (WIN)?
What is control?
Control refers to the responsibility for coordinating and directing the response to an incident.
What are the 3 essential elements of command and control?
- Leadership2. Decision making3. Control
How do we record our decision making?
Through the use of a decision log
What are the three different command operating levels?
1) Tactical - occurs within the community2) Operational - occurs where there are multiple tactical level activities or when too complex3) Strategic - when the event is significant and requires dedicated attention
According to the command and control principles, what are the important aspects of unity (3)?
1) There is one command or control structure2) The chain of control or command must be clear3) All units in the chain of control or command must be aware of their immediate supervisors, subordinates, and inter-agency counterparts
What is the appreciation process?
- It is the act of understanding the nature, magnitude or meaning of the situation faced - Should be written- Allows for clear thought and logical reasoning- The output are options which can be briefed to the IC for guidance and approval on one course of action- The approved course of action is developed into a plan- The plan is developed into the operation orders which outlines how the operation will be carried out
What is the appreciation format?
AFCO =AimFactorsCourses of actionOutline plan
In the appreciation process, who sets the aim?
The aim of the operation is derived from the guidance or intent set by a higher control or command level. If no higher level of the commander is appointed (for example during a tactical level response) the commander of the police response must determine the aim of the response operation.
What is a factor according to the AFCO model?
A factor is the circumstances, facts, or influences which might impact on the conduct of the operation.
When considering factors in an appreciation, what does the So What question focus on?
The impact.
“Therefore?” addresses the …
… mitigation and contributes to the shaping of the plan.
What are the fundamentals of the “Courses of Action” in respect of the appreciation process (3)?
1) Courses of action are identified for each factor to achieve the aim2) Each course is evaluated based on its advantages and disadvantages3) The controller or commander should be discussed to approved and develop one course of action towards a plan
How would you outline your plan once you’ve decided on your course of action?
Through GSMEAC- GROUND: covers an overview of terrain and make up of the area where the operation will be conducted- SITUATION: This section will provide a summary and background regarding Police response so that staff can fully understand what is happening and why Police action may be required.MISSION: This section is a very clear and concise statement as to the Police role.EXECUTION: This section outlines how the mission will be achieved.ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS: This section outlines how the support functions will be carried out.COMMAND AND SIGNALS: This section outlines the various command and control elements supporting the operation and how staff will communicate with each other and the commander/headquarters.
What is the definition of an emergency (3)?
Emergency means a situation that-A. Is the result of any happening, whether natural or otherwise, including, without limitation, any explosion, tsunami, land movement, flood, storm, tornado, cyclone, serious fire, leakage or spillage of any dangerous gas or substance, technological failure, infestation, plague, epidemic, failure of or disruption to an emergency service or a lifeline utility, or actual or imminent attack or warlike act; and -B. Causes or may cause loss of life or injury or illness or distress or in any way endangers the safety of the public or property in NZ or any part of NZ; and -C. Cannot be dealt with by emergency services, or otherwise requires a significant and coordinated response under this Act
Name the Act that gives various agencies the power to act in an emergency
The Civil Defence Emergency Act 2002
According to section 86 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, when may a Controller or constable direct the evacuation of premises and places (2)?
1) A state of emergency is in force2) it is necessary for the preservation of human life
Explain Threat in TENR
Threat is assessed. This means any individual, and act, or anything that is likely to cause harm or have the potential to hinder Police in the performance of their duties.
Explain Exposure in TENR
Exposure is managed, including the potential for harm (physical or otherwise) to people, or the security of places or things.