12/2/16 Limbic System Flashcards
What structure in the brain is responsible for fear?
What structure in the brain is responsible for memory?
The hippocampus helps with spacial recognition of where you are at.
In the limbic system where do you go from the hypothalamus?
-Anterior thalamus
In the limbic system where do you go from the anterior thalamus?
-Cingulate cortex
In the limbic system where do you go from the cingulate cortex?
In the limbic system where do you go from the hippocampus?
What two responses do you get from the limbic system?
- Feeling
- Bodily response
What takes in information from all over the cortex in the circuit of papez?
-Cingulate gyrus
What does information travel through from the cingulate gyrus to the parhippocampal gyrus?
When information travels from the cingulate gyrus through the cingulum where does it go?
-Parahippocampal Gyrus
What does information travel through from the parahippocmpal gyrus to the hippocampus?
-Perforant Path
When information travels from the parahippocampal gyrus through the perforant path where does it go?
What does information travel through from the hippocampus to the mammillary bodies?
When information travels from the hippocampus through the fornix where does it go?
-Mammillary bodies
What does information travel through from the mammillary bodies to the anterior thalamus?
-Mammillo-thalamic tract
When information travels from the mammillary bodies through the mammillo-thalamic tract where does it go?
-Anterior thalamus
What does information travel through from the anterior thalamus to the cingulate gyrus?
-Thalamo-cortical tract
When information travles from the anterior thalamus through the thalamo-cortical tract where does it go?
-Cingulate gyrus
Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome is a type of Limbic Amnesia