11.3 Notes Flashcards
Magnocellular neurons
Located throughout the retina; identifies movement; black-and-white; takes most info from the rods
Parvocellular neurons
Located in and around the phobia; color, shape, and form
Which gender has more sensitive magnocellular pathways?
Half of the retina
Nasal hemiretinas
The half of the retina that is closest to your nose; crosses over to the other side of the brain
Temporal hemiretinas
Behalf of the retina that is closest to your temples; does not cross over to the opposite side
The left side of the world is processed in which half of the brain?
The right half
How do optical illusions work?
Your perception is changing based on which part of your brain is doing the interpreting
Retinopretectal circuit
Reflexive contraction of the people; brainstem pathway
Retinocollicula circuit
Coordinates visual, somatic, and auditory info to allow movement of eyes toward something; the “old” pathway; superior colliculus
Retinogeniculate circuit
Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus; includes the magnocellular and parvocellular pathways
Magnocellular pathway
Dorsal; where or how pathway; goes from V1 > MT and MST > posterior parietal cortex
Parvocellular pathway
Ventral; what pathway; goes from V one V1 > V4 > inferior temporal cortex
Critical for color perception, faces, and recognizing people and the emotions associated with them
Parietal cortex
Spatial info
Visual agnosia
Without visual knowledge; the man who mistook his wife for his hat
Lack of color vision
Inability to see motion; caused by damage to MT bilaterally
Anton’s syndrome
People who are blind but do not know they’re blind
Can’t recognize faces; either they can’t see a face or they can’t recognize people; due to damage in Broadman’s area 21 and 22
Charles Bonet syndrome
Experience hallucinations, but they are aware that what they are seeing is not real; the blind spot in their visual field is filled with hallucinations
How quickly is information sent from one hemisphere to the other?
In approximately 23 ms
Corpus callosum
Divided into five sections; only receives information from the cortex
Split brain surgery
Developed by Roger Sperry who studied people who had callosotomy to see which side of the brain did what; the surgery was performed to treat severe epilepsy; issue with the surgery: lack of symmetry
Ganglion cells
Output from your eyes; makes up the optic track; includes magnocellular and parvocellular neurons